Before and after the implementation of the three plans, every time when the implementation is about to succeed, there will be all kinds of accidents leading to failure, which makes black fog feel very frustrated and angry.

The failure of the plan means that the trade between the totem clan and the second prince of the Terran clan will not be able to go on, which is quite heavy for the totem crazy Orc who has paid a lot of costs and rushed over from thousands of miles. As a leader, he needs to take great responsibility.

He can imagine that when he speaks among different tribes, he will no longer have the same weight as before, and his tribe will also be affected.

"Kill them."

He was fed up with the cold command of the black fog.

In order to trade, you can't let go of your hand and foot to the Terran army. The totem crazy orcs who are fighting in the front line always show their hands and feet tied. The battle that can't let go of their hands and feet and guarantee the other party's life makes those totem crazy orcs extremely depressed.

This will receive orders that they can kill people. The totem crazy orcs who have long been impatient roar one by one. They are no longer afraid of hands and feet, and they are afraid of being punished for crushing the enemy in front of them. Their actions become open and close.

The totem crazy orcs, who have been fighting with the wary totem crazy orcs for a long time, are so charming that they suddenly let go of their hands and feet. They don't defend at all. The totem crazy orcs who fight with their lives instead of injuries are stunned. Now they realize that the real fighting posture of totem crazy orcs is so direct.

Relying on the four beast costumes, the five hundred strong men of the Wu family have been at an advantage against the totem crazy orcs since the beginning. It's quite easy to break the melon with their hands in a fight. Now restraint still exists, but the totem crazy orcs are getting worse. Fighting with them is like a madman riot. This melon turns into a durian in an instant. The hand is scarred when it goes out and gets back It was so easy before.

In terms of numbers, they are at a disadvantage. The other side is still fighting with you. They can slow down the progress of totem orcs. After the other side's riot, the charming side begins to see casualties, and the containment is gone.

Two thousand meters, one thousand meters, seven hundred meters, the restraining force led by charming was pushed by the totem crazy orcs to the river bank step by step, and then retreated. During this period, the elite Terran soldiers were killed by the totem crazy orcs.

The soldiers who had not crossed the river bank saw that the totem crazy orcs were close at hand, so they started to panic. They began to push and shove them up regardless of the large number of soldiers on the "bridge". As a result, many soldiers who were already on the edge were pushed down into the River, and these soldiers often instinctively stretched out their hands to pull the people around them, More people fell down. For a moment, many soldiers fell into the river like dumplings on the bridge, and then they were washed away by the torrent of water.

Chen Fang coldly looks at the soldiers pushing and squeezing across the river in fear. He doesn't make any response. In fact, he still has the spare power to use roots and branches to form a guardrail at the edge to ensure safety, but he doesn't.

After the evolution of the tree form, the time of forced fixed state is reduced to one and a half hours. If it is not a little short of time to become a human, it will definitely release the tree form.

To protect a group of people who would rather fall into the river to die than turn back to help those who cut them off to resist the attack of totem maniac orcs, he is not a loving virgin, just go to die.

Now it happens that the harder the soldiers push, the more people fall into the river, and the faster the rest of them cross the river. At that time, it will be easier for those who charm them to get on the bridge.

When the team led by charming was forced to be only 100 meters away from the river bank by the totem crazy orcs, all the soldiers on the river bank had retreated to the opposite side. During this period, many soldiers fell into the river, or at least hundreds.

It's almost time for Chen Fang to remove the tree form on his own. He immediately wants to contact Da Xiaoqiao, ask them to inform charming Jimo and others to cross the river quickly, and order them to take the remaining 80 tree demon soldiers to kill them.

This arrangement is because the big and small Qiao and their "daughters" are not really dead even if they are killed. As long as Chen Fang is still alive, they can still be reborn, while the relative charm of Jimo is that they have nothing but once.

This is not to say that Chen Fang doesn't treat big and small Qiao and their "daughters" as "people" and uses them as tools.

