The missile has the ability of locking. Although it won't hit itself on the head, the explosion generated by it doesn't matter you or me.

So before aleus launched the small missile, she asked her to contact the charming before the battle and told the other party to tell the soldiers to be careful of the explosion.

Before the battle, the soldiers knew that a strong range attack was coming and made corresponding preparations. With the help of artificial intelligence, aleus locked the totem crazy orcs in an area. First, he just launched three small missiles to test the water and determine the explosion range.

Three careful missiles flew out, drew an s-path in the air, and plunged into the designated position. The explosion roared, and the smoke covered a range of more than 20 meters. In a short time, the smoke dispersed, and there were three big pits on the ground. The flame burned on the fragments of the dead Totem ORC.

ALUs thought that it was powerful. The power of a small missile was comparable to the first era mage's ability to use intermediate spell burst fireball.

With a bottom in his heart, aleus released the remaining small missiles at the same time.

Dozens of missiles drag their tail flames, leaving clear and visible tracks in the air. They plunge into the totem crazy Orc troops and explode one after another. The flames burst out one after another. From the sky, huge red cotton blossoms suddenly open on the ground.

The targets that aleus locked are distributed in all positions of the totem Orc army. Hitting the target and exploding almost cover the whole team. Even if there are places not taken care of in the middle, aleus will use energy cannons to attack those places where the explosion does not cover.

The dense explosion of small missiles made the ground vibrate slightly, and the billow almost overturned the Terran soldiers and totem orcs 50 meters away from the explosion range.

The scene of the explosion was spectacular and the effect was terrible.

It caused different spiritual shock and different emotions to the Terran soldiers and totem orcs.

In the bombed area, there are big pits on the ground, in which the totem crazy orcs are naturally destroyed. Among the dead, the good ones can still keep the whole corpse, while the bad ones are blasted to only a few corpses, indicating that they once existed.

Those who are not dead totem orcs are more unfortunate than those who are dead. They don't have many parts on them. The broken hands and feet are just ordinary. The totem orcs who have been blown up and lost half of their body or cut off half of their face by explosive pieces can't die temporarily because of their strong constitution. It's really painful. The whole scene is hell.

Naturally, the Terran soldiers were in high spirits and cheered. However, the totem orcs who survived the explosion were not affected by the explosion. When they saw the tragedy of the Terran people, they were bereaved and full of war.

For the first time, the totem orcs are scared. The power of the cylindrical objects falling from the sky is amazing. Their proud bodies are as vulnerable as paper sticks before the explosion of these unknown objects.

Seeing the heavy losses of their own people, several tribal leaders who had been waiting in the rear immediately roared. However, they did not yell to attack angrily, but yelled to let the people back quickly.

We can't lose any more. If we lose some masters, their tribe will be more and more decayed. These people are not only soldiers, but also bear the heavy responsibility of reproduction. If they all die here, the decline of the tribe will be inevitable, and they will be hanged on the totem pole by the angry widows of the tribe.

The remaining totem orcs on the battlefield are no longer as fierce and brave as they used to be. Their inner timidity makes them withdraw obediently to the rear and regroup.

When the leaders saw the soldiers retreating, they turned around and began to leave. It seemed that they were going to retreat.

Charming plans to lead the troops to pursue the victory, but she is stopped by aleus. She has two big missiles that have not been launched yet. The totem crazy orcs gather together. As long as they retreat to a certain distance, let them taste the power of big guys. It's better to annihilate them in one fell swoop.

Looking at the two huge open tubes next to aleus, which were filled with two big missiles, she thought of Chen Fang's feat in the city of broadness. She told all the soldiers to turn back to avoid being affected by the explosion.

This is the end of the war. The totem crazy orcs are retreating. Other totem crazy orcs from nearby see their former masters evacuating from the battlefield. Although they don't know what the situation is, they don't attack the Terran camp foolishly. They move closer to the retreating troops and intend to ask for a clear answer.

The Terran army also retreated to the battle drum platform, and the distance between the two sides became larger and larger. There was only a little Douding between the two sides. Aleus was suspended in the air, watching the opposite totem crazy orcs all the time, and always paying attention to the data displayed on the light screen. Once the other side left a certain distance, she would launch the final destruction.

Chen Fang saw the end of the battle and stopped playing the war drums.

With the disappearance of the drums, the flames on the soldiers gradually went out. They immediately felt as if they were evacuated. They were very weak and weak. Ordinary soldiers with relatively poor physique were even more tired and collapsed to the ground. They could not lift their hands and feet for a while. They could only keep breathing.

Now only the awakened can stand, charming and relying on the prestige of taking the lead in charge to gain some points, let these awakened help to lift those ordinary soldiers who can't get up, take them to a safe place, and then drag themselves to Chen Fang with the same tired body."Thank you for coming this time, or we might die here." She said gratefully.

Chen Fang did not give charming good face, raised eyebrows is a reprimand.

"You didn't say there would be no danger this time. Why did you end up here?"

"I don't know how to send someone to look at me in the back. I'm so rash to move forward. I don't know what your brain is for."

"Just now I was quite capable. I took the lead and rushed to the front. Do you want to rush to see me off."

"This time it's yiyiyaya. They didn't have an accident. Otherwise, I'll see how I can settle the accounts with you..."

Chen Fang immediately scolded the charming.

If Chen Fang always dares to be like this, she will definitely fight back or do it directly with her charming character, but this time it's really her fault, so she obediently lowers her head to meet Chen Fang's spittle rain. Of course, it's hard to be scolded, so she secretly winks at two people, Jimo Wenren, who are not far away, and asks them to help her out.

Jimo and Wen have the intention to help charming out, but when they think that Chen Fang's firepower is too fierce, it's a long lecture to teach people. It's very likely that they will be burned in the past and suffer together. They all shake their heads.

Charming see two usual love with the two sisters actually don't come to help her, immediately feel the sisterhood like suffering from the sun and rain after the plastic, really very fragile.

Fortunately, Chen fangsaliva did not spray for long, there was not a burst of loud explosion interrupted.

When people looked, they saw a mushroom cloud rising in the distance. The direction was where the totem orcs retreated.

It is clear that aleus launched a large missile.

"It's spectacular."

Wu Dalang looked at the mushroom cloud in the sky and couldn't help but open his mouth and sighed.

Chen Fang also saw the mushroom cloud. He felt that it was three times bigger than before when he used it in big city. Then his face changed.

This nimalalius will not use the advanced core as the activation energy of large missiles.

"Lie down."

Chen Fang roars wildly, then rushes to Yiyi Yaya and protects them.

Charming and others subconsciously follow Chen Fang's action and lie down on the ground. At first, they are confused about why Chen Fang is so nervous. After three or four breaths, the ground shock wave comes, and then a blast of dust is sweeping over.

With the powerful force wave, all the people who were still standing on the ground were thrown away. Even if they didn't, they were still rolling on the ground. When the explosion wave passed, they stood up, and some of them were disheartened. Some of them were also thrown away by the flying stones.

"Bah bah, ALUs, get back to me." Chen Fang stood up, spat out the mud in his mouth and cried out.

It's not too expensive to kill a group of totem crazy orcs with such powerful missiles.