Tang Ze is very curious. Are there any experts in this Wanshi club? Yuan Fei also said that the club had experts and were not opponents. He rarely heard yuan Fei say so.

If you're free, it seems that you'd better find a chance to visit the Wanshi club.

At this time, Zheng Chengdong and dantai were very anxious in the octagonal cage. Zheng Chengdong was a moderate and did not scatter Eagles without rabbits.

Dantai's feet, knees and elbows are all human weapons. I don't know how many players lost under his elbow or retired on the spot.

"Mr. Ma, is Zheng Chengdong too steady?"

"In this kind of competition, we need to think about every step. After all, if we are caught by the opponent, it is the existence that can determine the outcome. It's not bad to be steady."

Mr. Ma's words as like as two peas in the octagonal cages, Zheng Chengdong's voice and pace are as same as that of Dan Tai.

Teacher Ma immediately exclaimed, "God, Zheng Chengdong has begun to learn the play of dantai! I have never seen Zheng Chengdong play Muay Thai before!"

"Miss Ma, when you say that, it reminds me of a man in an instant!"

The two commentators looked at each other. The man was a mysterious man, Tang Ze's apprentice!

He likes to kill his opponent with his unique skills, which is the biggest insult to his opponent.

Dantai saw Zheng Chengdong's gestures and steps, his eyes became more fierce, and he actually learned from me.

In Muay Thai, I dare to be second. Who dares to be first?

Hu Jingtong and others in the stands were also surprised. In their impression, Zheng Chengdong didn't use Muay Thai at all. Now he suddenly imitates. Is he mocking his opponent or really using Muay Thai?

Chen Zhidong looks at the nearby Longshan mountain. The old man will really surprise people. How many experts are there in his hand!

Does he want to wrap all his gold belts and dominate the whole event?

The old man is so ambitious!

Zheng Chengdong, who used to play steadily, suddenly became unusually fierce, a bit more fierce than dantai, which surprised everyone and the audience.

Dantai himself didn't expect that this guy's Muay Thai is not ostentatious. He must have practiced for at least seven or eight years!

But there is no such information in his own data. Did he take this thing as a kind of bottom card and show it at the critical time?

How is this possible?

Dantai's previous brave momentum was immediately suppressed by Zheng Chengdong, and even now it was Zheng Chengdong's main attack. He swept his legs and kicked dantai's thighs crazily.

Zheng Chengdong got closer and closer, which made dantai feel that the situation was very bad. They immediately twisted together and exploded their liver with each other.

Zheng Chengdong uses his elbow, and dantai is the same.

However, the referee suddenly separated the two, and Zheng Chengdong's cheek was broken. When he looked at dantai, Zheng Chengdong was also shocked.

At this time, the camera gave dantai a close-up, and all the audience took a breath!!!

The skull above dantai's forehead was concave, as if a third eye had grown, which made the back of all the audience cool and the skull concave!

At this time, Zheng Chengdong kindly went up to express his condolences. The human design was well built. He also knew that he had won the game.

Dante can't continue to play. The referee won't allow him to continue playing. Playing again may kill people.

Dantai seems very excited. He still has consciousness now. Why did he stop the game? I can't feel the pain at all.

But Hans, the referee of the Boxing Federation, is very professional. Now you don't feel it, but if you do it again, you're afraid to see God!

At this time, the playback appeared on the big screen. Zheng Chengdong's elbow hit dantai's forehead, and the skull collapsed in an instant!

If Hans hadn't found it in time, I'm afraid there would be no Dante!

The audience watching the live broadcast shuddered. It was terrible! I'm afraid I have to go to the hospital immediately!

"Dear viewers, now the referee team is discussing, and dantai, a player from T country, protested."

"Mr. Ma, I have to say that this elbow is powerful! The skull is sunken. It's so terrible."

"This elbow stroke was originally dantai's unique skill. Now Zheng Chengdong actually uses his elbow stroke to return color. There is nothing wrong with his playing method."

At this time, the result came to Mr. Ma. Mr. Ma said with joy: "the referee team has decided that due to the current situation of Dante DOM, it is impossible to continue the competition. For the safety of the players, terminate the competition and Zheng Chengdong won!"

Zheng Chengdong's face has been pasted with a band aid and raised his arms with a smile. Although this winning method is a little boring, it can be regarded as completing the task.

Dantai was very angry. He turned and left the octagonal cage, but he had to go to the hospital for treatment. Maybe it's all right now. It'll be all right later. He may fall to the ground and die instantly at any time!

After all, elbow stroke is prohibited in major boxing events, and only comprehensive fighting allows elbow stroke.

Although the opponent won because of his injury, the injury was also played by Zheng Chengdong. The most important thing is to win!

Three wins in a row!

This is very good news for the new domestic events.

If we lose four games in a row, I'm afraid everyone will be dejected.

"Long Lao, Congratulations, three consecutive victories." Yuan Biao flattered again. The old man hid a lot of things! It's cloudy enough.

Longshan also said faintly, "normal, normal."

Mu Kui was upset. The old man pretended to force. How could he pretend that the law of force didn't come to him?

This dantai is also unlucky enough. It's a pity to lose the game like this.

If you're not hurt, you should still have to fight.

"Now it's time to see the new player of President Gu." Longshan finally turned his head to look at Guting tonight.

Gu Ting whispered, "don't worry about long. Tang Ze's strength will let him play six of them."

"Ha ha... Ha ha..." Longshan laughed immediately after listening. Hu Jingtong and Chen Zhidong were the same. Everyone thought that the cattle in Guting were too big. If you beat six of them, the sows would go up the tree.

For the laughter around, Gu Ting said faintly, "don't forget how miserable it was to be kicked before."

As soon as these words came out, the smiles of Hu Jingtong, Chen Zhidong, Yuan Biao and others solidified in an instant.

Maybe this is the charm of Tang Ze. A word can block these people's mouths, and they dare not fart.

You can fart if you want. Show some strength.

However, among several clubs, only Longshan has this strength, but Longshan pretends to be confused at this time and doesn't seem to want to participate in this kind of thing.

In the lounge, Tang Ze is already warming up and ready to play.

We received a refueling message on our mobile phone.