With the death of five totem soldiers, such as Zaha, the Crusade has a long way to go. According to statistics, this time, 100 ordinary soldiers and 13 elite soldiers were lost, which is not painful. Moreover, because the stronghold of langteng tribe was burned, there was no way to get any other spoils except for the bodies of several green wolves. This time, it can be said that no benefits were obtained, but the most important task was completed The basic objective of the Crusade can be said to be the loss to grandma's family.

Before the hasty retreat, the dead soldier's corpse has not been disposed of. Chen Fang comes back to tell the five secret totem soldiers that they are dead, and LV Yichuan takes people to collect the corpse.

Seeing Chen Fang coming back, Gong Xiaobai was so excited that he didn't care about face. When the others were still on the field, he cried with Chen Fang's thigh in his arms and said he was sorry.

Chen Fang didn't know why Gong Xiaobai said sorry at first. At last, charming and Jimo took them to a remote place to talk about the choice Gong Xiaobai had to face before. Chen Fang knew why Gong Xiaobai said sorry.

To tell the truth, Chen Fang thinks that if he is in the same situation as Gong Xiaobai, he will choose to let others die instead of watching his relatives and friends die. It's selfish to say, but he absolutely chooses the former between acquaintances and strangers. If you want to say that seven or eight people's lives are not equal to more than 100 people's lives, then Chen Fang thinks that ten thousand people's lives are better than others Is it wrong not to have a relative's life? It's human, isn't it?

Of course, this kind of thing will be different because of different personal values and positions, but ultimately it is the party who makes the decision, and the non party is just standing and talking without backache.

Chen Fang is the party concerned. He understands Gong Xiaobai's choice, but he is still a little upset. Gong Xiaobai hesitates for a long time to make such a choice, so for his future safety, he instills his private goods into Gong Xiaobai and tells him that when facing such a choice, he should let his relatives and friends live, because this is the most wise choice.

Gong Xiaobai doesn't understand. According to ordinary people's thinking, doesn't he choose to save more people?

Jimo and charming are also wondering why Chen Fang said that another choice is the wisest choice?

It is obvious that living 100 people is more helpful for Xiaobai's future than living three people.

But is that true? Chen Fang disagreed.

Three people are confused.

Cruelly speaking, in Chen Fang's mind, the lives of these 100 soldiers are no more important than those of three capable men.

Of course, this is from a utilitarian point of view, not a life point of view, which Chen Fang will not say explicitly.

Chen Fang looks at the three people's puzzled expression, a feeling of high IQ arises spontaneously, so he explains the reason he thinks.

"Think about it. There are only a few people he can trust around Xiaobai now?"

"If we die, who can he turn to for help? Can those who don't know rest assured? Can they take our place in Xiaobai's heart? " Chen Fang looked at Jimo and said charming.

Chen Fang's words are from a utilitarian point of view. On the surface, they are meant for charming Jimo, but in fact they are meant for Xiaobai.

After hearing Chen Fang's words, Gong Xiaobai naturally subconsciously answers Chen Fang's questions in his heart.

In his present situation, there are not many people who are willing to help him, including his own parents, aunts, uncles, and so on. There are only ten or twenty people who are close to him.

"In one's life, there are only a few relatives and friends, one less than the other. It's not too silly to sacrifice those relatives and friends who can really trust and accompany us all the way for the sake of a little vanity."

"Xiaobai, you want to fight the world in the future. You can't rely on yourself. Fame is important, but relatives and friends are more important. We can accompany you all the time. Those people are not necessarily." Chen Fang said to Gong Xiaobai sincerely.

This is Chen Fang's private goods, emphasizing the status and importance of relatives and friends in Gong Xiaobai's heart.

Hearing this, Gong Xiaobai thinks that Chen Fang is blaming himself for not paying attention to them, so he chooses to let them die and explains in a hurry.

