Chapter 400

Although Duan Changshan has been immersed in shopping malls for so many years and is used to meeting big people, his cold blood, which belongs to the underworld, has not disappeared at all. Many people die on his hands every year.

Hirakawa absolutely believes that Duan Changshan dares to kill himself and send his body back to Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi will never have any complaints. Even his sister, liangko Hirakawa, can only bear it.

"Duan Changshan, what do you mean? I'm representing the Yamaguchi formation. Don't you really care? " Anyway, Yamaguchi is still his talisman.

"Jiro Hirakawa, don't overestimate yourself, just because you are the representative of Yamaguchi? Don't talk about it and make the underworld laugh! " Sharp eyes swept Hirakawa Jiro, Duan Changshan said disdainfully.

"Now that things have come to this point, it seems that Duan always really doesn't want to give Shankou group a face?" Hirakawa is not a fool. He is not a green onion himself, but the Yamaguchi group has a certain influence.

Duan Changshan just took a light look at him and didn't mean to take him. What's the answer? It's true that there is no jia'ang mountain pass group in our eyes, but isn't it difficult for the four kings to do it? He said that he attached great importance to the Yamaguchi group. What can he do for Yamaguchi's brother-in-law?

So Duan doesn't want to answer this question at all. Hirakawa just has nothing to look for. It's one thing to take himself too seriously. Should Duan take his identity seriously?

Seeing Duan Changshan's insistence on oil and salt, Hirakawa finally saw clearly that today he would not think about or leave his infatuation. Duan Changshan has always been a ruthless character.

"Duan Changshan, even if I'm going to die, I have to pull a cushion." He clearly remembered the cause of the incident. If it wasn't for that woman, how could it have ended now.

Hirakawa Jiro's words made Duan Changshan, who had just seen Mount Tai collapse, frown in an instant. He immediately stood up and looked at Qiao Xinyao behind Li Weichen.

And Hirakawa Jiro's words also forbade Chu Yunyang and others to be alert, almost looking behind them at the same time, but they were scared to death. A man in black was holding a black pistol pointing at Qiao Xinyao's temple.

Duan Changshan was shocked at this time. Because Chu Yunyang got up, he could see Qiao Xinyao's face clearly, so now he was shocked.

And this kind of gaffe was only for a while. He immediately responded with a gesture from his opponent. A kind of bodyguard rushed into the hall in an instant, but not for the sake of hiragawa Jiro. Instead, he invited all the guests out of the hall.

The guests want to see the excitement, but who can't get rid of Duan Changshan? We just wonder who the girl is and what she looks like. Just now, when they came in, they didn't pay attention at all, and Qiao Xinyao lowered her head at that time.

After evacuating all the guests, Duan Changshan called his assistant“ Go to the monitoring room and delete all the surveillance videos today. No information about this hall today can be disclosed to the public, otherwise it will be dealt with according to the rules. "

The assistant takes a serious look at Duan Changshan, and then glances at Qiao Xinyao's position. He just wants to go out, but he doesn't want the girl pointed at by a gun to talk.

"Duan Changshan, if you don't want people to reveal today's affairs, I think you should take care of your assistant first." Qiao Xinyao's voice was light, and she didn't feel threatened with a gun. She seemed to be sitting there drinking tea slowly.