Chapter 836

Qiao Xinyao nodded, but saw pan Mingshu's little action in the corner of his eye. In fact, he didn't do anything wrong. It was just a habit of action formed by a person for a long time. He turned the unnecessary finger on his right hand, and seemed to find that there was no finger at this time, so he naturally put away his hand.

This is a small detail, it is not worth anyone's attention, but Qiao Xinyao because of his action. My eyes were covered with ice.

Xun Muyu, who was very concerned about Qiao Xinyao's mood, naturally felt her mood fluctuation in the first moment, and also followed her eyes to pan Mingshu. Xun Muyu's heart was a clatter, subconsciously clenched Qiao Xinyao's hand.

Xunmuyu's almost subconscious reaction just confirms Qiao Xinyao's unrealistic conjecture. After one second of closing, Qiao Xinyao points to the sea of flowers and asks seriously, "will there be any snakes, insects, rats and ants in it?"

These flowers are poisonous enough. If they step in and are bitten by something, they will not be poisoned, but it will be very sad to be bitten, OK?

Xun Muyu knows Qiao Xinyao's worries, and then makes a careful investigation“ This sea of flowers is actually a hidden mystery, and many poisons are hidden in it, because they do not conflict with each other, but the fragrance is gathered together to become highly toxic. And it's lethal to animals and insects

The implication is that you can go at will, Qiao Xinyao nodded“ According to the map, there should be an entrance to the ancient tomb in the deep part of the flower sea, that is, the central area. " Go to the center of Huahai.

Xun Muyu nodded. They were still studying here, but the subordinate of dikal couldn't wait. Although dikal was his officer, they didn't come from the same country.

As he stepped into the flower field, a tall vine in the flower field suddenly stretched out its tentacles towards the man, and then the man was put up in the air.

And just under the gaze of the people, the tip of the family plant stabbed into the man's heart in a flash. The whole process was amazing, and the man didn't even utter a scream.

And looking at the whole process of people, Chu Yunyang, Li Weichen, Bai haoxuan three people unavoidably pale a bit, while the other people are looking at it all without expression.

Soon the man's blood was sucked up by the plants, and the green plants turned into enchanting red. Then the corpse was thrown into the deep sea of flowers as fertilizer.

And just under the gaze of the people, the sea of flowers, which had no place to go, separated a path for a moment. Although it could only allow one person to pass, it would not touch those flowers and plants.

"There's no way to crack this flower sea array, but as long as you sacrifice with blood, it will automatically open up a road." Xun Mu rain light mouth, is to explain it!

In fact, it can't be blamed that he said it too late. The man was too greedy. If he could keep pace with everyone, Xun Muyu would just catch a rabbit. Where did he need to open this road with human life and blood?

Although the scene just now was very tragic, people didn't have the extra heart to sympathize with that person, because some people are not worth it at all, and they have to be prepared to give in order to get more.

Xunmuyu and qiaoxinyao look at each other. Xunmuyu leads the way, qiaoxinyao comes second, behind the Piye hall, and everyone walks towards the deep sea of flowers. This path is very poetic, but the scene is not right.

Finally, everyone came to the depths of the sea of flowers. It was no longer a sea of flowers, but a small stone forest. There were no hidden weapons or poisons for men in the stone forest.

Smoothly into the depths of the stone forest, you can see a huge tombstone“ "Qiao's tomb" stands out on it, because it is seal script, and you can see that it has experienced thousands of years of baptism.

It seems that this is really the resting place for our ancestors. If we can choose, Qiao Xinyao will not disturb them, but at this time, we really have no choice. And she also noticed that Pierre's eyes flashed with guilt.

And just behind the tombstone is a square natural grotto. Because of the backlight, there is a piece of dark inside, and you can't see what it looks like.

"This should be the entrance to the ancient tomb!" Qiao Xinyao said firmly, because the map really points here“ Then let's go in! "