Chapter 227 Chen Ying Invited Me to Dinner

Because of the touch of my hand, at this time, she felt very embarrassed and embarrassed. She struggled and screamed. Then she threw her hand with cold water on my face. With a bang, there was a long red mark on my face.

I covered my face, but I had no choice but to let her go, but I couldn't just throw her away, so she fell down. After I put her down, I lit a cigarette and smoked a little gloomily. She looked at me like this and said to me with her back.

"Yes, it's you. I'm sorry, I..."

In the end, she didn't know what to say, but her face was red. After a while, her feet started to hurt again. She rushed over to wash them with cold water and almost fell to the ground again.

"Look, look, I'll hold you. You won't. Your feet hurt if you don't take cold water. I'll carry you to the clinic outside the school to apply the medicine. Otherwise, you won't be able to sleep tonight."

She was still feeling embarrassed. I had already picked her up and put her on my back. I didn't even bother carrying a few hundred pounds of stuff, let alone a girl about a hundred pounds. It didn't take much effort. She was right behind me.

Then I left behind her back. She wanted to resist and refuse, but she opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

I could feel her two balls sticking to me from behind. Her chest wasn't big, but definitely not small. It was the same level as a medium girl, probably around c. She was embarrassed at first, but then I told her,

"Hold my neck. I have to walk faster, or I'll go back and forth and the dormitory will be closed!"

She let out a cry and hugged my neck a little. Because she hugged my neck, her chest got closer and closer to my back. I could feel that she was a little embarrassed, but I ignored her. All the way out of school, I went to the clinic where I fainted and almost died. When I got there, the nurses and doctors didn't recognize me, and the nurses waved their hands and said,

"We're off work. Come back tomorrow."

I said,

"You've got a burn. Take care of it. Wipe off the ointment or something. It won't take you much time to process it."

But the nurse waved her hand impatiently as she spoke on her cell phone.

"To the big hospital, just a taxi. It's no trouble. I'm off work now. Who's going to pay me overtime?"

As soon as she finished speaking, I was very unhappy. At this time, Chen Ying's foot began to hurt again. The burn was like this, and once it was not washed with cold water, or if it was not applied, it would continue to hurt.

I looked up and roared loudly.

"I told you to drug her. Didn't you hear anyone?"

My voice was so loud that the nurse looked up. She was ugly, or else she wouldn't have come out to fight part-time staff. The nurses here were all part-time students in the school, and their attitude was very bad. Now, she was even more unhappy. She was not afraid of me, and directly scolded me:

"Are you cheap..."

But in the middle of what she said, she froze. She found out it was me, and she saw my murderous eyes. I didn't wait for her to stop, but I shouted,

"Hurry up, stop the ink!"

The nurse hurriedly, ah, ah, said two times, okay, okay, I'll get ready right away.

This was afraid of my expression, and immediately began to move, I shook my head speechlessly, really afraid of evil people.

Chen Ying, on the other hand, gave me a meaningful glance. At this time, the nurse helped her take off her socks. I saw that the back of her feet were all red. Because she was thin, I could almost see the shape of her bones in many places.

But the medicine was cool, so after applying it, it was more effective than cold water. When Chen Ying was comfortable, the nurse stopped and looked at me with fear. She didn't say a word and went to the cashier to sit down. She didn't dare to leave.

After a while, I asked Chen Ying:

"Are you okay?"

She nodded and said, "I'm sorry that you saved me just now. I still did that to you."

I waved my hand, looked at her feet and said,

"Wait a minute, I'll pay for it."

Then I went to the nurse. The ugly nurse glanced at me and was still a little afraid of me. I asked:

"How much is it?"

She said, "Seventeen nine, take seventeen."

I asked in surprise.

"So cheap?"

She said,

"Scald medicine isn't expensive at all. It's not expensive medicine. Besides, it's in the clinic across from the school. It's not a black clinic. Some of the students have money."

I asked her,

"Then she needs to get some other medicine for this injury. Is it okay?"

She said,

"The injury isn't very serious. If you're worried, go to a big hospital. That's all the clinic can do."

When she finished her last sentence, the fear in her eyes was still hard to hide. Finally, she lowered her head and did not speak. She went to play with her mobile phone.

I said yes and went out. I told Chen Ying,

"Wait for me, I'll buy you a pair of socks and shoes."

I didn't have any money with me, so I just bought a pair of pink ones, a dozen dollars, and socks were also a few dollars. The proprietress looked at me with deep meaning, and I said,

"I bought it for my girlfriend, not for myself!"

But when I think about it, my explanation is redundant. There are a lot of couples around the school. It's not really a big deal to buy girls' things. I've seen girls buy condoms and birth control pills themselves. I asked the doctor personally if there were 72 hours of emergency contraceptives.

When she got back, the nurse left, and her boss came back, which was meant to close the door. Chen Ying stood up and said, "If you don't come back, I'll go by myself. They're going to close the door."

I took a look, and I still had some time to go back. I said,

"Put it on. I bought it for you. It's a little shabby. I'm not a rich man either."

She glanced at the slippers and socks in my hand, nodded and said, "Thank you."

