A domineering battle drum platform was carried into the battlefield, which is quite eye-catching. On it, the sky shaking drums resound for hundreds of miles, with extremely rhythmic drums.

All the soldiers felt as if their hearts were beating stronger with the sound of drums. The amount of blood pumped increased. The blood rushed to the brain, and the adrenal hormone secreted rapidly. With each beat, the heart stopped beating. Every beat seemed to have a burst of courage, and the fear and timidity disappeared at this moment.

Under the influence of the drum, the Terran soldiers evolved from the weak sheep to the wolf in sheep's clothing. Driven by the courage constantly emerging in their hearts, they waved their weapons and cut off the totem crazy orcs they were afraid of.

Single to single soldiers under the blessing of battle song may not be the opponents of totem crazy orcs, but the number of Terran troops is larger than that of totem crazy orcs. If one person can't do it, there will be two. If one person can't do it, there will be more and less.

In this case, even if the fierce totem like a lion orc, but also to drink hate with the incarnation of the wolf soldiers under the attack.

From the moment the drums sounded, when the Terran soldiers took up arms and fought back bravely, the battlefield situation began to turn.

Although the soldiers' sacrifice is also great when the totem crazy orcs fight back, it is far different from the previous situation. At least when every or two soldiers die, the totem crazy orcs will be buried with them.

"I'll go. Although the war music is not as powerful as the large symphonic war music, it can stimulate the courage in the heart and make people achieve the spiritual effect of fearing death. It's true that those war music can't match. It's at least ten blocks away."

Wu Dalang watched the soldiers who gave up their lives to fight on the battlefield, bit them with teeth and legs, and tried to hold the totem crazy Orc in their hands.

If he didn't see the smart eyes of the soldiers and call on his comrades in arms to help kill the enemy together, he would have thought that these people were under the mental control of the drums.

On the drum stage, Chen Fang beat the drum hard. He was glad to see the soldiers fighting bravely.

"Soldiers, fight hard, kill these guys, I'll take you home."

Chen Fang pulled his throat and roared.

Although his voice was affected by the noise of the fighting and could not be heard too far, some smart guys in the Wu family also yelled. After two or three voices, other members of the Wu family also yelled hard together. Five hundred people's voices joined together to shout Chen Fang's words. The soldiers nearby also yelled. Finally, ten thousand people echoed over the whole battlefield People resonate.

"Kill the enemy and go home."

Just four words, but it represents the voice of the soldiers. Inspired by this slogan, all the soldiers have aroused great potential. The combat effectiveness has been increased by 20% again, and the totem crazy orcs have been defeated.

Drums and slogans are surging over the battlefield, and the ground is in full swing. Terran soldiers and totem crazy orcs fight madly with each other, and the earth is dyed red by blood.

The battle drum platform was carried to the center of the battlefield by the Wu family and put down. Five hundred Wu family soldiers in four beast costumes surrounded the battle drum platform outside to prevent Chen Fang from changing the situation of the battlefield and seeing him as a thorn in the eye. All the totem crazy orcs who rushed in were killed.

With the passage of time, the 5000 totem orcs on the battlefield were finally killed by the soldiers, and no one was left.

But the battle is not over.

The totem crazy orcs who just came from nearby are swimming around. They don't immediately join in the battle, but wait for the arrival of other totem crazy orcs. At the same time, they begin to gather together under the call of several people who look like leaders.

With the constant arrival of totem orcs from all directions, the number of totem orcs has reached nearly 6000.

If it's normal, soldiers will collapse when they see so many totem crazy orcs, but it's different at this time.

The drums kept on beating, and they were full of courage.

The soldiers also spontaneously gathered at Chen Fang's battle drum platform and surrounded it in the center.

Everyone knows that they can fight against the totem orcs, all because of the man who beat the war drum and gave them infinite courage.

Anyone can die, but that person can't have an accident. This is the only voice of the soldiers at the moment.

When Chen Fang saw the army of totem crazy orcs gathering, he kept beating drums and yelled: "if you meet in a narrow road, the brave will win. Soldiers, show your weapons and give yourself a way home."

At this time, any language of encouragement is not as good as the word "go home", which can better boost the morale of these soldiers who have suffered a lot in the fertile plain.

"Go home, go home!"

The soldiers raised their weapons and pointed to the sky to drink. The sound of thousands of people shocked the sky and the earth, which also made the totem crazy orcs who were gathering in front of them panic.

Chen Fang saw that his own morale was high, and that the totem crazy orcs on the opposite side were shocked and uncertain by his own momentum. He felt that he could not delay any longer. Once he asked the other side to gather a certain number of people, even if there was a battle song blessing, the soldiers could fight to death, and it would be very difficult to win."Give me..."


Chen Fang did not wait to shout out a word, a full of heroic Jiao shouts sounded before him.

I saw a valiant figure with an army, the first charge to the direction of the totem orc, under her leadership, all the soldiers also launched a charge.

Chen Fang fixed his eyes on the first person. From the familiar thin waist of gourd and the round and warped part, he could easily judge that it was charming.

In addition to charming, Chen Fang also saw that Wen Ren, the girl, was also behind her, charging together.

I'll go. Do these two women want to be so hard? They'll take their heads to charge.

Chen Fang is so angry with them that the main purpose of his coming here this time is to save them and Jimo and others. As a result, now he's ready to jump in front of them and fight. If he's killed by the totem crazy orcs, it's not in vain.

It's good to stay in the back. It's really worrying me.

Chen Fangxin is very tired, but he can't ignore it. He can't leave while beating the drum, so he shouts to Wu Dalang, the guard under the battle drum stage: "your second young lady is dying. Take the lead in front of her. You should take someone to protect her, and even another woman will help me to watch her."

Wu Dalang was scared to death when he heard Chen Fang's words. His second young lady actually took the lead in the charge. He was not looking for death, so he immediately ordered a hundred people to go to the guard.

Chen Fang said: "take all the people away, I don't have to look at them here."

Once the battle broke out, the two sides opposed each other. Now the position of the battle drum platform will become the last side. As long as the totem crazy orcs don't walk around, there will be no danger. So he asked Wu Dalang to take all the Wu family away. After all, the front is extremely dangerous. The more people go, the better.

Wu Dalang is also simply, listen to Chen Fang's words, without delay, directly take everyone away, toward the front.

When the Wu family left, Jimo took Lolo and three children to the battle drum platform.

Chen Fang ignores them when he is angry, and pays attention to beating the drum. When Mo sees Chen Fang's performance, he doesn't dare to talk to them. Lolo and his two children are also silent. Only aleus climbs up to the drum platform and looks around like nothing happened.

In this way, several people kept silent for a long time, until Chen Fang saw that the front fell into a bitter battle and asked Yiyi gun to reinforce the firepower, he broke the silence.