"Patriarch, it's not good. A person's clan has come in, and the brothers can't stop it."

"Yes, patriarch, the Terran is so powerful that it can't get close at all. If you go up, one will die."

After receiving the news, Heiwu rushed to the scene with several other tribal chiefs.

Then you can see a whole body glowing red, killing an unstoppable Terran in the crowd. From time to time, there are three women in red, white and black in wedding dress. Every time they appear, they will help that Terran block the fatal attack that may be caused or help harvest the lives of the people.

"It's him!"

After seeing the face of the Terran clearly, the black fog called out subconsciously.

"Isn't that the Terran commander who used to take Terran cavalry and kill us shit?" Some of the tribal chiefs recognized it.

But what he said was so harsh that other patriarchs glared at him.

What does it mean to kill us? Do you want to tell the truth like this? Do you want to be shameless.

The tribal head, who was glared at by the public, scratched his head. He was puzzled. Was he wrong? At that time, you and I were really scared to pee.

Opportunity, this is a great opportunity. As long as you kill this man, those Terran cavalry are not worried at all. They must take him.

After seeing Chen Fang, Heiwu was very happy.

After several defeats, the black fog was clear.

The Terran cavalry with Chen Fang in action is as one, and the team is as inseparable as an iron plate. They are extremely aggressive and can't stop them. They are extremely dangerous.

The Terran cavalry without Chen Fang is also very difficult to fight, but the threat level is greatly reduced, and it is not impossible to defeat them.

"Up, up to me, send out all totem warriors. No matter how much you pay today, you must take this Terran."

Black fog excites underground.

"Is it necessary to send totem warriors up now? I think it's safer to let other people consume their strength first and then send them up." One patriarch objected and proposed Tao at the same time.

Black fog is right. Now the Terran looks very powerful. If you send totem warriors up, you may not be able to fight.

Now they don't have many totem warriors. There are only three or four hundred left. One dead will lose one. It's a pity to be killed. It's really a good way to let ordinary people go up and consume them first.

So black fog agreed to this proposal, and several tribal chiefs together ordered ordinary crazy orcs to attack.

However, the ordinary crazy orcs, who are rivals, will be opened to test their efficiency as much as they go up. Chen Fang, who is attached to the bride, will be killed as much as possible, and more people will die. The morale of the totem crazy orcs will be greatly reduced, and some of them are submissive and dare not go forward.

Seeing this, the clan leaders quickly released the bloodthirsty totem, which can make the clan violent, so that they are fearless.

Under the influence of bloodthirsty totem, the ordinary totem crazy orcs became furious. They rushed to Chen Fang and launched a suicide attack. They broke their hands and feet. As long as they didn't lose their heads, they would give Chen Fang a lot of pressure.

As the pressure increases, Chen Fang's consumption of the bride's attachment suddenly increases. Although there is a continuous supply of gold coins, the recovery of the source energy can't keep up.

Chen Fang doesn't want to be surrounded and killed because he can't replenish the source energy, so he makes a big move to clear the totem crazy orcs around him and withdraw from the stockade.


Black fog saw Chen Fang running out of the village and ordered to pursue him.

He and several tribal chiefs with a group of totem crazy orcs chased out of the stockade, and saw ten meters ahead, running stumbling Chen Fang.

"Come on, give it all to me. We must keep him today."

So many totem crazy orcs, led by Heiwu and several other tribal chiefs, struggled to catch up. At the same time, in the stockade behind them, totem crazy orcs kept coming out.

However, the totem Orc still didn't catch up, because after running 100 meters, Chen Fang summoned an electric car and ran 100 meters away.

"Gan, let him run."

The black fog was very upset. Chen Fang had the help of the fast electric car, which ignored the terrain in the swamp. They couldn't catch up anyway.

"It's his life."

Several tribal chiefs also looked at Chen Fang's back with hatred.

However, to the surprise of Heiwu and several tribal chiefs, Chen Fang stopped after driving his electric car 100 meters away, and turned the front of the car to face them, as if he meant to rush through.

What does he want to do?

The black fog was puzzled.

"Why didn't he run away? Did he want to rush over?"

Seeing Chen Fang's posture, other tribal chiefs were also confused, and some people even expressed their doubts.

Black fog didn't think so. He just thought that the other party might just want to shout "long time" and "come again next time" to the people on his side.

But still out of the black fog expected, Chen Fang really rushed towards them."Seek death, kill him."

Seeing Chen Fang's behavior, several tribal chiefs felt despised one after another.

They admit that Chen Fang is very strong, just so many people did not win, he was also run away, but if Chen Fang ran away, all the tribal chiefs would be upset that they could not catch up with him, but they would not have any other emotions. However, Chen Fang did not run back and looked like he was trying to kill again by himself, which made all the tribal chiefs angry Come on.

Black fog is not as irritable as other tribal chiefs. He only thinks Chen Fang's actions are strange.

Suddenly thought of something, black fog cried out.

"No, get out of here."

Then black fog took the lead in running towards the gate of the village.

"What's the matter? Even if the Terran is very strong, it's just one person who rushes to kill him." The head of a tribe looked at the black fog escaping into the village and said.

As soon as the voice of the tribal leader fell, suddenly several other tribal leaders cried out in a panic.

"I'll go. Run. The Terran has summoned his contract beast cavalry."

The head of the tribe looked at Chen Fang, and suddenly he was dead.

At this time, there were more than a hundred half men and a half horses around the Terran, and with the Terran as the top of the array, a cavalry array that had killed them many times rushed over.


the tribal head gave a strange cry and ran away.

It's not surprising that he was so panicked and behaved badly. He was beaten by the Terran cavalry led by Chen Fang, and many times he couldn't stop it. Like others, he just wanted to run for his life subconsciously.

And the totem orcs who follow their clan leader are also extremely flustered when they see the cavalry square that begins to speed up the charge.

The totem orcs in the front row, who were as scared as their own clan leader, also turned around and ran.

But the people in the front know the situation, but the totem crazy orcs who just came out and are coming out from the gate don't know the situation, so they huddle together in disorder.

In panic, some totem crazy orcs began to push and pull with the people in front of them. They wanted to run into the stronghold for the first time. In a hurry, they attacked the people who had just come out of the stronghold. The pulled totem crazy orcs wanted to save their dog's life, so they grabbed the people who pushed and pulled them. Those uninformed totem crazy orcs were beaten for no reason, so they would fight back In addition, the bloodthirsty totem released by several tribal chiefs didn't last long. At this time, all the totem crazy orcs who had been trained before were easy to be grumpy. As a result, conflicts broke out on the spot, making the gate of the stronghold more crowded and chaotic.

The totem crazy orcs here suddenly fight. Chen Fang, who is charging with the tree demon warrior who has blessed the art of war, is stunned and happy.

"It's a godsend."

"Girls, go with dad. If you don't level this stronghold and kill all the totem crazy orcs today, you will never stop." Chen Fang shouts.


the hundred tree demon tactics and the big and small Qiao who are beside Chen Fang drink yingnuo together. Baidao has a clear and heroic voice, which is refreshing.

Chen Fangwen's old heart is glad to have such a group of heroic and extraordinary daughters to follow, which has no less than the enemy.

For a time, Chen Fang's spirit surged to his chest, and then he drank it violently and used it as a skill.



the electric light explodes in the battle array, and the hundred warriors and riders instantly start to speed up and rush forward to the chaotic totem crazy beast crowd.