It's very difficult to go back now because some fool has broken his way.

Although we can lead the army to build a bridge by the river, it is obviously impossible for the Terran to go back in peace with so many dead people and the character of totem crazy orcs.

The totem orcs should have more than 20000 troops. If the totem orcs rush to build a bridge, the Terran army will only have more than 10000 troops. Even with Chen Fang's war drum song blessing, it must be a heavy loss, and few people can escape.

Blocking the marsh in the west, the river blocking the road in the East and south, and the territory of the Federal Parliament in the north, the remnant army of the Terran at this time seemed to be in prison, and did not know how to get out of it.

In a temporary military account, there are six thousand level generals in all the troops.

Also present are the main figures of Buqu city.

There were ten people in total. They gathered to reorganize the army and clarify the issue of command. They also discussed how to get rid of the current situation.

It used to be a very troublesome thing to reorganize the army, but now it is in danger. In terms of combat effectiveness, only the awakened and ordinary people are separated and integrated into two units.

As for the command of the army, the six thousand level generals directly ignored the charm of being the top commander of the army of unyielding city. They fought for each other and felt that they had the ability and strength to be the commander. However, no matter who wanted to be the commander, they were all opposed by others.

Chen Fang, who was also attending the meeting on the spot, as the chief hero of changing the war situation, was fed up with these people who were still doing such bullshit things when they were in trouble. He wanted to fight about when to go, so he proposed to let charming be her.

Charming naturally was surprised that Chen Fang suddenly pushed her out. Although she didn't really want the command of the remnant army, since Chen Fang spoke for her, he couldn't deny his face, so she stood up and said that she was competent.

Of course, the six generals won't agree. This army is the army of the imperial court. If you are an outsider, what's the matter.

If she is only charming, the six generals may immediately blow up when she comes out, but Chen Fang is recommended, and they have to take it seriously.

Chen Fang had a lot to do with the reason why he survived the attack of the totem crazy orcs. The six generals could not refuse directly, so as not to irritate Chen Fang and take him away from the army. After that, he would have no resistance against the totem crazy orcs.

So the six of them only said that being charming was not only a girl's generation, but also that she was not qualified to command the army.

Chen Fang immediately retorts that what's the matter with women? In the previous battle with totem crazy orcs, she was the first woman to take the lead in the charge. She was faster than you guys. Now that soldier doesn't admire her, why doesn't she have prestige.

And most importantly, Chen Fang said that as the greatest hero who can defeat the totem crazy orcs this time, he also has great prestige among the soldiers. Is it not enough to have his unconditional support?

It is ridiculous to say that they are not qualified. How can they command the forces of Buqu city if they are not the officers appointed by the imperial army.

In identity, she has the name of the emperor's sister-in-law, one of the eight extreme families, the future head of the Wu family, and the chief consul of Buqu city.

There are also five hundred Wu family members who are obedient to the totem crazy Orc big killer group. It can be said that the six people present can be compared with her.

The six generals, seeing that Chen Fang was so stubborn, wanted to push her charm to the top. They were very unhappy, but they didn't want to be in a hurry. Chen Fang chose to ignore it. After Chen Fang finished his expression, the six generals talked about all kinds of reasons, but they just didn't agree.

Chen Fang was so angry that he turned around and called the five hundred men of the Wu family to surround the military account.

Then he took Yiyi with an energy gun to the top of the six generals, forced them to hand over all the military power, and threatened to let them die if they made small moves.

Under Chen Fang's violence, the six generals chose compromise, handed over military power, and acknowledged charming's command over the army.

Then the six generals joined up and left the army account in a huff.

Charming gets the command of the army with the help of Chen Fang. Oh, it can't be said to help. After all, charming doesn't want to, but now that she has got it, let's use it.

So when he became the supreme leader of the army, he gave the first order, requiring all officers above the level of 100 to gather in the army tent at night to brainstorm and discuss the next step.

However, on that night, except for the officers of Buqu City, only a few officers belonging to the imperial army came.

Obviously, it was the six generals who made the trouble. After all, they were seized of military power by violence. Everyone was upset.

Chen Fang said that he can understand, but understanding belongs to understanding, which does not prevent him from taking people to Huohuo.

After all, if they make small moves, they will find trouble.When Chen Fang was about to take five hundred men of the Wu family to the six generals, he was stopped by charming before he went out.

On the contrary, she was more resolute and more ruthless. She directly ordered the five hundred men of the Wu family to arrest the six generals, and then read out the crimes of the six men in front of all the soldiers.

The general charge is that he did not respect the military orders. In the current difficult situation, he still had the idea of fighting for power and power, and prevented other officers from attending important meetings that related to the lives of more than 10000 soldiers.

Of course, the six generals who have been gagged by rags can't identify this crime.

Then, in front of all the soldiers, she said that the six men's disregard of the lives of all the soldiers is very likely to force the whole army to death. Without severe punishment, it is not enough to warn others. In the future, the army will struggle with life and death. What should we do if there are such people again.

After putting forward the question, charming handed over to the soldiers of the whole army what to do with these six people.

When the soldiers heard that it was related to their own life safety, of course, they were cut down by the passionate expression of the group.

Since most of the soldiers said they had cut, they did.

Charming is also very simple, let the execution of the Wu family immediately start.

Six heads fell to the ground and the soldiers cheered.

Charming, because of her crisp behavior, made the soldiers feel valued. In addition to the six generals, she gained the recognition and support of most of the soldiers, so she really mastered the army.

After dealing with the six generals, a military conference was held immediately.

At the meeting, charming first promoted several officers who had responded to the call, sacked six dead generals, and assigned officers who were far away from qucheng to two integrated units.

After dealing with some military problems, charm goes straight to the point.

"Let's talk about what we should do next."

There was a sudden silence in the army account.