Gong Beiwang called the army together, divided it into one elite and three normal forces, and gave the operational instructions.

The elite soldiers who need to attract firepower to the other three troops and fight for the hope of escape do not know the plan of the high level. They only see Gong Beiwang as the leader and hope to be greatly improved. However, they do not know what they are going to face.

The reason for concealing is also a helpless move. The fighting capacity and fighting desire of the Terran soldiers are at the bottom of the five races in the early stage, and the morale is not maintained for a long time. When they fall into a dead situation, only with the encouragement of the leaders can they have a strong fighting will. But if you tell them to die in advance, ha ha, you have to make trouble.

Gong Tian gathers his troops, but instead of dividing them into big troops and elite according to his own will, he has a new plan. He is furious and goes to find Gong Beiwang to settle accounts, but Gong Beiwang, who intends to make atonement with his life, comes back.

Gong Tian, who tried to crush people with his identity but failed, could only join the southward army with his own guards in indignation.

In four directions, four troops of different numbers were assigned to break through at different times.

The first to set out was gong Beiwang's elite troops of more than 10000 people. They moved northward.

After the battle started, the other three troops went to different directions by ten minutes, and the troops heading south finally set out.

Naturally, this is to let the totem crazy orcs take care of each other when they reinforce and spend more time on the road.

The troops of Buqu city go to the south like Gongtian. They set out at last. Because the troops broke through the encirclement at different times in the first three directions, they may encounter the least totem crazy orcs in all directions.

Just when the Terran army was in action, the totem orcs who were under biological surveillance knew that the clan heads of Gongfang, Neha and heishuizhi tribes in Raofeng city were gathering to discuss how to implement the plan tomorrow. When they received the news from the forest, they were a little confused.

According to their plan, tomorrow they will send troops to launch a general encirclement and suppression, and then when the Terran army can't support it, Gong Fang will take him to break out of the encirclement and "beg" the crazy Orc army, rescue the Terran soldiers in danger, and bring them back to the south, so as to gain great reputation among the soldiers and succeed to the throne under the leadership of Gong Beiwang The support of the army generals who have been neutral in the battle between the two sides.

For this purpose, Gong Fang promised a lot of benefits to the mad beast emperor and the head of the totem mad Orc tribe.

The siege of raofengcheng by totem crazy orcs is a game set by the three sides, in which each side gets what it needs.

It was originally planned that the totem orcs would launch an attack tomorrow. At that time, Gong Fang would "reinforce" the army with the totem orcs and become the Savior.

But today, they were surprised by the news that the Terrans actually took the initiative to break through.

After all, the Terran army had made a breakthrough before, but in the end, it was not the totem orcs who beat it back to the forest to continue to defend.

In fact, it's not impossible to carry out the plan according to the situation. The troops of Gongfang and the troops brought by Neha are stationed not far away from the forest. However, the two leaders are not present because they came to Raofeng city. It used to take at least half a day here. Now it's a bit tight to start. Gongfang doesn't show up in the fight, so how can they brush their reputation.

This kind of situation that the leading role is not in place yet, the supporting role will rush out to grab the camera first, which makes the leading role who is not the film king how to find the time to cut in the performance.

God, the director doesn't care. If the leading actor wants the supporting actor to follow his own rhythm, he can only clean up the up and down supporting actor and let him return to his own rhythm.

For this reason, Gong Fang asked the head of heishuizhi tribe to press the Terran army back as usual.

This is a small matter for the totem crazy orcs. The head of the black leech tribe won't refuse, and he took the opportunity to ask Gong Fang for some benefits. Forced by the situation, Gong fang had to agree to each other.

So as usual, when the Terran forces broke through, the head of heishuizhi tribe sent people to contact the heads of other tribes and asked them to fight back the Terran forces.

But soon they received the news again. This time, unlike the previous times, the Terran army did not rush to break through in one direction, but in four directions at different times. This caused a lot of trouble to the totem crazy Orc troops surrounded by the forest. The Terran troops in three directions are very likely to be broken out.

Now the situation on the other side of the forest is like a huge wooden barrel surrounded by some people. They know that the wooden barrel will leak, but they don't know when it will leak. There are too many loopholes in some places, and the water is urgent. The people who used to be here can't make a decision, so they need to help others.

As a result, the people next to them were still in the middle of the road, and their own water began to leak.

When the person in front left, there were fewer people on his side, and there were still a little too many leaky people, so he called the person who had been borrowed to walk on the half way back, but the person who had been guarding the loophole was urging again, so the person who went to help fell into a dilemma. He didn't know which side to help, and hesitated on the half way, wasting time and money The result is that the people left behind can't stop the water.Seeing that the Terran army could not be besieged and reinforcements were still on the way, the proud totem Orc felt oppressed by intelligence for the first time.

"NIMA, it's treacherous of you to operate like this."

Black leech tribe grew up scolding, and then left to rush to the scene, Neha also followed up.

Gong Fang was stunned when he heard the news. He felt that the duck was about to fly.

Nima, I've come here in circles with the orc troops. You tell me that the troops are going to break out. How embarrassing is that.

It wasn't like this before. If we had done this before, the army would have been out of trouble. What else could he do.

When there was such a smart man in the army, Gong Fang wondered.

No, I can't stay here any longer. I have to see if I have a chance. I can't pay such a high price and get nothing. At least I have a chance to kill my brother.

Gong Fang also followed them to leave Raofeng city and rush to the forest battlefield.

On this side of the forest, the fight in the north is very fierce. Gong Beiwang takes the lead and shouts the slogan that if he can't rush out, he can only be used as a human flesh bun by the totem crazy orcs. Under the action of the will to save life, the elite soldiers rush out and almost break the totem crazy orcs assembled here.

The battle effectiveness of the northward Terran troops is fierce, and it may not be able to be blocked without sending people to the past. The totem crazy orcs assembled in the other two directions sent their troops to help. When they left, the troops were thinned. At this time, the Terran troops in other directions also launched a breakthrough one after another, and the totem crazy orcs suddenly fell into the situation of being overwhelmed by the Terran troops They had to retreat and summon their troops back to help, but all directions were in a hurry. The totem orcs who went to reinforce had to divide again, but it took some time on the road. As a result, before they arrived, the Terran troops defeated the remaining orcs and rushed out of the encirclement.

When the clan heads of Gongfang, Neha and heishuizhi arrived, in addition to the northern Terran troops, the other three Terran troops had already fled with a lot of losses.

"Who is it?"

Gong Fang growled with gnashing teeth.

Wasted countless brains and a heavy price to do a game, the result of the duck flew, reputation did not harvest, he can not help but not angry.

"Come on, follow me."

Gong Fang is not willing to reap fame. At least he should take this opportunity to keep Gong Tian here and sweep away one of the biggest obstacles on his way to the throne.

Duck flies, but duck butt must stay.

Gong Fang to totem crazy orcs to come to Gong Tian escape direction, and Neha with troops to catch up.