"No, I can't hold it."

He mistakenly estimated the strength of the five totems after they were combined. Some of Chen Fang didn't have time to deliver energy to repair the golden bell jar. Seeing that the golden bell jar was about to break, Chen Fang was not calm.

"Big Joe, Little Joe, help me get two." Chen Fang shouts.

After receiving the order, Daqiao, who was watching, rushed over with a gun. He was only a little smaller than the other four totem warriors except Zaha, but his momentum was higher than before. After evolution, Daqiao's black garland armor was more gorgeous and heavy, and his weapons were many times larger than before.

Xiao Qiao's body size is a little smaller than that of Da Qiao, only more than two meters, but its sensitivity is much higher than that of Da Qiao. In addition to the original vine javelin, Xiao Qiao after evolution has a white vine staff. At the top of the staff, there is an unknown and beautiful nine petaled flower, and the bud in the middle of the flower is replaced by a white gem.

The Big Joe's spear and the small Joe's Javelin stick on the totem warrior. Under the effect of the blood gas barrier, they will not cause damage, but the attacked totem warrior will fight back immediately, and then be led away by the big and small Joe.

Without two totem warriors, Chen Fang's pressure is reduced, and the five totem warriors don't get together. The blood gas connection between them disappears, and their strength returns to the original level. With the rapid repair of the golden bell cover, Chen Fang feels much easier than before.

"Now I just hope that Jimo will quickly retreat to a safe place, and then call me with the contract."

In addition to being beaten passively, Chen Fang can't do anything else. He just hopes that Jimo will move quickly and summon them away before their energy is exhausted.

As time went by, Chen Fang was a little confused. It was reasonable to say that Jimo should have retreated to a safe place now. Even if they retreated two or three kilometers carefully, they should have arrived. Why don't they use the contract call?

"NIMA, don't forget to bring the money."

"I don't think so. Even if I don't have one, I can't find one with gold coins."

Chen Fang suddenly had a bad feeling.

However, the fact is that Chen Fang's premonition is right. After all, none of them has money with them. No one has money in his arms, but Yaya has money in his pocket. Unfortunately, there are no gold coins.

When Jimo found that they had no money with them and could not use the contract to summon Chen Fang, they were in a panic and rushed to find someone to borrow it.

But what makes people speechless is that charming and Gong Xiaobai don't have them. When they are curious, they ask Jimo why they want money.

Although she was curious about the contract of consuming gold coins like "justice comes from heaven", charming and Gong Xiaobai immediately ordered that as long as someone had a gold coin on his body, he would give it back a hundred times.

Gong Xiaobai's orders puzzled his subordinates, but he told them to go on. Unfortunately, although many of them carry money, most of them are soldiers. With their consumption level, they can't carry gold coins. Everyone has silver coins and copper coins, but they don't use them.

No one in the top ranks of the army has any money with them, so they can't find a gold coin in such a big army, which really takes someone's life.

What happened unexpectedly was that they were all bad. They were worried and rushed to the place where Chen Fang was. They didn't care whether they had any use in the past and whether Chen Fang's previous efforts would be wasted. They just hoped that they would have time to pray that Chen Fang wasn't killed.

Chen Fang waited on the left and on the right, but he didn't wait for the call. He was a little flustered, but he didn't give up hope and was ready to help himself.

During the use of the golden bell shield, Chen Fang's paralyzed feet had been restored by using war trampling, so he thought about whether to do it again, slow down the first three totem warriors, and then fight to get a little hurt, use the charge skill to suppress or ride on Xiao Qiao, and take off them by taking advantage of speed?

After thinking about it, Chen Fang thinks that it's reliable for Xiao Qiao to drive himself. Although the charge skill is OK, he doesn't have much source energy left. Moreover, the current charge skill will consume more source energy if it is used many times in a short time. If there is a fork in the way, the source energy is not enough, it's tragic.

After making the decision, Chen Fang is ready to inform Xiao Qiao to be ready. But just when he is ready to contact Xiao Qiao, a scream comes into his ear.

Chen Fang had some accidents, but he didn't know. Now he was alone. How could anyone scream? So he looked through the gap between the three totem warriors in front of him in the direction of the sound. Then he saw a figure with five vine javelins on his body, slowly falling to the ground, looking at the half wolf, not the totem he had been led out before Soldiers?

How did that thing die? Who did it? Is it one of them, Joe and Joe? Chen Fang is busy with questions.

Just as Chen Fang is going to see who killed the totem warrior, another scream comes. Chen Fang turns to see that Daqiao is pulling his sword out of the totem warrior's chest.

What's the matter, big and small Joe, they can ignore the blood gas barrier of totem warriors, this Chen Fang was very surprised.Is there any special property of the evolved big and small Joe that can just restrain the blood gas barrier of totem warrior?

Chen Fang is very puzzled. After the evolution of big and small Qiao, he can't see their physical attributes as before, so he can only guess like this.

"My Lord, two enemies have been destroyed. Do we need to destroy the other three?" Big Joe's respectful voice.

"Yes, yes, two more." Overjoyed

is so awesome that Chen is overjoyed.

That's great. I thought it would be nice to run away, but I didn't expect that big and small Joe would kill two people.

Chen Fangmei Zizi is full of energy again. After being beaten for such a long time, it's hard to avoid anger in his heart. Chen Fang won't let go of the chance to fight back.

Then big and small Joe came to pull away the other two totem warriors besides Zaha. Now only one Zaha is smashing the golden bell jar without brain. Chen Fang copes with it easily, and is ready to see how big and small Joe killed the totem warrior with the golden bell jar.

After the big and small Joe led the totem warrior away, he didn't attack them immediately, but took them to run. Until some time later, Xiao Qiao suddenly raised his staff, and a white halo shot out to the totem warrior who was chasing him. Then it flashed. Chen Fang saw that the blood red barrier on the totem warrior was melting at the speed visible to the naked eye.

After the blood gas barrier ablation, Joe began to throw javelin to fight back. The javelin pierced the totem warrior directly through his body, which showed that his invincibility was broken.

Because they are all four legged, the totem warrior can't catch up with Xiao Qiao. As a result, he can only hang behind Xiao Qiao and eat javelin. However, the totem warrior is strong, and Xiao Qiao needs a little time to kill him.

After about a minute or two, Little Joe was close to Big Joe, and the same aura of purification hit the totem warrior who was chasing Big Joe. The blood gas barrier just disappeared, and Big Joe began to fight back.

"Eh, it's not Xiao Qiao's purification skill. It's unexpectedly effective for blood gas barrier."

Chen Fang's eyes are bright. When it comes to purification, he also has it. That's a hammer thing.

"Haha, after fighting for so long, you've been fighting my anger. Now that you know how to break your skill, you can save your life."

Chen Fang looks at Zaha with a golden bell cover in front of him, and his eyes show excitement.

My Lord, it's my turn.