Chapter 179 The Secret of the Past 9: MY DECISION

It's been a week since that incident happened. Hwa-Young hasn't heard again about their French guest but Dae-Hyun putting more guards around their residents.

She already has been a prisoner since she is a kid and now? She felt like a criminal having these soldiers following her around.

Hwa-Young quietly seated in the Pavilion near the lake. Her maids silently observing her and felt sorry for her. They hope for their Mistress to be happy and that day, it's the first time they saw her beautiful smile.

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After that, she went back to being a lonely Princess locked inside a beautiful palace. The servant's glance at each other. Their Lady Hwa-Young is very kind to them which Madam Jee is cruel to all servants. They would prefer their young madam.

"Madam Hwa-Young, please have your tea," Lady Han offers the teacup.

Hwa-Young stared at the cup and she was surprised by its appearance. She picks it up and drinks up the hot liquid. She carefully sighted the details of the cup and she was mesmerized.

The servants saw how her face brightens. Their madam is truly interested in the world outside, seeing something from a foreign land made her happy.

"Where this came from?

"These are one of the many presents the Williams family gives to the Chen family, Madam Hwa-Young."

"I see, it was so beautiful," she smiled.

Hwa-Young finishes having tea and requested the guards that she wanted to visit her great grandfather's Library. Escorted by them, Lady Han opens the door and let their madam step inside and they will just wait outside.

Hwa-Young spent her afternoon reading inside the library until she falls asleep. Then she woke up from a dream. The last thing she remembers from her dream is gunshots.

She doesn't understand what is all about? She touches her cheeks when she noticed they are wet. Does she cry while having that dream?

She was still in the middle of her thoughts when she notices a pink lily and a portrait drawing of her while sleeping.

No way! Is that man was here? Hwa-Young stood up from the low chair and began searching for someone inside this room. She almost screams when someone holds her but her mouth was immediately covered by a warm palm.

She stared at the man shockingly and wonders how he gets here. She took his hand from covering her mouth to speak.

"What are you doing here? How did you get inside with the soldiers outside?" She asked and she saw how this man just grinned at her.

"What?" She asked annoyingly, whispering at him.

"I've been here before you arrive," He whispered back then smiled.

Her heart gone crazy and she was shocked by why she felt this way. She even thinks of how handsome he was with that smile on his lips.

Hwa-Young came back to her senses and realizes how wrong she was thinking. She also realizes that she still holding his hand. Her eyes grow bigger staring at their hands together. No wonder the guy is grinning at her annoyingly!

She quickly let go of his hand and make a sudden step backward when she is feeling of falling down on her back. But before she hit the floor, two strong and warm arms catching her. She covered her mouth not to scream.

Hwa-Young can't take off her eyes away from him. His sexy eyes that looking at her are like devouring her strength that weakening her legs.

His scent. Why does she feel a familiarity with him?

His warm body. Why does she feel secure inside his arms?

This strange feeling yet her body feels comforting around him.

Above all, she doesn't feel any disgust brushing her body against him.

Every time Dae-Hyun would touch her, she felt a knife slowly cutting her into pieces.

But with this strange man, she feels whole.

What does it feel to be kissed by him, to be touched, and to make love?

Before Hwa-Young could realize what is happening, she felt his warm lips on top of hers. She wanted to distance her face but his kisses are gentle and sweet.

Why does she feel this way? This is very wrong!

But why does it taste very familiar?

And why does it feels so right kissing him?

Like they knew each other for so long that their lips are meant to touch each other.

She never felt this way when her husband makes love with her. Hwa-Young catches her breath when Irvine parted their lips.

She woke up from this craziness. She pushes Irvine away and turned around. What she'd done? She was horrified by herself of committing a sin. This could consider as cheating right? Kissing someone that it is not your husband in the first place.

She is still in a daze when Irvine speak behind her ears. The hair on her nape rose up from his warmth and sexy voice.

"Madam Hwa-Young? Are you now awake?" They heard a knock on the door.

"It is time for supper, Minister Chen asking for your presence to have meals together, young madam," Lady Han informed her.

"I'll come!" She answered quickly.

Hwa-Young looks at the man she just kissed a while ago. She looks away and finds a mirror to check herself.

Her face is too red, she was blushing and her eyes had spark. She completely saw a different person on her own reflection, and yet, fear and sadness altogether.

"Leave after we all go from here and don't come back!" She whispered, very careful not to hear from outside.

After saying this, Hwa-Young steps outside the Library and told everyone that they must leave now to visit her in-laws.

• • •

Hwa-Young still can't forget what Irvine told her when he said, 'why you are so familiar?'. . .

Does this mean they felt the same way?

Irvine also told her to meet him again in the library on the eve of the full moon. Hwa-Young been walking back in forth inside her room. She was troubled whether to meet him or not.

A part of her telling it is wrong for a married woman to meet someone in a secret. Then another part of her saying, you've been imprisoned with sadness all your life why you can't treat yourself to be happy once in a while?

Hwa-Young cannot decide. She leaves her bedroom and went outside to breathe some fresh air. Then later, she entered the room and very careful not to make a sound. She was stepping with her toes and lay down.

She stared at her two beautiful sons. Isn't correct that she has never been happy in her life. She has two beautiful angels that complete her. Seeing them every day, spending time with them is the happiest moments of her life.

They give her strength and will to live on. They were her treasures no one could replace inside her heart.

She strokes their hair and kisses each of her son's forehead. Hwa-Young falls asleep beside her twins. She felt a warm hand caressing her face and she felt when these two arms carried her and place down on her own bed.

It is unfair. . .

Tears run down her cheeks. Why?

When time her heart been troubled and turned into two, he was this gentle and careful on exploring her body.

What did this man do wrong to her?

Maybe his selfish love what drives him crazy sometimes. The only wrong she could remember that he did to her, is forcing her to love him back.

Maybe, they both have made a mistake as well.

He trapped her and imprisoned her. And that because he just wanted to protect her from the cruelty of the world.

She feels this unwillingness because she doesn't see him as a lover but only someone as her brother.

Tonight, her true love is waiting. But tonight, she made a decision.

There is no other man she will spend her whole life but with the man who currently locks her inside his arms.

This man paused from kissing her when she holds his face and responded to his kisses.

He is honest about how he broke her heart when she forced her to make love with him when she is sixteen.

They got married when she was fifteen and he did everything to control himself and get things slowly. But he is a man.

And that pride left a scar on her heart. . .

And tonight, for the first time, she responded to his kisses.


Underneath him, Dae-Hyun staring down at the woman he loves very much. He notices the teardrops on her face.

Is he the one who cried? He felt Hwa-Young's fingers drying his eyes.

When he lowers his head to kiss her, she did not refuse but welcomes him instead. He was very happy.

The next day, Hwa-Young visit her grandfather's library. She decided to lock the box where the past was keeping inside.

Tonight, she has something very important to tell Dae-Hyun and she was excited to share it with him.

"Mademoiselle. . ."

Hwa-Young gasped in shock. "Mr. Williams! What are you doing here?" Panic began filling inside her heart.

"You shouldn't be here! Why did you still coming here?"

She steps back when Irvine hold her on the shoulder.


Dae-Hyun entered the library and saw his wife and the other man.

The bouquet of Lilies on his hand dropped on the floor.

"Dae-Hyun it's not what you think!"

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