

after killing the beast, Chen Fang released his avatar, and then vomited out a mouthful of exhaust gas just held in his chest, but by the way, he touched the internal injury, and another mouthful of blood gushed out.

"If you lose, you can't make up for it without seven or eight hundred gold coins."

Chen Fang, with a very pale face, wipes the blood from his mouth and regrets that he was too careless in the battle.

Just now, the giant beast was huge and bulky, and one eye was cut off. At his own speed, as long as he grasped the blind area of his vision and took some time to grind it slowly, he could kill him, and he didn't have to suffer such injuries.

"When I'm big, I think I'm strong, and I'm able to fight with the beast head-on. I'm also losing my intelligence."

Thinking of the fact that he spent more than a thousand gold coins on Krypton strengthening this time, together with spitting out two mouthfuls of blood worth thousands of gold, as well as the consumption of skills and resources, Chen Fang almost had a heart attack.

But fortunately, he killed the beast. With its valuable quality of flesh and blood, the weight of less than ten tons is hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold coins, which is not a loss, but a big profit.

Chen Fang also got two good harvests after he killed the beast.

However, before looking at the harvest, Chen Fang first treated himself with a healing hammer to stabilize the injury, then manipulated the bandage to wrap up the wound on his body. After dealing with these, he began to look at two harvests.

One is the 20 attribute points obtained after killing the beast, and the other is the booty.

Attribute point, Chen Fang thought about it, put it all into the spirit.

Because through the battle, he found that his mental attributes are higher than before, and he can concentrate more. During the battle, his five senses will be much sharper than before, and his nerve reaction will also be improved a lot. In addition, in the crisis, when his spirit is extremely concentrated, there will be bullet time, which can well avoid fatal injury and has a great effect.

For the above feelings, Chen Fang chose to get 20 attribute points into the spiritual attribute.

Then he got something unexpected.

After putting in attribute points on mental attributes, Chen Fang found that every time he increased the attribute value, he had more control over his body, and his agility seemed to be released, rising by 10% or 20%. His body became more powerful and flexible.

Chen Fang was very surprised.

Can adding spiritual attributes also improve strength and speed?

But that is clearly not possible.

After thinking about it, Chen Fang thinks that there is only one possibility, that is, his strength and agility have increased with the increase of attribute value, but because of the limit of nerve reaction and the protection mechanism of the human body, he subconsciously limits the body and prevents people from exerting 100% of their strength, so he can't really achieve the strength and agility that 30 attribute value should show When he spends 70% or 80% of his money, the increase of his mental attributes raises the upper threshold. That's why he feels that his power and agility have increased. But this is actually an illusion.

"It seems that if there are attribute points in the future, we should first add the spiritual attribute, and then increase the other two attribute values after fully exerting our real power."

Chen Fang clenched his fist and murmured, then he focused on the spoils.

Booty is a skill book. It's not a combat skill, but a kitchen skill. It can be easily dismembered by using animal food.

The spoils came in time. Chen Fang was worried that he could not put down his storage space because of the huge beast.

"It's a pity that I didn't work so hard as long as I knew. Without a head, I could eat several tons of meat."

Chen Fang lamented, while learning the skills book, and then began to deal with the remains of the beast.

In vain, a kitchen knife came out. Chen Fang looked solemnly at the behemoth corpse with no head in front of him.

"Paoding jieniu"

Chen Fang jumped up in the air and waved his knife. As if he had used the technique of separation, he suddenly separated many figures around the three-story giant beast, which flashed up and down. The shining knits and knits alternately flashed, and then he saw the whole fur of the giant beast stripped off, revealing the white muscle and red meat below.

Then the knife light became more and more dense, and the flesh and blood on the giant beast's body seemed to have passed through the screen, and became pieces the size of a suitcase. They fell and piled up like bricks. Ten minutes later, all the flesh and blood viscera were removed, leaving only a huge skeleton in place.

After the initial treatment, Chen Fang didn't stop. He swallowed more than a dozen mutant animal meatballs in the storage space to make up for the consumption. Then he began to collect the giant animal meats and the bones that he had torn apart according to the joints. First, he filled the car body with three trampolines, and then the storage space. After 70% or 80% of the storage space was filled, Chen Fang couldn't put the rest Knead the meat and viscera into a ball and force it into the seam. Then it will all be put away.

"It's a waste."

Chen Fang felt sorry for the huge animal meat and viscera that had been rubbed into a ball. This kind of ball was compressed to the limit and lost its moisture. Although the energy contained in it would not be lost, it could not be chewed or chewed. It could only be swallowed as a pill. It was a waste of the opportunity to make it into a mouth watering delicacy.He still remembers that when he was in the city of rebirth, Master Liu first-class roasted the giant beast meat, which was really delicious.

"Well, it's time to go back."

The giant beast has been finished. Naturally, Chen Fang won't stay. He turns around and leaves. But before he gets out of the ruins of Shuo Guo City, he is frightened by a large group of mutant beasts and retreats to the ruins to hide.

Chen Fang stood at the height of the ruins, looking at the mutated herds rushing towards it, thinking.

This is the smell of the blood from the beast. Let's go to dinner.

But unfortunately, now there is nothing but a little bit of meat foam and dirty blood on the ground. In the past, the most I can do is lick the blood that seeps into the sand.

Chen Fang smiles.

After hiding on the ruins for a while, Chen Fang hesitated for a moment when he was about to leave after all the mutated animals below had run.

Even if it's a little bit of flesh and blood, it's estimated that the mutant animals will fight. After all, the flesh and blood of giant animals is also a great tonic for the mutant animals. Maybe a little bit of flesh and blood can make the evolution of the blood, so it's impossible not to fight.

Do you want me to take advantage of it? Chen Fang thought.

At the moment of thinking, the direction of fighting with the giant beast before Chong Chen Fang, came the chaotic roar of the beast, and the crackling fighting sound of the riot. It was obvious that the group of mutant beasts began to fight for some flesh and blood.

Chen Fang moved for a while, but he didn't go there in the end.

Because even if there is a bargain to take, he can't take it. After all, he has no place to install it.

"It's a pity."

With a sigh, Chen Fang turns and leaves. After walking out of the ruins of the city, he calls for an electric car and goes westward.