The new town is beset with enemies on all sides. Chen Fang's plan is to fight for time by delaying tactics in southwest direction.

In the East and the north, he intends to use a knife to kill people, that is, to lure the beast to the north, to let the charming lead the troops, to lure the Jiangcheng army to pursue, to let the two sides meet, and then to find an opportunity to get out of the battlefield, to let the Jiangcheng army and the beast fight to death, so as to solve the crisis of the new town.

Now the South and the West are in place. The crazy orcs in Buqu city are always on the alert that Neha can't cross the river without crossing the bridge. The totem crazy orcs are also blocked in the swamp by Dusi and can't come out. The plan is half a success.

It was originally planned that Jimo's troops would lure the beast to the East. They had a group of soldiers as bait, and they were not afraid to lead the beast by the nose.

Then, after leading the beast to the north, Chen Fang will go directly to the north to meet with charming, and take his troops to use the art of war array to find trouble for the army of cijiang city.

It's better to cause certain casualties and infuriate their pursuit. As long as the two sides contact and fight in the selected place, the whole plan can be completed naturally, and finally it can be concluded.

But unexpectedly, the beast arrived half a day early, and also with the zombie group, Jimo had to lead the troops to fight, which made Chen Fang have to tempt himself.

After killing through the zombie group, Chen Fang and the tree demon soldiers make a fierce attack on the dunfen beast, who is behind the play. After beating it and angering it, Chen Fang immediately takes the tree demon soldiers to leave North. Naturally, the dunfen beast will not give up and catch up when provoked.

Jimo is relieved to see Chen Fang lead away the beast, and then arranges a soldier to inform charming, let her know that the plan has changed, early arrangement, avoid failure.

When charming received the news from Jimo, it was the time when Jiangcheng army was coming.

Because Chen Fang couldn't come to lure the beast, the burden of provoking Jiangcheng army to lure and pursue fell on her.

Two thousand men and thirty thousand troops are under great pressure, but they are charming.

When making a plan, Chen Fang had predicted all kinds of possible emergencies in advance, and this kind of situation was also within Chen Fang's estimation, so he naturally wanted to have countermeasures.

The strategy is also very simple, that is, we need to be charming and hurt the Jiangcheng army. As long as we let the Jiangcheng army lose enough soldiers and then leave, it is impossible for the other party not to pursue.

After all, if we don't get rid of the charming opposition force, which can cause casualties to the army, we will go directly to Xincheng. At that time, we are likely to be attacked by both sides, and we will be defeated.

As long as the army commander with a little brain will not ignore this uncertain factor, he will certainly send troops to encircle and suppress. Then the plan made by Chen Fang can continue.

How to fight Jiangcheng army?

Twenty to thirty thousand, if you are not careful, let alone hurt, you may fall into it and the whole army will be destroyed.

Fortunately, I was well prepared. This time I came here, charming took part of the plant bombs that had been hoarded before.

With the help of the plant bomb, she reaped a wave of heads and caused at least 500 casualties to the enemy.

This kind of good walking on the road, suddenly by people who don't know where to come out of a slap, and then hit people also bought a coquettish figure to run away, everyone is angry.

The commander of Jiangcheng was also furious and immediately ordered his men to take 5000 people to pursue him.

Charming see the enemy deceived, immediately sent to contact Chen Fang, in order to be able to meet at the designated location.

At this time, Chen Fang also moved northward with the grave hoarding beast, but the speed was not fast.

After all, the giant beast is too big to run. However, because the giant beast has a large range of strides, it is not too slow. As a result, the charming side needs to take more pursuers to increase its variables.

When Chen Fang was pulling the monster, he was also observing the grave hoarding beast behind him from time to time.

This giant animal looks like an armadillo, but it doesn't have long ears and tail. Its forelegs are a little shorter than its hind legs. Its claws are like hooks, and it's not as strong as its hind legs. When it crawls, its forelegs plough the ground, leaving deep gullies, like the fields plowed by a plow.

Its body is covered with armor and its surface is like a sieve. The pits are filled with soil. There are no less than a thousand zombies buried in the pits. At present, it is still in a closed state except for a hundred grave bags which have been opened.

From time to time, the black liquor that emits a foul smell is left in the opened grave bags. If it drips down on the ground, it will directly corrode a hole. If it falls on a tree, it will make the originally lush trees wither instantly.

Besides being able to control zombies, grave hoarders can also spew gray liquid, which has strong viscosity and toxic effect of turning prey into zombies.

When luring the grave hoarding beast, a tree demon warrior was accidentally contaminated by this liquid. It was directly stuck in the same place as strong glue, and then dried up as if it had been extracted water. At the same time, it also changed to zombies.If it wasn't for the soul connection between the tree demon warrior and Chen Fang, he might have become a pawn controlled by the grave hoarding beast.

The zombie tree demon, after Chen Fang used the hammer of healing to purify the fruitless, made his own decision and returned to Chen Fang and became the fruit again.

But maybe because of the toxic effect, Chen Fang felt that the fruit was slightly different, but now is not the time. He can only put down his worry for a while and go to check it carefully later.

"Died" a tree demon soldier, Chen Fang to hoard grave beast to get angry.

The tree demon warrior was a piece of meat that fell from his body in the form of a tree. He was usually very tight, but now he was suicidal in front of himself, which made him very angry. He wanted to fight back and kill the beast to avenge his daughter.

However, this is bound to affect the plan. Chen Fang, who is carrying thousands of lives in the new town, can only resist his hatred and continue to lure the grave hoarding beast with the tree demon soldiers.

But in his heart, Chen Fang has made a decision. When the next goal is achieved, no matter whether the beast is dead or not, he will break it into pieces, and then eat it, and let it accept punishment in his own stomach.

Chen Fang doesn't plan to let go of the waste after digestion. In tree form, the waste is a good root fertilizer.


Here I would like to say that in line with the principle that flower growers are diligent and thrifty and can not waste without wasting, and at the same time, for the sake of cash bags in distress, Chen Fang has opened an extremely frantic mode of saving.

That is to say, after eating something that can't be digested and sent out of the body, he uses the root to absorb it again after becoming a tree, so as not to waste anything.

Not to mention, it's really useful. What Chen Fang can't absorb by his stomach can be absorbed by the roots to strengthen the tree. After this discovery, Chen Fang used it. Now his tree shape is 278 meters high, and the width of the tree is three times as big as before. No one can hold it.

If it comes out of shape, the grave hoarding beast behind him is a child in front of him.

Water pull, return to the right ending.

Lured by charming and Chen Fang, at midnight that night, Jiangcheng's army and the beast entered a bowl shaped depression seven or eight meters deep.

The formation of this terrain is probably caused by meteorite falling from the sky. It was discovered by the collectors who went out to collect in Xincheng by accident, and it happened to be used by Chen Fang as the implementation site of the plan.

Chen Fang's plan came to an end when the army of Jiangcheng chased and the giant beast entered here.