Buqu city and the imperial court join forces with the disabled army. There are two groups of soldiers. One group consists of 6000 soldiers. Charming takes 500 military families to lead the troops to lure the totem crazy orcs on the fertile plain and in the city of Raofeng. The other group is led by Jimo in Ming Li. In fact, Chen Fang will follow the troops led by charming first. Then the former attracts the totem crazy orcs' eyes and faces Raofeng together The city moves forward, but it will find a place to hide in the middle of the way, and wait for the opportunity to appear before seizing the city.

The troops led by charming swaggered around the border of Raofeng City, which attracted the attention of totem crazy orcs. The Terran is a dish for totem crazy orcs. Now this dish appears so arrogantly in front of them. Even if it is said that this dish is not so easy to eat, there is no reason to let it go.

The clan leaders who received the news in Raofeng city were crying for revenge. The clan leader of heishuizhi, who was elected as the temporary leader of the tribal alliance, felt that something was wrong, but could not stop their passion for revenge. He could only persuade them not to hurt more lives by trading with Gongfang, and let them go out of the city to look for powerful weapons The trouble with the Terran army that came out.

Soon after charming and her troops passed through the city several kilometers away, the totem crazy orcs nearby and in the city chased them. The number was about 2000.

This number of totem crazy orcs is far from the plan. They hang behind the former troops and hide in a forest. Chen Fang and others who received the information from the scouts did not move.

They are not in a hurry. This situation is also under consideration. From the beginning, they never thought that they could bring out most of the totem crazy orcs in raofengcheng at one time.

So now they need to wait, wait for the charming and the five hundred men of the Wu family to take their soldiers to beat back the first wave of totem crazy orcs, so that the other side has to send a lot of people to encircle and suppress them. That's Chen Fang's chance to take action.

The opportunity didn't come so soon, but we couldn't do nothing. So in the evening, the soldiers had a rest. Jimo took Chen Fang to explore the city of Raofeng under the cover of the night. At the same time, he accidentally met a totem crazy Orc who knew the common language of the Federation, and caught him as a prisoner. He wanted to know something about the city of Raofeng In this case.

At first, no matter how much Chen Fang tortured the captive totem orc, the other side was very tough and would only yell at him. When Chen Fang intended to give up killing the totem Orc directly, the fox, who was fighting with the chicks, inadvertently gave the other side a charm and controlled him for a period of time. During the period of control, the totem Orc spirit was very weak, Let Chen Fang see the hope.

Next, Chen Fang, with the help of fox's continuous enchantment to the totem crazy orc, sets up some information.

From those totem crazy beast population, Chen Fang and others learned two news. One is that there are about 15000 totem crazy orcs in Raofeng City, and the other is that a large number of Terran army prisoners are being held.

These two news are very important.

The first one can let Chen Fang know to what extent it is more certain and appropriate to send troops to capture the city. The second one is needless to say. Rescuing these captured soldiers can not only boost their morale, but also provide a lot of help to capture and defend the city.

Chen Fang and others are very happy to learn that there are nearly 20000 ethnic soldiers in Raofeng city. They immediately plan to see if they can make use of these soldiers in Raofeng city and give them some help when they attack the city.

In fact, there's nothing to think about. Those captured soldiers can do nothing more than create riots and make trouble for the totem crazy orcs when they attack the city. As long as they hold a group of totem crazy orcs, they will be of great help.

So Chen Fang didn't discuss it for long, and they started to take action. They were ready to go into the city again to find the soldiers and prisoners. They contacted the officers and asked them to cooperate in the siege and certainly create riots.

Although it took a lot of time to interrogate the totem orc, it was still at 3 a.m. in the dark. Without delay, Jimo and Chen Fang entered Raofeng city from the sky again. According to the place where they were detained, they found the place. They were very lucky and unfortunate.

Fortunately, it's very easy to find a place for totem orcs to hold soldiers. In a huge pit with an area of more than ten mu, which has been flattened around the buildings, they found the soldiers detained here.

Unfortunately, when Chen Fang and Jimo took advantage of the fact that the totem crazy Orc guards didn't pay attention to sneak down the earth pit and communicated with the soldiers who were surprised how they could appear, they learned that all the officers above the level of 100 were pulled out in the afternoon, and now they are most likely dead.

The accidental loss of an officer is a very difficult problem for Chen Fang and charming. If there is no officer to take the lead in making contact with the middle, it is almost impossible for these 10000 people to come out at the same time to create a riot.

Finally, Chen Fang decided to stay. Since the officers were gone, he tried to see if he could persuade the soldiers who had lost their courage to create riots. Even if things didn't go well, he could use war drums to stimulate the soldiers' fighting spirit. This might be better than the previous idea.Jimo thinks Chen Fang's attention is good, and originally wanted to stay and help, but Chen Fang certainly disagrees, because without her outside forces, who will command, and under Chen Fang's strong persuasion, Jimo finally went back by himself.

After Jimo left, Chen Fang began to communicate with the soldiers, but the soldiers who stayed in the pit quietly and didn't know how many times more than the totem crazy orcs in the pit were obviously not so persuasive.

Because those who dare to resist have already stood up to resist when they scared the earth pit they dug, but all of them were torn up and eaten by the totem crazy orcs in front of others, which scared many people's courage. Later, from time to time, they grabbed a few people to perform cannibal tricks to frighten these soldiers. After three times, most of them were killed Become very numb, unable to rise the sense of resistance, very sad.

When Chen Fang learned of this situation, he did not make any effort, and he was afraid. He could not use it. He had to wait for the day of the siege to wake up these soldiers with drums.

This wait didn't last long. Only one day later, in the early morning of the third day, the situation finally changed. Chen Fang, who was collecting soil to eat, heard a lot more noise than usual in fengzao city.

There's something wrong with Raofeng city. Jimo got the information after a while.

The scouts reported that a large number of totem crazy orcs gathered outside the city of Raofeng, heading south, and the number was no less than 10000. Moreover, before eating, the scouts also saw some injured totem crazy orcs fled back to Raofeng City, which may be related to their gathering and going out.

Jimo and others listen to the nature know how to return a responsibility, obviously charming there ate before chase out of that totem crazy Orc troops.

Six thousand for two thousand, with the plant bomb provided by Wu family's five hundred gram star and Yaya, and with mental calculation, it's not very difficult to eat the two thousand people.

"Get the soldiers ready. We'll start in an hour."

Jimo asked several officers to give orders.

The siege will begin soon.