From the belly of the fairy shark, Chen Fang began to eat it, nibbling the double decker bus sized fish one by one.

After eating, Chen Fang burps. Although the taste of ice fish is very bad, he is very happy because he has never been satisfied.

After eating and drinking enough, Chen Fang began to compress the source energy, and spent a lot of effort. The source energy in his body has more than tripled, and his body has been further strengthened. The frost resistance has been greatly enhanced. He no longer feels uncomfortable in this harsh water environment.

But the most important thing is that Chen Fang found that he had one more thing in his body, which was a special substance absorbed after eating the heart of the spirit shark, and was condensing things that had not yet formed.

Chen Fang didn't know exactly what would become after condensation, but his instinct made him feel that it was a good thing, which would help him to improve his strength. So he tried every means to help this thing unite, but it didn't work. It seemed that it was because he didn't absorb enough special materials. No matter what method he used, he couldn't unite.

So Chen Fang began to think about whether he would spend more time in this layer of water, hunt a few swimming fish to eat, see if he could absorb and grow this substance, and then go to the upper layer of water after condensation.

After some consideration, Chen Fang decided to stay in the waters of the current layer for the time being. This opportunity to increase his strength cannot be let go.

Next, Chen Fang took the nest he was in as the center and began to clean up the fish nests around him.

Through several hunting attempts, Chen Fang found that in order to absorb that strange substance, swimming fish must eat it while their heart is still beating. And for swimming fish with special ability, the more abundant the special substance the heart has.

But swimming fish with ability are not so easy to kill.

For example, when Chen Fang was sweeping acupoints before, he had the misfortune to meet a swimming fish with special abilities and almost lost his life.

For example, a swimming fish with only the size of a ball, two pairs of big eyes bulging and like a goldfish looks very cute. It must be very nice to watch. As a result, when fighting, the body can actually expand to the size of a heavy truck. It can also spit out bubbles of high temperature and high-frequency shock waves from the mouth, just like the air hole phenomenon caused by Pistol Shrimp claw attack.

When the bubble appeared in front of Chen Fang, he thought that the other party wanted to wrap himself in the bubble, so he broke it directly. As a result, he was almost not baked by the burst bubble, and was stunned by the high-frequency shock wave, and died in the hand of the goldfish.

Although Chen Fang didn't die, he was also seriously injured. Later, he burst out and killed the fish at the cost of serious injury.

The result of that time was that Chen Fang couldn't make ends meet. The supplement he got from eating the swimming fish was not as much as the battle cost. Moreover, he couldn't absorb special substances because of the death of the swimming fish, and the serious injury he suffered in the battle made him weak for several days. He could only catch a large number of super small swimming fish to recover slowly, and almost didn't make Chen Fang depressed.

With a lesson, in order to be safe, Chen Fang chose small swimming fish that were relatively small and could swallow them in one gulp, or that had no special ability near the heart body.

Although this kind of small swimming fish can absorb few or no special substances, Chen Fang thinks that it should be safe, not wave, less and more, so that there is no danger to life.

Chen Fang's idea is very good, but after emptying all the small swimming fish nearby, he found that the amount of special substances absorbed by him can't even reach 1% of the previous amount. It's just a dream to condense the special things in his body in such a safe way.

In desperation, he changed his strategy again, and turned his eyes to the figure he had found before, which was the size of a dumper. He looked silly, swam slowly, big head and small body, and looked like a swimming fish with a mallet.

This kind of swimming fish is not much in the range of the cloud wall. It seems that it is similar to the existence of public welfare construction workers. The caves on the cloud wall are all ejected by them.

Chen Fang observed the small swimming fish for a period of time when catching them. He often saw that the fish would spray "water" towards the cloud wall, making a hole in the cloud wall.

And every time when the gavel swims a hole, it will swim to its side with other kinds of swims. Whenever the cave on the cloud wall is about the size of the swims around it, it will be driven away.

And no matter how big the fish is, even the fish with only two fingers can drive it away after biting it, and then occupy the hole as a nest.

Once, Chen Fang saw a croquet swimming fish nestling well in his nest. Then he was driven out of his house by two shuttle swimming fish, which were not one tenth of its size. After swimming a few circles at the door of the nest, he left in despair, not to mention how much advice he had.

Chen Fang looked at this kind of fish who were bullied by other kinds of fish, regardless of their size, and who would be driven out of their nests. Of course, he focused on it.

So in the cloud wall careful search for a day, finally found a stay in the nest has not been driven out of the gavel swimming fish.

as like as two peas, Chen's observation is not the same. Chen's observation is similar to that of Chen. Basically, the fish can't fight back. Only when they are pressed, will they return the water. But this straight line attack is not too good to hide. It can't reach Chen Fang. It's very slow in swimming, and Chen's defense is close to it.Chen Fang first beat it to death, then directly cut open his stomach, dug out his heart in the silent whine of the swimming fish, which spread water lines, and ate it happily.

But Chen Fang didn't know. Just as he was eating the special substance, the water ripple of the croquet fish finally spread to a range of 10 kilometers with its nest as the center. Almost at the moment when the ripple swept by, whether it was the big or small fish nestling on the edge of the cloud, or all kinds of species wandering in the water All the swimming fish rioted, and at the same time, they swam towards the center of the water ripple, which is the nest of the dead swimming fish.

At this time, Chen Fang didn't know that he was going to be in danger. He still stayed in the nest of the fish. After absorbing the special substances quickly, he began to eat the body of the fish.

Just when Chen Fang was gnawing, several small swimming fish of different kinds came out of the cave and ran towards him.

Chen Fang didn't let down his vigilance all the time. He naturally noticed the appearance of these swimming fish, but he didn't take them seriously. He just thought that they were attracted by the dead swimming fish and wanted to get a share. When these swimming fish entered the hole, he dodged behind the body of the huge swimming fish, used it to block the sight of these swimming fish, and then prepared to sneak attack These are specially delivered food.

But what Chen Fang didn't expect was that these swimming fish entered the cave only as a prelude. Before ten breath, a large number of swimming fish of different sizes entered the cave, but they were able to enter the cave. In an instant, they filled all the spaces near the middle of the cave. Looking at the number of them, Chen Fang was dumbfounded.

I'll go. Are they all for dinner? Is this thing so unpopular in life that a bunch of dead fish rushed to the market to eat its body?

What a sin this will cause.

Chen Fang was puzzled and afraid.

I don't know why so many swimming fish come here.

I'm afraid that after I'm discovered, how will I face this large number of swimming fish to survive.