Black fog is very embarrassed, he lost his right arm body, is lying on a stretcher, was carried by his own people towards the direction of the swamp in a hurry to escape.

Why, why?

Black fog looked up at the sky, feeling confused for the next fate of himself and his people, and a burst of regret in his heart.

Not far behind him, in the totem United remnant army, a group of red glowing Terran knights are wantonly fighting in the crowd.

"That night, when perricu chased out with all his cavalry, I should have taken someone to meet him. If I had done that at that time, I would not have been beaten now. I have no fighting power, I can only run for my life."

Well, I was wrong. I shouldn't have other ideas at that time.

The black fog sighed bitterly.

"Patriarch, it's not your fault. It's the fault of those tribal patriarchs who don't listen to you." The members of the black leech tribe carrying the stretcher sighed at the sight of the black fog and said angrily.

Black fog wry smile shook his head, did not respond, looked up at the sky, do not know what to think.

Ten days ago, perricu took more than 3000 cavalry out to pursue the Terran cavalry. Black fog felt bad at that time and wanted to take people to meet him.

However, because he fainted before, several unreliable clan leaders did not arrange search and sentry, so that the army was attacked by the Terran cavalry at night and suffered heavy losses. He was angry and scolded several clan leaders and hated each other.

Later, Heiwu felt that perricu might be ambushed when he was pursuing. In order to be safe, he went to the tribal chiefs. He didn't want to be angry.

At that time, black fog was still very angry. He bowed himself to the door and apologized. What else.

Finally, because the black fog can't let go of face and don't want to be humble, the matter of sending troops to take over is not over.

In fact, the reason why he couldn't put down his face at that time was that he had a little fluke mentality and other thoughts.

What's the point?

Let's talk about the situation of black fog in the orc Horde alliance.

On the surface of the United Army, he seems to be the boss, or the voice of the whole army, but in fact, few of them really listen to him.

The reason is not satisfied.

Because black fog is not the most powerful person in the whole totem Orc alliance, and its own tribe is not the largest one.

Totem crazy orcs speak with strength. It's strange that people like him can convince the public when they become the boss.

What he relied on was the only one who could make a deal with Nanjing crazy Orc and the prince of the Terran. He could help the whole totem crazy orc to gain benefits, so he was elected as the boss and the spokesman.

At the moment of interests, the black fog is barely able to hold down the heads of other tribes. For the time being, he is the spokesperson of the leader of the United Army, and those tribal heads are obedient to him because of their interests.

However, due to various accidents, the transaction with the prince of the Terran family failed. Moreover, it was under his command that he could not obtain the benefits that he was about to get. As a result, his reputation plummeted, and many tribal chiefs were dissatisfied.

Had it not been for the huge interests of the southern orcs, he would have been ousted.

Because of this interest, Heiwu can barely maintain his identity as the speaker and boss.

But since the loss of the interests of the Terran, some tribal chiefs have begun to violate his orders or make their own decisions without asking for instructions. His power is not as useful as before.

It's like perricu, who leads the soldiers to pursue him without asking for his advice.

This would not have happened if the interests of the human race had not been lost and the black fog had made a great deal of promises.

Fortunately, there is a greater interest in the performance of those patriarchs is not so excessive.

But not necessarily in the future.

Heiwu believed that he would humbly ask others to send troops to rescue perricu's cavalry that night, which was good for the whole United Army, but certainly not for him.

Because this will directly make those tribal chiefs feel that he can't do without their help.

Totem crazy orcs are just a group of guys that you step back and push your nose on. Black fog doesn't even need to think about it. As long as you put your posture, it's not easy for them to say anything in the future. Even if you take the interests of the South crazy orcs as a threat, it's useless to estimate, because they know they also need it. This kind of thing is not suitable As a chip to threaten others, unless you don't want it, but if you don't want it, why do people still cooperate with you? Only in this interest, people will listen to you. If you don't want it, you can open the letter directly.

Black fog is ambitious. Naturally, he will not give up this interest, nor will he allow his position in the tribal joint army to be unstable. But he can do nothing when nothing happens.

But then he got a chance.

When the Terran cavalry attacked, perricu led people to pursue him. Black fog thought he was more or less dangerous. In front of him, he sincerely went to find several tribal chiefs to apologize and try to ease up.However, after being rejected by the tribal chiefs, Heiwu was very unhappy and changed his mind. He suddenly thought that perricu's death might be an opportunity for him to consolidate the position of speaker in the United Army.

You think, I've reminded you for a long time that something will happen, but you don't pay attention to it. If something really happens, who is responsible?

It's not him anyway.

It is a common truth in the world that those who make mistakes are not upright.

So when he was rejected, he just went away and didn't care so much. On the contrary, he was looking forward to perricu's death in his heart, so that he could have a chance to let the tribal chiefs listen again.

As for the death of their own cavalry, it may make the whole army extremely passive in the face of the Terran cavalry in the future. The black fog no longer thinks about it. Be careful. As long as you are in a group, the Terran cavalry will not dare to come.

The bottom decides the head. If you have tasted the fragrance of power, it is not so easy to let go, even if you pay a heavy price for it.

As black fog had expected, perricu never came back. He sent someone to look for him. Only a pile of mud was found, and 3000 cavalry troops were destroyed. Everyone except black fog was shocked.

Black fog was very proud at that time, which was within his expectation.

If someone dares to sneak attack at night, he must have arranged his way back, or he himself is a direct bait. He has united the Terran army, which has been ignored by everyone, and made a murder trap.

When the others withered, the black fog rose.

Because this fault can not be blamed on him, he once reminded and asked to send troops to meet perricu, but was rejected by the tribal chiefs.

If a person dies, which could have been avoided, he must be held responsible.

By taking this opportunity, Heiwu punished the tribal chiefs and was recognized by most of the soldiers of the United Army. After all, no one wanted to lose his life because of the muddleheaded chief, even his own clan chief. With the support of most people, Heiwu's power was greatly increased.

In those days, the black fog felt that he had returned to his former position, where no one dared to rebel.

But before long, the nightmare began.

Terran cavalry began to appear in front of the totem united army without cavalry.