Charming led the team to raofengcheng for rescue. After the troops left, Chen Fang went to the castle to find Gong Xiaobai.

When the troops went out, Gong Xiaobai, as the city leader, didn't come out to see them off. Chen Fang felt very strange. If he didn't talk about other people, he was charming. It was his aunt who didn't come out to see them off.

When he comes to the castle, Chen Fang learns from the guards that Gong Xiaobai is entertaining an adult of zonghuang mansion who has just come. Chen Fang goes to Xiaobai's usual office. When he comes to the door, he hears that Gong Xiaobai is talking and suddenly doesn't want to go in.

In fact, Chen Fang just wanted to ask Xiaobai why he didn't go to see him off. But if someone didn't go because they had guests to entertain, there was nothing wrong with that, so he planned to leave.

Just as Chen Fang was about to leave the door of the conference room, the voice inside became loud. Originally, Chen Fang didn't intend to listen, but the words he overheard made him change his mind, so he secretly stood at the door and listened.

"Uncle Zong, don't pull me any more. I'm going to see my aunt off. You know, my aunt is going to take risks for me this time. Even if you don't let me participate in the rescue, I know it's a burden to go, but why do you want to stop me from seeing my aunt off?"

Gong Xiaobai's angry voice began to ring. As soon as his voice fell, an old-fashioned and old voice came out, "Your Highness, don't make any noise. It's too late to go at this time. They should have gone."

"I'm really angry with you. If you hadn't stopped me, I would have delivered it to someone when my aunt left." Gong Xiaobai said angrily.

"Your Highness, please pay attention to your identity. You are the prince of the royal family, or the leader of the city."

"Although she's your little aunt, she's working under you now. You can't treat her as your relative or elder. Don't talk about her all the time

"As a prince and a city leader, you don't need to do everything by yourself. You must not be too close to your subordinates. Only in this way can you show your majesty as a prince and city leader. Otherwise, your subordinates will only be flattered and arrogant. At that time, it may lead to the situation that people below will only listen to her but not you, and you will be elevated as a puppet by her."

"I stopped you from seeing her off just to let people know that she was just a subordinate of Her Highness." Said the old voice in a tone of instruction.

"Uncle Zong, first of all, I declare that my aunt is my relative, not my subordinate. Besides, my aunt is not the kind of person you said. You are too alarmist." Gong Xiaobai retorts.

"Your Highness, people who know their faces and don't know their hearts, even if they are close to each other, they will be selfish and have a different heart."

"Although Wu Wumei is your little aunt, she is also a member of the Wu family. She is very likely to succeed as the leader of the Wu family in the future."

"Those aristocratic families are different from the royal family. Our royal family is for the rise and fall of the human race, but they are only for the prosperity of their own family. The family affection they show is often just a means to confuse people. We can't believe it, otherwise they will be influenced by them."

"In the past few days, through observation, I have found that all matters of Buqu city are controlled by her and the people close to her, and all decisions are made by her. Your highness just seals and signs to confirm every day, which shows that she has elevated your rights." An old voice warned.

"No, that's because I don't know how to manage Buqu city at all. It's my aunt and Jimo sister who are helping to formulate various policies, and then hold a high-level meeting to discuss them. After my approval, they are released and implemented." Gong Xiaobai explained quickly.

"Your Highness, you are so naive."

"As your elder, I advise you to send someone to take over all the affairs she is in charge of and take the power into your own hands during the period when she leaves Buqu city with her subordinates."

"If I don't have enough people, these are all your brothers. I can trust them. I can entrust them to do things."

The old voice first used the tone that I was considering for you to say some words of advice, and then said the real purpose.

Gong Xiaobai is Xiaobai a little bit, but not really stupid, "Zongbo, I won't listen to you about this. Buqu city is a little nervous because of the shortage of hands, but there are people in every position. It's not convenient to change for the time being. I'm very happy that you can come to Buqu city. If it's OK, please leave. I have a lot to do."

Gong Xiaobai does not want to entangle with him on this issue, and his words have the meaning of seeing off.

"Well, if you don't listen to the old man, you'll suffer."

"Your Highness, I'm just thinking about you. I'll leave first."

"However, in order not to let the Buqu city built by your highness fall into others' hands, I will report the Buqu city to zonghuang's house and let the house owner make a decision." Said the old voice.

"Decision, what decision?"

"Zonghuangfu is only in charge of the affairs of the children of the royal family. It doesn't take part in other aspects. It can't take care of me and Buqu city. What's the use of reporting to the higher authorities?" Gong Xiaobai said strangely.

"Your Highness, you don't know. Now it's not better than before. In order to keep and strengthen the family business in the next eventful autumn, the emperor and the leader of the palace decided to let all the royal children participate in all aspects of the imperial rule and become the mainstay, so that there will be no mistakes in the future."Let the royal family's children infiltrate into the various departments inside and outside the imperial court. To put it bluntly, it is to centralize power in the hands of the royal family. It is Gong Nan Yu's proposal to Gong zhenglang, and Gong zhenglang's consent is obtained.

Because of this, gongnan had an extra power. As long as there were sufficient reasons, he could replace or arrange some royal children to go in without affecting the operation of the original department.

"What, when did it happen? Why don't I know?" Gong Xiaobai exclaimed in surprise.

"Your Highness, the resolution was made when the army went out and the emperor was going to attend the meeting of the five emperors."

"Because I'm in a hurry, I haven't got time to inform your highness. This time, I'll inform your highness together."


"So." Gong Xiaobai's tone was distressed.

"Zongbo, if it's OK, you go down first."

"Your Highness, the old man is gone."

Then the sound of the seat moving sounded, and several footsteps approached the door.

Chen Fang heard a few steps to a nearby room to avoid being found eavesdropping.

Then there was the sound of footsteps outside the corridor. A moment later, Chen Fang came out and entered Xiaobai's office.

At this time, Gong Xiaobai is sitting in front of his desk with his hands propped up.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Fangming asked.

"Uncle, I'm in trouble. My uncle brought people to take over some affairs of Buqu city." Gong Xiaobai gets up and says depressed.

"what has the trouble? You has the final say in the city. You want to arrange for people to agree with you, you just refuse." Chen Fang said with indifference.

Gong Xiaobai sighed. If only the matter could be solved so simply. If the imperial court ordered me to arrange for those brothers and brothers to join the administration of Buqu City, why can't I refuse? After all, it's Centralizing Power for the royal family, improving control, and it's a strategy made by his father. As a prince, if he refuses, he doesn't know what to do That's it.