Chapter 375

Qiao Xinyao ignored the crowd and went directly out of the airport. Coincidentally, as soon as she walked out of the airport gate, she saw a taxi coming, so she waved to get on.

The driver is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a smile on his face. He looks very amiable, but his eyes are shining. He is a smart man.

Observing environment and people is a compulsory course for special forces, and Qiao Xinyao is no exception. After observing, we can basically determine the driver's personality. Qiao Xinyao closes her eyes“ Go to Chaoyang District. "

Chaoyang District is also very famous in the whole capital. It is located in the center of the city. It is said that the house price is as high as 50000 yuan per square meter, which is a real rich man's house.

Qiao Xinyao came out from the airport, and the family who can afford to take a plane is not too poor. Qiao Xinyao reported Chaoyang District, and the driver was more sure that she was rich.

Where is the capital? If you walk around here, you may meet people who can't be provoked. Military, government and business are all people. They can't afford to offend.

It's really like a world away. Before the military exercise, she came to the capital for a meeting. And I have lived here for a week, which is only half a year.

But at this time, she is no longer the miracle of the military, stamping her feet can let the Chinese military

General Qin Xiao, who trembles three times.

At this time, she was just a little high school student, who had changed into someone else's illegitimate daughter. It's like a dream, but she doesn't want to wake up. Everything about Qin Xiao has passed, and now she's just Qiao Xinyao.

The driver can see Qiao Xinyao's sense of vicissitudes that does not belong to her age through the rear-view mirror. It's hard to imagine that this kind of expression will appear on the face of such a big child.

Today's children who are not held in the palm of their parents, most of them do not know the human suffering, such as Qiao Xinyao few. Therefore, the driver thinks that Qiao Xinyao is of extraordinary origin.

"Girl, are you going home on holiday?" Idle is also idle, and the driver seems to Qiao Xinyao is a very easygoing person, so he wants to talk to her.

Qiao Xinyao's face was half covered by a scarf. She couldn't see her expression clearly, and how the driver could see that she was more easygoing.

"Yes! I used to go to school in s city. " This is the truth, but Qiao Xinyao is not willing to admit that the Lin family is her family after all.

When the driver saw that Qiao Xinyao answered her questions, he felt that Qiao Xinyao was a good child, so he chatted with her every time.

Qiao Xinyao's face has always been light, not enthusiastic response, just out of courtesy, not to answer people's questions, and she also got some news from the driver of the capital.

The occupation of drivers makes them know more about the city than ordinary people, and there are a lot of people who take cars every day, so it's hard to avoid knowing some secrets that others don't know.

"Little girl, didn't your family come to pick you up? Don't let yourself go home The driver looked at Qiao Xinyao and asked.

"I've come to pick it up. It's just a mistake." It was she who left first. Since she had returned to the capital, of course, she had to familiarize herself with the situation here and see if there were any changes.

The driver nodded and saw that Qiao Xinyao seemed a little impatient, so he didn't speak any more. It's also a compulsory course for them to observe their faces.

Because today did not catch up with the traffic jam, so the road is really smooth, Qiao Xinyao has been closed her eyes, only occasionally open her eyes to see outside.

More than an hour later, finally to Chaoyang District, Qiao Xinyao did not get off, but opened her eyes to see the front of the district.