The heart of Suyuan in the fusion system has lost its essence as a source of strength, so Chen Fang can no longer use the element force and source force, and exists as an independent but belonging to Chen Fang, or it is more appropriate to call it an exclusive tool.

The new heart of Suyuan has the following five functions:

it retains the skill construction function of the original heart of Suyuan, which is useless for Chen Fang who is no longer an awakener, but it can transform his skill moves into the skills that the awakener can use through the construction function, which can just teach his apprentices to fall sisters, so as not to be unworthy of the name Of course, it can also be taught to others.

Storage function: the space is not big, about the size of a room. This is the function of the item list of the previous system. However, the contents in the item list have been emptied, and now they are empty. For example, the core, balls, super wigs and so on previously stored in the item list have disappeared, and the losses are not generally heavy.

Role playing function. This function also includes three small items: role acquisition, prop production and skill acquisition. The number is locked to five. Now there is an unfinished character eight gods temple and an activated humanoid weapon library. This function should come from Chen Fang's cos skills and individual combat exoskeleton.

The production function of the sub occupation is divided into three sub items: the entity creation of war casting, the synthesis and the Fu Zhuan production with seal script.

Finally, there is the booty drop function. This function exists passively and cannot be used actively. When you kill the enemy, you have the probability to get something directly.

Because of the change of the nature of Suyuan's heart and the departure of the system, Chen Fang did not become an ordinary person.

After the integration of the system, Chen Fang can no longer call up the character panel. However, some of his previous skills have been transformed into his own ability, knowledge and physical characteristics, and some of them have been put into the heart of the new source of destination as a function. In addition, new energy has been generated in Chen Fang's body, allowing him to use the skills he has now. However, the current skills have changed more or less, And you can't view its information.

Chen Fang needs to consume his newly generated energy when using his skills. This sub source energy is still very weak and flows in Chen Fang's bones. It can't be strengthened by conventional cultivation methods. It can only be accumulated by eating, and after accumulation, it should be compressed and stabilized. Otherwise, the new energy is just empty, and once used, it will be directly consumed.

The growth limit of source energy is the limit that Chen Fang's body can bear, that is, the stronger Chen Fang's body is, the more source energy he can carry.

The source energy can be transformed into any element, which makes it convenient for Chen Fang to pretend to be an awakened one, so as not to be taken as an alternative and cause trouble.

The above are the changes that Chen Fang can understand for the time being. What Chen Fang wants to know most is the skills he has now and what changes have taken place.

Because Yiyi Yaya is very close to Chen Fang, he can only wait for the doctor to come to check, and then go out to use it after confirming that he is OK.

In the process of waiting, Chen Fang also tries to contact aleus, but he doesn't get any reply. However, he can feel that she seems to fall into a deep sleep again, so he is relieved.

Chen Fang fights with Yiyi Yaya for a while. Before hearing the news, he brings the doctor to Jimo, and the two sisters come together.

"Do you have any discomfort when you wake up?" Jimo asked with great concern as soon as he entered the door.


Chen Fang shook his head and then said gratefully, "it's good to have you here this time. Otherwise, I would have hung up early if I had been in a coma for half a year. Thank you so much."

"You want to thank us, especially Jimo and Wenren, who were crying when they came to me." She said with a charming smile.

Chen Fang listens and looks at Jimo. As a result, his face turns red and he doesn't dare to look at him. Chen Fang picks up his eyebrows and feels strange.

It was just at this time that Wen Ren came in with the doctor. After hearing this, he said, "hum, you look nervous too. As soon as you heard that Chen Fang fainted, you came here in a hurry. Let's find the best doctor in the imperial court."

"That's because I'm afraid he'll be sad if he has a problem."

I don't believe the reason that charming said.

"Wow, I didn't expect to be so popular. Haha."

Chen Fang said so, but he didn't really feel that they liked him. He didn't often say three illusions of life on the Internet. She didn't care about me. I could kill her. Someone was calling me. He didn't want to be sentimental.

And even if they really like it, Chen Fang's heart is a bit awkward. He's a soul wearer. Although he occupied the body when the original owner was still a little boy, he was a piece of excrement and a piece of urine. In fact, he was himself, and he had forgotten what he looked like in his previous life. But it was subconscious to make a girlfriend and get married with this body Kui, I feel like I'm being cuckold by myself. It's quite magical.

So when he was in Xinsheng City, even if someone introduced a girlfriend or a blind date, Chen Fang didn't respond so positively. In the end, he was rejected by the woman because she thought it was insincere. However, he deluded himself into thinking that the other party was because of two kids, so he made excuses for himself.Anyway, Chen Fang will not take the initiative before he solves the problem.

After the doctor was brought in, he made a detailed examination of Chen Fang. With a lot of effort, he came to the conclusion that Chen Fang is as strong as a cow and should live to 99 without accident.

After hearing this, everyone was relieved and politely sent the doctor out of the room.

Chen Fang said, "I said it's OK. You don't have to be so nervous."

"Why were you in a coma before? What's the reason? Will you sleep like this for so long in the future? "

Jimo is still a little worried that Chen Fang may have hidden dangers that doctors can't find out. After all, Chen Fang has been sleeping for nearly half a year. If he wants to do it again in the future, who can bear it.

"No, it was an accident last time. Although I couldn't feel the outside world when I was asleep, I was conscious and had solved the problem."

It's very troublesome to explain why he fell asleep, but in order not to let those who care about him worry, Chen Fang directly said that he had solved it.

"Really? Don't lie to us. If there is any hidden danger, tell us. Let's think about it together. "

Charming looking at Chen Fang suspiciously, Jimo is the same expression.

"Yes, master, don't be afraid of doctors." The two lost sisters also said on one side.

"I can't cheat you any more. I won't make fun of my own life, and the doctor says I'm not healthy. Don't worry about it." Chen Fang was very moved, so he looked at Jimo and said.

Then the people chatted for a while and then dispersed. The new city was still under construction. They had a lot to do, leaving yiyiyaya with Chen Fang.

Chen Fang has nothing to do, so he plans to go out to see what the new city looks like, and find a place to get familiar with the current ability.