Chen Fang's conjecture has a great impact on the two lost sisters, but after all, it's only conjecture, even if nine times out of ten, it's only a subjective inference. The two sisters are just skeptical, only adding to their worries. They were listless originally, but now they are even more worried. Chen Fang looks at them and wants to slap his mouth.

Originally, Chen Fang intended to persuade them not to go back, but Luoluo and Luoluo were worried about them from childhood. Most of them loved them very much. Now their grandmother, who is sick in bed, can only give up.

They traveled day and night, and entered the boundary with many hills. When they got here, Luo Luo, who was familiar with the geography, told Chen Fang that it was about a day's journey to Qiuxu city.

Before going to Qiuxu city again, Luo Luo guided Chen Fang to the place where clay shrem lived.

In a quagmire, Chen Fang saw this mutant creature, and without saying a word, he began to hunt.

killed the glue slime, collecting the essence of his body by collecting, collecting only one drop at a time. Chen Wei took a day to collect enough quantity needed by the two sisters, and now he has the mane of the blood devil lion.

Of course, if he wants to activate the incarnation of the eight gods temple, only materials are not enough. He also needs to deal with these materials, such as weaving the spider silk clothes and making wigs.

This matter, the next is to go to Qiuxu City, to get the blood lion mane is also the second, to find a way to deal with the two lost sisters is the main thing.

It's very difficult to deal with the affairs between the two sisters. If it's an ordinary family, Chen Fang will beat all the unconvinced people down with his strength. He thinks he has this ability.

Chen Fang is not so arrogant that he thinks he can suppress a city with his own strength. It's too brainless to think so.

But his brain can't come up with any useful ideas. Chen Fang can only go one step at a time.

Before meeting the two families in Qiuxu City, Chen Fang felt that he needed to be prepared.

Although Chen Fang and the two little girls are apprentices, they are only recognized by the three, and their families may not agree with them. Therefore, Chen Fang must find a way to let the family of the lost sisters agree with this relationship, so that he can have the most preliminary say and participate in the affairs about the two sisters.

So how can we get the recognition of the lost sisters' families? Without him, we can speak.

Chen fangzai has asked about the level of awakened people in Luoluo Qiuxu city. The most powerful one is their grandfather. The level of level 4 is close to level 5.

In the whole city, the high-end combat power is at the middle level of three or four, with a small number of about one thousand people. The main combat power class is below the middle level of two and above the initial level of five.

Basically in line with the current situation of the power distribution of federal awakeners.

Of course, there are some of the above people who have the real strength of this rank, and there are also those awakened people who use the core essence to break through all the way, each rank is not stable, there are empty ranks but no strength.

Chen Fang estimated that with his current strength, he should be able to win in the face of 70% of the third level of the middle level and 50% of the fourth level, which should be recognized by the families of the lost sisters.

There's no problem with strength, so the next step is to pay attention to appearance, which is the key.

Chen Fang's short sleeve underpants and flip flops are too casual. They look like a model for others. I'm afraid they can't even get into the main gate of the city hall. Even if they get in with the help of the two sisters, they won't take it seriously. So he has to change it.

Chen Fang put on the dress which was brought out to Longhua city. Because of his temperament, he looked like a servant and had to give up.

Chen Fang, who had thought about preparation, found that nothing could be prepared, so he had to go to Qiuxu city to think about something.

The hunting place of slime shrem is far away from Qiuxu city. If they want to go back to the main road to Qiuxu City, without looking back, Chen Fang and his three people will pass a city site full of dead souls.

For safety's sake, Chen Fang's three people should better turn back, because Luo Luo said that the site is very dangerous. So far, many adventurers have been killed in it, and they have also become one of the dead. It's better to pass there when the dead are not concentrated in the daytime. Once it's evening, all kinds of dead will start to gather and form a huge procession The streets of the city march around, and at this time, as long as there are creatures around them, they will rush up and tear to pieces.

Chen Fang said strange, this is the alien version of the ghost night?

Since it's dangerous, the three will not venture to go, so they will take another two days to make a detour.

But just as they were about to turn back, the two sisters received a message from their family that their grandmother was seriously ill and might die soon, hoping to see them again at the end.

The two sisters were in a panic. They didn't know what to do. Of course, they wanted to go back to see their grandmother as soon as possible. But the shortest way to go back was to go through the ruins of the undead city. It only took half a day to get to Qiuxu city. But it was too dangerous. If they were just their own sisters, they would fight, but the problem was Chen Fang is also here. They don't want to put Shifu in danger because of their private affairs."Master, I'll tell you how to get to Qiuxu city. You can make a detour and we'll wait for you in the city." Luo Luo thought of a way to open mouth to say, this is to divide the army into two ways.

"What do you think? Who do you think I will watch you take risks? Let's go. I'll go with you. You can take care of three people. "

Chen Fang refused Luo Luo's proposal without hesitation.


Luo Luo is grateful, but still does not want Chen Fang to accompany them to take risks.

Chen Fang interrupts what she wants to say and leads the way directly to show her resolute attitude.

"Master, don't go there." I'm in a hurry now.

"It's no use saying anything. Shifu, what I decide, no one can make me go back." Chen Fang said aloud.

"But master, you're going in the wrong direction. If you don't look back, you won't be able to get there in a hundred years." Cried Luo Luo.


Chen Fang stops, turns and walks back to the sisters. He looks at the two little girls laughing and their faces are burning.

Ma Dan, though of different meanings, was beaten in the face to some extent, but Chen Fang was embarrassed.

"Thank you, master."

Luoluo and Luoluo bow to Chen Fang solemnly. They are very grateful for Chen Fang's action.

"The family doesn't talk to each other. Remember, I'm your master. Don't always think about solving problems by myself. Although I'm not a mountain, I'm also a wall. I can rely on it before I fall down, you know?" Chen Fang said seriously.

The eyes of the two sisters are moist. From childhood to adulthood, Chen Fang is the only one who really cares about them. Now their hearts begin to change and they want to be closer to Chen Fang.

"Yes." The two sisters nodded heavily.

It's no big deal, but at this moment, the relationship between the master and the apprentice is a step further.