Chapter 259

Wait, when Qiao Rui pays attention to the past again, he finally understands the reason why Qiao Xinyao will pay attention to it, because Ruan Feng is so ordinary that people don't spend time to pay attention to it.

Helplessly shaking his head, Qiao Rui really admire Ruan Feng. It's really courage to make himself so ordinary!

Ruan Zhen's appearance can be said to be superior. When he was young, he was also a man who did harm to the little girl. How could his children grow worse and not care about his appearance? Ruan Feng is also a young man with excellent temperament. Of course, compared with the young girl around him, he doesn't know his height.

Qiao Xinyao doesn't know that Qiao Rui is comparing herself with Ruan Feng. She just pays attention to Ruan Feng wholeheartedly. This person makes her feel familiar. It's not Ruan Zhen's feeling, it's just that feeling is very strange, so Qiao Xinyao is not sure.

Ruan Feng seems to be completely isolated from the banquet. Unlike Bai haoxuan, his cold body is daunting. He is because his face is so ordinary that it doesn't attract anyone's attention.

Therefore, he naturally enjoys the peace that belongs to one person. When other people are busy communicating with each other, he is the only one who seems to be sitting there.

Ruan Feng's temperament is elegant, and his manners and manners are all obvious. At a glance, he knows that he has received the best etiquette education, and he is a boy with Prince temperament.

But that ordinary face that people will forget when they see it is really not in harmony with his noble spirit. Qiao Xinyao is full of curiosity about him.

For a moment, his body sent out a burst of gloomy breath, which was different from his gloomy eyes when he first met Li Weichen.

Li Weichen's nature is good. He disguises himself just because something happened later. He wants to scare everyone away with this disguise. In fact, he is just a little grumpy, but he doesn't have much deep intention.

But Ruan Feng's gloomy is different, he is the kind of scheming deep, calculating too much, it is from the bottom of my heart out of the gloomy, cold and dreary atmosphere, let a person creepy.

But it was just a moment. Qiao Xinyao even thought it was his illusion, because he was smiling and drinking to himself.

Because of her leg injury, Jorie doesn't allow her to touch the wine, not even the champagne, and they're on the second floor, unlike the guests who have a drink. Qiao Xinyao shrugs to Ruan Feng and signals that she has nothing in her hand.

Ruan Feng was amused by her actions, so he made do with being put on the coffee table in front of him, and even started signing to Qiao Xinyao. The sign language for the deaf and dumb.

Ruan Feng: "is the pain on your leg serious?"

After hesitating for a moment, Qiao Xinyao replied in the same sign language: "it's not serious! It's just broken. "

Ruan Feng's movements froze for a moment, and then his smile remained the same, and his gestures did not stop at all“ You're strong, just broken? Aren't girls afraid of pain? "

"No way, I'm not an ordinary girl, don't you know?" It's very innocent.

"It's you who don't regard yourself as a girl all the time. I've always been very polite to you, but you don't take it seriously."

"Yes? Maybe you're right, but you can't change what you're used to. "

"Yes! Even if it's pain, I'll get used to it. That's why I say it's just broken Then Ruan Feng got up and left the banquet hall without looking back.

Qiao Xinyao felt puzzled. Didn't she have a good chat? Why did you leave suddenly? Is there something urgent to deal with?