It has been three days since charming took people to the rescue, and Chen Fang is not idle in the sun.

It's not a waste to develop new skills without using a lot of skill information in your mind. Moreover, since you became a teacher, you haven't learned any skills from yourself. This master is not worthy of the name.

Therefore, Chen Fang has been studying new skills recently, and has constructed suitable skills to teach Luoluo in the semi abandoned Suyuan heart.

On this day, Luoluo came to Chen Fang and said that he had mastered almost all the moves he had learned before. He wanted to learn "power" and prepare for learning "fight · Ming" in the future.

Chen Fang was very surprised that Luo Luo had mastered what he had taught in just a few days. He didn't believe it, so he began to test it. Then he found that Luo Luo was really talented in using Yan Yue Dao. At the same time, he built a good model of the skills he had taught her, which made her less proficient.

Chen Fang is in a bit of a dilemma when Luo Luo wants to learn "prestige" and "fight · Ming". Without Guan Yu's false beard, he can't use it himself. He didn't learn to fight · Ming when the false beard was there. I'm afraid that Luo Luo can't learn it.

As for "power", it's not a skill, but a kind of mysterious momentum. It doesn't mean that you can learn if you want to learn. It requires understanding and can only mean things that can't be explained.

However, compared with "contention · Ming", there is no way for Luoluo to learn "power". Since she can't express it in words, let her realize it in her own experience.

So Chen Fang let fall in the face of their own open "power", to experience to feel, let her own to understand.

Of course, this process must be a long one. No matter how savvy you are, it's not easy to achieve "power" in one move.

At the same time, Chen Fang did not forget to develop his new skills.

Through screening, eliminating, closing and summarizing more than 200 skill information in his mind, Chen Fang found that although there are many lines running, whether it is element specific skills or element general skills, they can be roughly divided into two types. Chen Fang gave an appropriate explanation with his own understanding.

Chen Fang divided the route of energy movement in the body into yin and Yang and deficiency meridians and excess meridians.

Among them, high-energy elements, such as fire, electricity, light and so on, go through the Yang pulse, while quiet energy elements go through the Yin pulse, such as water, dark and wind.

Moreover, the weapon skills go through real channels, while the skills go through virtual channels.

In general, the two veins do not interfere with each other, but the virtual and real meridians in the pulse sometimes overlap.

There are thousands of skills in the world. Only through more than 200 skills, the trend of the two meridians may not be complete. However, Chen Fang thinks that even if there is a difference, it is only missing in the number of meridians. The two main meridians of yin and yang can't be wrong.

With a general understanding of the two meridians in the body, Chen Fang began to merge the skills of more than 50 operating lines that complement each other, and "created" a new skill, which he named.

The holding hand is a bit similar to the death grip of death knight in wow. It can force the target more than ten meters away to its side. Of course, if the difference in strength is too big, it can't be pulled.

Why is it called the hand of the master? Since it's similar to the grip of death, it's better to call it this way. It's awkward to call it the hand holding the son.

However, Chen Fang felt that the name was good. He held his son's hand and pinched his son's hand. There was no better name than this.

That is to say, Chen Fang's Chinese teacher is not in this world. Otherwise, he must be angry to death. Who would interpret holding a son's hand as holding his son's hand

Well, Chen Fang is willing to explain it literally.

In addition to pulling people by force, the hand that holds a child does not hurt very well. It can cause both physical and energy damage to the target. Rough skin and thick flesh can hold the power of kneading, but they may not be able to resist energy damage. They can resist energy damage, but they may not be able to hold the power of squeezing.

And it can change its power through the size of energy input.

The master's hand is a new skill which is a mixture of more than 50 skills. If you want to drive the use of this skill, ordinary awakeners can't do it. Only Chen Fang, a freak, can normally use it with the help of source energy. That is to say, this skill has become Chen Fang's special skill.

Chen Fang is very satisfied with both the control effect and the power after he has used it for many times. That is to say, he almost means that he always floats down three ways. If the target is a man, he is likely to catch the handle of the target, and the woman will get empty.

But it's just a matter of proficiency. Chen Fang believes that as long as he practices more, he can avoid this situation.

After he developed a new skill, Chen Fang became interested in "creating" new skills and began to constantly try. However, this kind of creation by mixing other skills is not so easy to succeed. It takes a lot of time to analyze, summarize and try. Therefore, in the next time, except for the fall of the professor, Chen Fang has no choice but to study.

Just as Chen Fang continued to study and see if he could create a new skill, charming took the army to the border of Raofeng city.Through the sentry's exploration, they know the place where gongbeiwang's army is besieged, and know that there are nearly 30000 totem crazy orcs scattered around the forest.

"It's hard to do. There are too many totem crazy orcs. It's impossible to rush in before the other party reacts, but it's almost impossible to come out again." Said charming, frowning.

When the totem orcs disperse, it's not difficult to rush into the forest and join the army. The difficulty lies in how to get out.

Charming and others learned from the Sentinels that seeing the totem crazy orcs would drive some special totem beasts into the forest every once in a while. It is very likely that some totem beasts in the forest can observe and notice the situation in the forest. Once they want to break through, they may be found just as soon as they want to move, and encounter the totem crazy Orc army from scattered to gathered.

"Or try to seduce the scattered totem orcs."

Jimo suggests that if the totem crazy orcs are attacked and only send out a group of people to chase them, then they should be eaten. If they go down several times, they should be able to weaken a lot of the opponent's forces.

"Try it."

Charming thinks she can try to have a look, so she arranges LV Yichuan to take 200 people to lure the totem crazy orcs to see what's going on.

The result is not very good, although the totem crazy orcs were easily lured out, but the number of at least 1000 people, not charming with these 2000 people can eat, even if eat, the loss will be very heavy.

After getting rid of the totem crazy orcs, LV Yichuan and others held a battle meeting, but they didn't discuss the result.

The boundary of raofengcheng is plain forest, there is no good place to ambush, but hard power, which makes the rescue operation into a deadlock.