Chapter 196 Show Some Respect

They all complained of their displeasure and disdain for the instructor. I thought about it, what the senior said was quite reasonable. Fighting with the locals, we are not only inferior in terms of connections, but also not in numbers. No matter what the fight is, we can't fight, so we have to endure it.

Later on, Yao Zi was so angry that he added all the students in our class to a group so that everyone could see what they were saying.

He asked a group of people, and sure enough, a lot of girls started to tell him that the instructor was staring at their butts with a squint. Occasionally, they asked for leave to go to the toilet, or they wanted to take a break. The instructor would touch their butts. Not only was one girl tricked, but some girls said that the girls in other rows and other classes were also tricked. Many of these Armed police were thinking of this. In any case, many of these girls were outsiders and had no power or connections. Even if they were sued, no one would take care of them.

Yao Zi thoroughly dug out the enthusiasm of the girls, and many boys couldn't stand it. One of the boys in our class even spoke for a girl beside him, asking the instructor to be more respectful. In the end, he was slapped by the instructor and said to him:

"If you don't want to, go home. Military training is like this. There's no reason! Absolute obedience!"

The boy had no choice but to let the instructor often touch the girl's buttocks. The girl had no choice but to wait for the military training to end quickly.

Yao Zi was not easy to bully. He talked to ding chun privately. Ding chun was fine. The instructor only looked at her butt occasionally. He hadn't done anything to Ding Chun. Min Sue and Zhang Xiaojie had been poisoned by the instructor, but they both dared not say anything. Now they talked to Yao Zi in the group.

After some discussion, Yao Zi, Ming Ming and Jiange, the boys with the guts, said,

"If it's a man's, we have to protect the girls in our class. Even if we can't fight back, we can fight against the instructor together and tell him not to do this. It's still okay. Military training is still more than ten days away. How can we go on like this?"

Yao Zi called for everyone to take action. Once they found out, they immediately pointed out that all the boys in the class responded.

But after all, there were only a few of us boys, and one or two of us who dared to do so. The other boys in the group didn't dare to speak, so I told Yao Zi.

"Forget it. Don't force us like this. At least this is a key college. Everyone is here to study. It's none of your business. Let's help the girls then!"

Yao Zi sighed and finally said something in the group.

"I don't know what to say. Anyway, there are always so many men who don't bring any seeds. It is because of the indifference of the chinese people that they are bullied by the foreign powers! Just a word of warning, good will pay for good and evil will pay for evil!"

After that, Yao Zi angrily dismissed the group. He said:

"The hearts of the people are scattered. Let them play a game and chat for a while. Let them talk enthusiastically one by one. Let them do something for the group. They are all selfish ghosts. What's the use of this broken group?"

But a lot of girls like Min Sue and Zhang Xiaojie added Yao Zi, hoping that he would be fair to them. Ding Chun was also very proud, because Yao Zi was chasing her, so she took the initiative to get a discussion group of a few people, to pull these girls in need of help.

One of them was the ugliest girl in our class. Her name was Yan Jiarui. She was particularly ugly. She was also big and thick.

"I was also touched by that dog instructor. He saw that I didn't resist and wanted to touch my underwear. It disgusted me to death!"

I'm a little speechless. Does this instructor like anything? This is too harsh. If I didn't say it, this Yan Jiarui would be naked. I don't think he would be able to stand up. The other boys are the same. This instructor is really weird.

Ming Ming from our two dorms, on the other hand, was straightforward and said something.

"Doesn't the instructor want to throw up?"

Fortunately, Yan Jiarui didn't understand what it meant. If he did, he would want to hit Ming Ming. Ming Ming's cheap mouth is really cheap.

But that's the plan of all the people in our discussion group. Once the instructor touches them like this tomorrow, or belittles them, then we will help.

We don't care about anyone else, but the boys in our discussion group say they won't give in.

Especially me. I think the instructor was really upset. Even if he only had ten days of military training, he had to resist.

Ming Ming also said something in the discussion group.

"Fuck him, even if you don't want a diploma, you can't let people humiliate you like this. How can you be a human being when it gets out? My heart aches for you. From now on, brother ming will protect you!"

Everyone laughed, but I was curious as to why Wu Jieling never said anything about her being sexually harassed in a large group or anywhere. Besides, she didn't join this discussion group, but I didn't like her, so I couldn't ask her directly. Because I was hurt by ding chun, I didn't dare to chase the girls in our class. I was afraid of losing face. Ding Chun killed me. If Yao Zi caught up with her one day and told her about my singing to her, it would be really embarrassing.

The next day arrived very soon. This day, surprisingly, nothing happened, but during our military training, we met the black fat and their platoon. The black fat, the tall and thin and the yellow hair three people were all staring at me, their injuries should be better, they didn't see them two days ago.

However, although they were staring at me, they never looked for me at all. It seems that they are not sure how to deal with me.

In addition, the instructor didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He still kicked our boys' butts and treated us strictly. Instead, the chubby sister came to Yao Zi and us and said:

"You'd better be honest and don't do anything to the instructor, or I won't be able to protect you. I reacted to this with your class teacher. You can rest assured that if that happens, the school will make the decision for you!"

After hearing this, Yao Zi and I suddenly realized. We looked in the direction of the instructor. Sure enough, no wonder nothing happened today. When the girl asked him for leave to go to the bathroom, he didn't touch his butt. It seemed that he had some consideration. I said why the class teacher came today.

We gratefully glanced at the chubby senior. Although she was usually very cold, she still helped us work behind her back, so in the past few years of college, I was very grateful to her. She was also a good senior, but in the last year, after she found a boyfriend, she changed.

At around ten o' clock, that senior chen xueguang also came. We told him about his chubby sister, and chen xueguang whispered to us:

"Let me tell you something. This instructor seems to be chasing a girl in your class. I don't know who she is. When I enlarged the number in the toilet, I heard her and threatened her. Otherwise, she would be forced to drop out of school and accompany her to the hotel at night. I would let her rest for a few days without military training. I would also grade her!"

Yao Zi, Ming Ming, and I were all stunned. We never thought that something like this would happen. Although the other girls were threatened, they just didn't tell anyone about touching their buttocks, but it was so serious that they forced them to get a room? What the hell is this? This instructor is too crazy. He's in his thirties and almost forty years old. He just likes to play with college students?

Yao Zi asked, "Senior, can you find out who it is? Is it Ding Chun?"

He was nervous about Ding Chun, but chen xueguang shook his head and said,

"This is really not clear, only the instructor is clear, and the girl is clear, you can talk about it yourself, I am just a teaching assistant, after the military training, I am just your ordinary senior, can't help you too much! I can only help you here. I hope you find out and save a poor girl!"

Then he left, and I gave him another look of disdain. Chen xueguang was more timid, but it was his aloof nature that allowed him to spend three years of college life in peace.

After he left, we were talking about it, saying, "Do you want to tell sister weipang about this and give the class teacher a reaction?"

But I said, "It's no use. Since that girl was threatened, she must have hidden it well. Besides, since she was threatened to go to the hotel, then the instructor would never touch her butt. He would never let us see that she had anything to do with him. The only way is to go undercover!"

They asked me, "Undercover, what do you mean?"