"Uncle, I wanted to I want to know how many lives there are, how many families behind them, and how many families will be sad if they all die, so That's why I... " Gong Xiaobai lowered his head, and his voice became lower and lower as he spoke.

Chen Fang naturally understands that Gong Xiaobai doesn't really want them to die. What forces him to make such a choice is pushizheng's idea and kind character.

But for the sake of safety in the future, Chen Fang insisted on killing it in the mud.

Chen Fang patted Gong Xiaobai on the shoulder and said, "if we die, how would you feel?"

"I will be very sad. I will never forget it. I will blame myself every day, but I will be very sad when those soldiers die." Gong Xiaobai said without thinking.

"To tell you the truth, which people's lives are heavier in your eyes, and which people's death will make you more sad?"

"You, of course."

Gong Xiaobai did not hesitate to say.

"That's the end. Take the lesser of the two evils. Xiaobai, remember that it's the right way to think in the future. Only in this way can you widen the road. If you can't even care for your relatives, then no one will help you. No matter how good your reputation is, what's the use? You'll become a lonely family, don't you think?""Yes Is that so? " Gong Xiaobai's head is full of confusion. He looks at charming and Jimo for help.

But these two little sisters are also at a loss. They think Chen Fang is right, but they always feel that something is wrong, but they can't say it again.

Chen Fang naturally knows why they are like this. In fact, what he said was from the perspective of human nature and personal position, not from the perspective of the public.

It's strange not to be scolded in front of others. But in private, a few of our own people say that it's not the same. People's selfish will make people feel that you're right.

If you think about it, from the perspective of universal justice, who is heavier than more than 100 lives and three lives?

It goes without saying that the former!

But from a personal point of view, the life of a hundred strangers and the life of three close friends, which is more important, many people think it is the latter.

When strangers die or close friends die, which makes you feel more sad and remorse?

There is no doubt about the latter.

When things didn't happen or after they happened, most people were selfish. When they met Chen Fang's questions, they didn't think the same way. It's normal that they came to different conclusions because of different environments and positions.

Chen Fang is challenging people's view of universal justice with selfishness and common sense. He is a man in chaos, not to mention a young man like Xiaobai.

As for the older and more experienced Jimo charming, think for a while to understand, although not laughing and crying, but also did not say it.

Because Chen Fang's words are selfish, but from their standpoint and Gong Xiaobai's point of view, they are really good. Who is not a selfish person, do you think.

"Don't you understand, Yu Gong, the soldiers and we played a greater role in helping you. For private, the soldiers and we died, which made you feel more sad and remorseful, and we answered immediately." Chen Fang's eyes stare at the confused Gong Xiaobai, and he shouts.

Gong Xiaobai was scared by Chen Fang and said, "you."

Chen Fang is going to finish the reconstruction of Gong Xiaobai's three outlooks, and let Gong Xiaobai think about the rest.

"Well, a child can be taught." Chen Fang patted Gong Xiaobai on the shoulder.

"Well, don't think too much. Anyway, nothing happened this time, but don't make the same mistake next time, you know."

Chen Fang made a final remark.

Gong Xiaobai nodded and accepted Chen Fang's statement in his heart. From his own heart, he thought Chen Fang was right, so he changed his mind.

"Go back to the city, I'm tired this time. If it wasn't for your uncle, I'd be in tears, so Xiaobai, you should thank me well." Chen Fang embraces Gong Xiaobai's shoulder and says as he walks.

Gong Xiaobai returns to his usual mood and says happily and gratefully that he will repay Chen Fang well.

Jimo looks at Gong Xiaobai fooled by Chen Fang. It's a little complicated.

"Do you think Xiaobai will bring trouble to Chen Fang in the future?" She said with a headache.

"I'm not sure." Jimo shook his head.

They looked at each other and laughed bitterly.

but fortunately, this palace is making a choice. It has not got the worst result. Chen Wei has given him a sense of guilt awesome.

But, accept Chen Fang's point of view, Gong Xiaobai may not grow up Let's go.