After she put it on, I squatted down and said,

"Come on up. We have half an hour to turn off the lights and close the door. We have to hurry up. Otherwise, we have to open a room outside. You won't want to open a room with me, will you? So hurry up."

She was still fidgeting, and when she heard the word "I'm checking in," she got scared and rushed up.

When she got up, she didn't say much and wrapped her arms around my neck decisively, so that I could walk faster and I could walk faster. I was sure I could get to the dormitory before closing the door.

I didn't say anything along the way. How could I put it? She kept ignoring me, misunderstood me, and thought I was that kind of person, and I had nothing to explain. This time, it was purely me who wanted to save her. If it were any other girl, I would save her, not just because she was Chen Ying, but because fate liked to joke, Ming Ming and I didn't have any relationship, but because of this time, we were involved.

But this time, at least I saved her and helped her. Otherwise, in that case, there were no other boys. The girls were in line to get water, and none of them could be saved in time. It was possible that her foot was crippled.

So, when she arrived near the library, she said,

"Thank you, thank you."

She hesitated and said something. She said this on my back, and I thanked her lightly, not wanting to explain anything, because I knew that there was no possibility between me and her, as long as she didn't hate me and hate me, I would be satisfied and didn't expect to be any relationship between a man and a woman.

Our conversation ended here, and after that, there was a long period of silence. As we approached her dormitory, I said:

"I've sped up. There are still a few minutes left. What if the door closes? I hope I can catch up in time!"

She said yes and didn't say anything. When I got to the door of her dorm, I put her down. She called the girl in her dorm and waited for her to help her upstairs.

I was standing next to her and we were waiting for her best friend when she suddenly asked me,

"How are things with your girlfriend? How are you?"

I shook my head and said, "No, it's a long time ago. I have no feelings."

After that, I didn't know if it was a slap in the mouth or not. If I went to the hotel without feeling anything, it would prove that I was a scum.

She asked me again,

"I'm curious. Your ex-girlfriend wasn't her, was she? What about her? Where did she go?"

I pursed my lips and didn't say a word. To yu xiaoxue, I didn't want to explain too much. I just said to her:

"You go in, she's here."

I pointed to her best friend.

She said graciously,

"Next time I'll treat you to dinner, wait for me."

I shook my hand and left her a handsome back. I said:

"We'll talk about it then."

After that, I coolly shook off my bangs. At that time, I also learned to keep my bangs. I even dyed my hair in the first semester. It was also my first time to dye my hair. In the end, I liked this feeling.

Actually, when I left, I still had a 0.1 % desire to have an intersection with her, or what could happen in the future.

They were all single, and the probability of sparks was not zero. Although she knew about my trip to the hotel with Min Sue, it was a stain, but it was not impossible to erase it.

Chen Ying and I, although it was basically impossible, but the man's damn self-esteem came up again, as long as there was a one-tenth chance of catching her, then I can let cheap women like Min Sue, Zhang Yanyan, Ding Chun see my ability. Moreover, to say that I saved her this time, just to save her, not to make up, that's really lying to the ghost in my heart, I don't believe the ghost in my heart!

When I got back, I was still very happy. I felt that I was leaving in a very handsome position, and my bangs were also very handsome. It just depended on when she invited me to dinner.

What I didn't expect was that this day, not long after, was the weekend of the second week of her recovery after I saved her.

During this time, she contacted me and said that her feet were much better. She looked for a few medical experts and said that I handled them very well at that time. Otherwise, her feet would leave scars, leaving scars on her beautiful feet. Whether she could wear sandals or high heels in the future was a problem. So, this meal, she couldn't run away.

On friday, she said that she had recovered well and came out wearing tourist shoes. Now her feet could not wear revealing shoes, so she couldn't do that during the recovery period, so she asked me out. That day, I got up early and got up early. Everyone said that I was in the dark. I said, "Nothing, I went to pick up girls."

Because I broke up with Min Sue, and everyone knew about it, and I've been stuck in lol for a long time, and all of a sudden, they were happy for me, especially Yao Zi, who asked me with a smile.

"Brother Feng, I'm single too. How many do you want to introduce me to?"

I said to him, "Get out of my way, don't get in my way!"

After I went out, I deliberately played hard to get. Walk slowly. Don't wait for her at the school gate. Let her think that I'm not in such a hurry to see her.

So, when I slowly arrived at the school gate, I found that Chen Ying and her best friend were both there, complaining to me:

"Why did you come here?"

Both of them were pretty well dressed. Although Chen Ying was a tourist shoe, her figure was set off by white pencil pants.

I glanced at her feet and coughed.

"Yeah, I'm a little late. I'm sorry. Let's go. I'll have to give you a good thrashing for what you treat me to!"

Her best friend grunted and said, "I don't know how ashamed I am. Big men still eat from our aunt's house."

I didn't say much. I just looked at her best friend. Her best friend was actually quite good looking, but she looked like a green leaf beside Chen Ying. The reason was that chen ying was so beautiful, but her best friend was much better than Zhang Yanyan Min Sue, who was really playing with who.

While I was crossing the road with them, I found a milk tea shop across the road. There was a big Xue Ren and the black fat men, smoking and drinking milk tea, staring at me in a gloomy way.