Chapter 714

Chu Yunyang is a little excited. Qin Xiao is a miracle in the military world. My Lord, I have nothing to say. I didn't expect that she could play the piano besides knowing many languages“ Really? Yao Yao, play it for me

Qiao Xinyao did not refuse, but made a statement in advance“ But I haven't talked about the piano for many years. I'm sure you can't give up if you don't play it well. "

Chu Yunyang laughed, "how can I, my dear Yao Yao, be willing to play the piano for me? I'm too happy to do it! And no matter what you talk about or not, you are the best player in my opinion. "

His words naturally come from his heart. When one loves another person more than everything, even a plain and sincere word is like sweet words.

Qiao Xinyao angrily glanced at him, but the corners of her lips rose unconsciously. Finally, she held his white hand and rubbed it against her face.

Chu Yunyang had to move his position with her, so he stood between the stairs and the piano, so that people who came down the stairs could not see her clearly.

Qiao Xinyao rubbed like a cat, and then gave him a big face. One face tangled said: "so what do I want to play? How about playing "wedding in a dream"

Chu Yunyang nods, Qiao Xinyao lifts the cover of the piano keyboard, and then her little hand randomly presses the key twice to try the sound, and then a very elegant "wedding in a dream" flows out at her fingertips.

Chu Yunyang was very intoxicated. He never knew that Qiao Xinyao could play the piano so well. He could not help feeling proud. After Qiao Xinyao finished playing a song, he gave her a kiss on the face.

"Miss, I'm really sorry. We are the only old couple here, so don't mind if you neglect us." Uncle Gu came over with two cups of hot tea.

Qiao Xinyao got up with a smile“ Uncle Gu, you are really outsider. This is my home. Don't treat me like a guest. It's my fault to let you old couple clean the room. "

After two casual greetings, uncle Gu went upstairs, while Chu Yunyang and Qiao Xinyao sat on the sofa watching TV programs.

Chu Yunyang picks up the remote control and constantly changes the TV stations. Qiao Xinyao is puzzled. Chu Yunyang doesn't like watching TV very much either. Today, how can he be so active? It's like looking for a program he likes.

In the end, after Chu Yunyang broadcast more than 80 different TV stations, he put down the remote control and seemed to have no desire to watch any more. Instead, he held Qiao Xinyao in his lap and then lowered his head to peck her neck.

Hot breathing spray on Qiao Xinyao's neck, she dodged slightly, it seems that because of some itching, lips also with a shallow smile, angry patting his head.

Chu Yunyang lowered his head and said to her in a voice that could only be heard by two people from an angle that could not be seen by others: "I think your guess should be 100% correct. There is absolutely something wrong with these two people."

Qiao Xinyao didn't understand why Chu Yunyang was so sure at this time, so she asked with a smile, "why do you say that? Is there any new discovery? "

Chu Yunyang nodded, "do you remember when they first came here, they didn't know Qin Xiao was dead. They didn't know until you said that. But when you see the TV programs, you can receive foreign ones. How can you not know that Qin Xiao is dead? "

Qiao Xinyao nodded. Just now, she was still wondering why Chu Yunyang was suddenly keen on TV programs. It was because of this! It's true. Qin Xiao is a military general in China. Every major TV station will report her death.