In the boring interview, Chen Fang accidentally raises his head. Suddenly, in the crowd at the gate of the city, a big crazy Orc catches his attention.

"Well, isn't that aoguli? Why is she here? "

See once partner, Chen Fang naturally want to go up big brother Hello, so let Yiyi help interview, and he left the position toward aoguli walked in the past.

"Hi, aoguli, long time no see." Chen Fang walked quickly to aoguli and said hello.

Aoguli was stopped. She was stunned for a moment. The voice that came to her ears was familiar. Looking down, she was almost blinded by the bright and reflective head in the sun.

"Chen Fang, it's you. Long time no see." Aoguli said after squinting to see clearly the face of the visitor.

"I heard that you and nehazagu went to the orc court. How did they come here?" Chen Fang asked curiously.

Aoguli said with a bitter smile, "something happened. The crazy emperor forced me to marry him. After I refused, I ran out. As soon as I heard that Gong Xiaobai had built a city here, I came to you."

Chen Fang knew something about aoguli's crazy emperor.

The orcs are composed of real orcs and crazy orcs. The "one family" in the five emperors family refers to them. The real orcs are also a gang culture, but there are also recognized orcs. But the crazy orcs have no supreme leader. The relationship between the crazy orcs and the real orcs is equivalent to the relationship between employers and mercenaries, so there is no place for them in the five emperors Council.

The so-called crazy emperor is the title of the most powerful one among the crazy orcs. It can't be confused with the emperor in the five emperor Council, such as the emperor of man, the emperor of God and so on. He doesn't have the right to command the crazy orcs and has a certain right to speak, but it doesn't work as well as the big guys in the biggest gang of crazy orcs.

When the title of crazy emperor appears, people who have won the title generally live less than two years, because once they have won the title, they can't refuse to challenge. Crazy orcs are not a kind-hearted race. Since ancient Chinese literature has no first and second martial arts, some people always find it hard to be pressed. So there are a lot of people who want to challenge crazy emperor, because there are no clear regulations in the early stage No matter how powerful the mad orcs who have won the title of mad emperor for several generations, they will be defeated and replaced by other latecomers because they are tired by an endless stream of challengers or their injuries are too heavy to recover. Later, the mad emperor has the right to refuse to challenge when his injuries are not healed. This is a good thing, but it usually lasts less than two years. The contemporary mad emperor is a strong guy with strong force It's been five years. Up to now, it's still under the name of crazy emperor, and it has developed a lot of power. It has become the third Gang power in the orc clan except crazy and fierce. At the same time, it's rumored that the contemporary crazy emperor seems to have the ambition to enter the five emperor Council, and has won the support of most crazy orcs.

Of course, none of this is Chen Fang's business.

Looking at aoguli, who is fierce and more masculine than the male, Chen Fang nods. In the eyes of a crazy orc, aoguli is a beautiful woman with the rank of "the moon is closing, the fish is falling, and the goose is falling". It's not uncommon for people to see her, but is it a runaway marriage? It doesn't seem to count. People don't like that crazy emperor.

Chen Fang's eyes brightened when he heard that aoguli was coming to join him. This is the hitter who sent him to the door. Look at this man, look at this valiant force, and stop at the gate of the city. It's amazing.

"I'm just short of people. Would you like to help me?" Chen Fang said.

"Yes, yes, but what can I do for you?"

Aoguli doesn't care. If you want to go, just give me a bite to eat.

"When you become a city gate official, help Xiaobai to guard the gate, prevent people with ulterior motives from making trouble inside, and guard the safety of the city."

"There are not enough people. Help me."

Chen Fang pointed to the gate and said it was very tall.

"Look at the gate, no problem." Aoguli patted her chest and said boldly.

No matter what she does, aoguli will not refuse. Chen Fang has saved her life. Even if she is allowed to die, she will not frown. The crazy Orc is so honest.

"That's great. With your help, I'll be more powerful. Come on, let's recruit people together. You'll be my deputy in the future, and you'll be in charge of all the people I'll recruit." Chen Fang said happily.

Aoguli nodded and followed Chen Fang to the recruitment site.

Yiyi is talking to an interviewer in a typical way. When she sees Chen Fang coming with aoguli, she smiles and says sweetly, "sister aoguli, long time no see."

"Yiyi, I haven't seen you for a while. I've grown up." Aoguli walked over and rubbed Yiyi's little head with two fingers together. She said with a smile.

"Come on, sit down and have an interview together. The recruiters will need you to bring them in the future." Chen Fang took out a stool and said.

However, when he was about to pass the stool out, Chen Fang looked at the stool surface the size of the dish on his hand, at aoguli's huge body and big buttocks like a millstone. Finally, Chen Fang put down the stool.

If you really want to sit down, your newly repaired stool will die.

"It doesn't seem appropriate, when I didn't say it."

Aogu Li shook her hand. "It's OK. I'll just stand."With that, aoguli stood behind Chen Fang and Yiyi, looking solemn.

Aoguli's huge body is like a wall in front of the person. She is also a ferocious orc, which makes the interviewer feel oppressed and nervous. She looks like she's going to piss.

Chen Fang looked at the face of the interviewer did not have the courage, casually said a few words to let him go.

You should know that after guarding the city gate, he will stand at the gate and deal with all kinds of immortals. He should not be brave enough to guard the gate. Chen Fang doesn't want to recruit people carelessly, but he will lose his face in the future.

Aoguli is just testing the courage of the interviewers. It's the first step of the interview. Although many people are scared away, Chen Fang thinks that it's better to be short than to be extravagant. Even if we can't recruit enough people today, we don't want those cowardly guys.

The next recruitment didn't go well, because aoguli was such a big, powerful and vicious Orc town. Many people didn't dare to come here. Occasionally, one or two of them were more courageous and stammered. Chen Fang felt annoyed and gave the interview to Yiyi, while he chatted with aoguli.

"What are zagu and Neha doing now?"

Chen Fang asked about his former partner.

"Neha is the third son of the madman. When he arrived at the orc court, he left. I don't know the details."

"Because of his outstanding performance in the imperial court, zagu was chosen by the mad emperor as the mad beast governor."

Aoguli said something about zagu and Neha.


Chen Fang was a little disappointed. Originally, he planned to ask zagu and Neha to help him if they didn't get along well. He gave up the idea when he heard that they either got along or their identity was not simple.

Then Chen Fang chatted with aoguli again and put Yiyi there for an interview. At last, he spent the day like this. As a result, only ten of the recruitment jobs he had planned to complete today were completed.

"Forget it, finish work and go home. We'll talk about the rest tomorrow."

Chen Fang took a look at the sky and asked Yiyi to call back Yaya, who had been playing with ALUs and two little ones since the beginning, and then took aoguli back to his yard.