392 Somewhere, Trapped In Time: Someone is Meddling the Pas

Standing by the ridge, Madison contemplating the things she learns today. She wondered whether Marivella conceived the child safely or have a miscarriage as there is no information she gives birth before her.

It could be probable she has an older sibling?

It confused her. The reason, the book mentions nothing about it. Even about the visit of the Korean prince in France in this century, it did not have written in history, or written in the book, nor mention that Marivella and Carlisle separated by this event.

Bewildered, Madison headed back to the house to help Marivella preparing a meal. Just to think Marivella will lose her first pregnancy, Madison could imagine the pain she would feel after then…

Slowly, she walks inside the kitchen. Watching Marivella occupied, peeling the carrots, she recalls what Quinn asked her; that to pretend she doesn't learn yet.

Thus, she has to be careful not to show weird emotion in front of Marivella, that she already knew she is pregnant.

Marivella felt her presence. Glances at her direction, eyes gleaming; she looks happy despite everything that happens to her the moment.

"Glad you were finally here," Marivella speaks out, but return her attention to the table, keenly watching the spices she's slicing. "Do your brothers like chicken soup?"

"Sure. They would be happy with anything as long, decent food," she chuckles. "Thank you, Marivella."

Marivella stared at her with a marvelous gaze. "Nah, it's nothing. I am the one who should thank all of you. I am deeply grateful that I meet you and your brothers. After helping me out, thank you are not enough."

Madison steps closer toward the wooden counter. "I am blessed to know you, Marivella. So stop saying that, would you? We will see each other again, okay?" Madison quoted.

"I promised, we will meet again. I want to see you again." A few teardrops began trailing down her cheeks.

"Hey, don't start!" she was also in tears.

Madison wipes her eyes. She and Marivella hugged each other, crying. After a long moment, they both giggle and calm down.

"What I can do to help?"

* * *

Marivella and Madison preparing to leave as they finished cooking. Before they left, Quinn speaks with Madison in private.

"Bring her back tonight to take place of our plans."

"Understood, Papa," she promised.

Petting the stallion, Madison climbs on his back, and then Marivella was next, positioned behind her. Patting the horse lightly, it began walking. Madison nodded at Levi and Quinn before she kicks the horse to run swiftly.

Disappearing from their sight, Levi heaves a deep breath.

"Brother Quinn, we have been meddling the past for how many days now? When we could go back to our present time? I am worried about our bodies."

"So do I, but I trust Uncle Derek. He will take care of us."

"Surely, he does."

* * *

Present Time

"And I did!" Derek exclaimed while listening to the story.

At the moment, he was taking their vitals again, making sure that Quinn, Levi, and Madison were stable.

Striding toward the library, Nicholas halted at the door. Worries flash on his face. He wipes out the uncertainty on his face, but keep a serious expression before he entered the room.

"Chairman Crow!" Butler Leroy stride was closer to the chairman.

"How are they?" he inquired while striding closer to the three bodies lying on the floor.

"They were still traveling time, and it shows, they were taking longer before they would turn back."

"Isn't the floor are cold?" he asked, concerns perceptible in his tone.

Leroy replied, "We keep the fire to warm up their body, Chairman Crow."

"That's helpful. Make sure their body temperature is normal at all times."

"Understood, Chairman Nicholas."

Nodded at Derek, Nicholas glances at Pete, then to his hand holding a book, he asked. "How was it?"

"Master Quinn finds out that Marivella is pregnant with their first child."

Raised his head from perceiving at Quinn, he retorted. "I see..."

"But they sent captain Carlisle to the borders to save Isabella Bennett, which the masters made a plan to hide Miss Marivella from the Korean prince. I am anxious about what will happen now without Captain Carlisle."

"Korean prince?" his forehead twitched in wonder, intrigued by this news.

"A Korean prince appeared in Paris to take Miss Chen's hand for marriage. But she is pregnant now. Once it revealed, and she's in Korea, she'll face execution."

"And even the child she's carrying at the moment? The worst punishment is to give her a poison."

"For the child to die as well? That's heartless!" Derek exclaimed. "I hate their law."

"Punishment during those ages are terrifying. In fact, it is not only in that country but merciless execution happens anywhere," he described. Nicholas heaves a depressing sighed, then went on.

"Any further information about this Korean Prince?"

Pete shook his head. "There isn't much history written on the book, but the two masters have a conversation and one thing they've mentioned, it was Miss Cassandra's cousin."

"Is that so? What're their names? Ken and Kenneth?"

"Yes, Chairman."

"Hmm…" Nicholas rubbing his chin, pondering a few things on his head.

Leroy bend and laid a cup of coffee in front of the chairman, he asked. "What are you planning now, Chairman Crow?"

Nicolas took the cup, inhale its aromatic fume, he sips a small volume of the coffee. "It made me wonder. What I know, this didn't appear in the past. If there are several changes, then—" his forehead twitching again.


"Someone is meddling in the past."

"Are the masters who make changes to past events?"

"I doubted it. It must be someone."

Nicholas drew the cup to his mouth, sip a generous volume this time.

"Keep me updated, whether they have awake or something happens to them during the time-traveling." He sat up from the single couch, preparing to leave.

"We will, Chairman Crow." Butler Leroy responded. He bowed and followed the chairman until the door. 

"I will see if what's the progress about the rescue mission everyone taking place now. Lady Isabella's must bring here as soon as possible," Nicholas declared before the door swallowed him out.

"I did not expect he would visit surprisingly," Pete's expresses.

"He's also worried, especially about Quinn," Derek presume.

"Hmm..." the two butlers rubbing their chin.

"Speaking of Lady Isabella, she was a hostage by the British Soldier, and then, at the present life she was in a similar situation."

"You are correct, Butler Pete."