Before, whenever a "daughter" or "death" came back to him and turned into fruit, he, as a "mother", er, Dad, was also very distressed. After all, it was a piece of meat that fell from his body.

After receiving Chen fangxinnian's contact, big and small Qiao naturally do as they should, and soon inform the two people who are standing at the front of the team to deal with the damage and Jimo who are constantly giving assistance in the array. Then they gather to the front of the front with the speed of the tree demon soldiers, and begin to defend them against the totem crazy orcs.

He gave up his action power and turned to confrontation. Naturally, the tree demon warrior who lost his advantage could not get any advantage from the totem crazy orcs. In face to face, he lost five or six sisters, and the resistance was very difficult.

Charming didn't dare to delay, so she immediately turned around and ran towards the river. With yiyiyaya and ALUs in the state of soy sauce, santiaozi first ran over Chen Fang's tree face and rushed to the other side of the river. Then there were five hundred men of the Wu family, who left obvious marks on Chen Fangshu's face. The obvious shoe target marks also passed, and then there were not many left by charming Among the elite Terran soldiers, the four King Kong and the eight brothers of F4 Jimo passed.As soon as Jimo was crossing the river and was about to get off the tree bridge, he looked back at the totem crazy Orc on the other side, spat a mouthful of phlegm, touched a bloody knife on his chest, and said: "bah, it's really stupid. I must get it back when I have a chance."

He felt very embarrassed. Not only his pectoralis major and abdominal muscles, which he had always regarded as treasures, were injured, but also many women had to sacrifice to escape. This made him feel extremely humiliating.

Jimo two endured the injury on his thigh, put his hand behind his pants, took out a small notebook from his buttocks, took out the notes that he didn't know where to take out, recorded something, and said, "hum, I've written down the revenge."

Jimo Bing: "bah, his mother, if you meet him again, you will take revenge."

Jimo Ding: "top!"

Usually very elegant F4, at this time is also very embarrassed, the original clean clothes, now almost into a strip, regardless of body or handsome face are hanging a lot of color.

Jimo's three brothers, rich, powerful and rich, did not speak,

but the rich and noble around them held a sign with (╯##╯╯╯╯╯╯╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╯╯╯╯╯╯╯.

The eight brothers of Jimo family are staring at the other side of the bridge, spitting at the totem crazy Orc who killed all the tree demon soldiers and is facing the river.

After spraying, they turned and left, but Chen Fang was furious.

I've never seen such a person with no quality. If you want to spit, go to the ground, go to the river and fall on my face. If it's not that I can't get up now, believe it or not, jump up and kill you.

On the other side of the river, the totem crazy orcs who watched the Terran army leave across the river were unwilling.

"Heiwu clan leader, just let them go? It's not that the deal can't be done. " Said one patriarch.

"Well, how dare you cross this bridge?"

Black fog pointed to the tree of Chen Fang's incarnation, and pointed to the charming Jimo and other people who were still staying on the Bank of the river and were eyeing their own side. They then said, "do you believe that as soon as we get on this bridge, they will be destroyed."

The patriarch nodded, and then he looked at the "bridge" in front of him and said: "how can such a tree grow suddenly here, or grow horizontally? It's really strange. Why didn't you find it before? It shouldn't be."

Black fog also felt strange, but at this time he didn't pay special attention to it, because at this time, the communicator in his arms rang, took it out and opened, and a series of grumbling and angry curses came out.

At that time, Heiwu was ready to die, but then the curse was replaced by Neha's voice. He listened to it and didn't know what Neha said. A moment later, Heiwu's gloomy face eased a lot. After a few words with Neha, he lost touch.

The black fog took a deep look at the other side of the river, gave the order to retreat, and turned away.

At the moment when the totem orcs left, the charming Jimo, who had been on high alert, was greatly relieved.

"Fortunately, they didn't want to destroy the bridge, otherwise Chen Fang would be miserable." Wen Ren patted Wei An's chest and said happily.

The others nodded.