Dissatisfied with the previous harvest, Chen Fang searched several stores across the street, but he still had nothing to start with. Disappointed, he looked at the night and went back to his home.

Chen Fang went out of the house and found that he didn't know when the thick fog of things five meters away was filled in the street. The fog was also mixed with frost stars, which didn't melt after being stained on his body. If he didn't deal with it and walked a few meters, frost stars would be all over his body, making people feel cold and inconvenient to bind his hands and feet.

"When it's freezing and windy, it's foggy?"

Chen Fang was a little confused. Zagu didn't mention it, but anyway, he wanted to go back through the fog, so with the direction in his memory, he groped for the stone house where he stayed.

In the fog, Chen Fang felt as if he was spinning around in the same place. Otherwise, he would have reached the opposite side of the street, which is only ten meters wide. But after ten years of walking, he still didn't see any houses.

"Is it because I'm walking down the street now that I come across the house?"

Chen Fang thought it was very possible, so he changed his direction, but the result was the same. No matter how he went, he still didn't touch anything.

Aware of something wrong, Chen Fang took out a super wig and put it on. If not on the ground, it came from the sky.

After flying up seven or eight meters, Chen Fang went through the fog, and then he saw that the whole town was covered by thick fog. At the same time, he saw a huge figure lying at the gate of the town where they entered in the morning, facing a big mouth of more than ten meters.

Chen Fang was surprised. When did the monster appear outside the town?

Carefully close to the monster lying at the gate of the city, Chen Fang saw its face.

An ice state air swimming fish, shaped like a beluga, has five air holes on both sides of its body, and is constantly emitting white fog, which spreads towards the small town.

The fog is thin near the mouth of the beluga whale. Chen Fang can see a group of mutant animals passing through the city gate and unconsciously walking towards the mouth of the beluga whale. Those mutant animals should come out to look for food at night. As a result, they just hit the beluga whale's move and became food for the door.

Chen Fang took a cool breath. If he had just been wandering in the fog, he would have gone directly to the mouth of the beluga.

Turning around, Chen Fang wants to inform Jimo that they are leaving, but the fog at his feet is too thick for him to find the current position of the stone house.

"This kind of fog should have the ability to confuse people and let them walk into this guy's mouth unconsciously. I have to find a way to drive it away or kill it, otherwise Jimo will be in danger."

Chen Fang is very afraid that because he didn't go back too late, Jimo they will come out to find themselves and fall into the fog of Moby Dick, which is very likely, so he must act as soon as possible.

As soon as he wants to do it, Chen Fang is careful not to make a big noise. He quietly lands on the top of the city gate, takes off his super match wig, hits a javelin in white, attaches a primary Lei Fu on the seal, and shakes his hand to shoot at the eyes of the Moby Dick under him.

The javelin, with a spiral, went into the eye as big as the wheel of the beluga truck. The White Lightning shot down and exploded the eye of the beluga, leaving a net wound like that of the bulletproof glass after being hit by a bullet.

The wounded beluga's shrill roar sounded, and the roaring wind suddenly dispersed the fog at the gate of the city.

Chen Fang glanced at them and saw that there were two humanoid creatures in the mutated beast pile that was walking towards the gate of the town below. Their surface was covered with a layer of white frost. Although he didn't know what they looked like, they were supposed to be zagu and Neha. Obviously, they were entrusted by Jimo and came out to look for themselves. As a result, they came in the fog Come here.

Chen Fang secretly congratulated himself that he had just made a move in time, otherwise the two crazy orcs might have entered the mouth of the Moby Dick.

Wearing a super wig again, Chen Fang dived down from the air, carrying two crazy orcs whose movements had become very dull to get out of the fog.

As soon as they get out of the fog, zagu and Neha wake up from their confused state. When they are brought to the sky by Chen Fang, they think they have been attacked. They instinctively want to fight back, but they have no choice but to wrap themselves in a layer of frost and move slowly. Chen Fang notices their attack intention and quickly stops them. When they see Chen Fang, zagu and Neha calm down.

Chen Fang took two crazy orcs to the outside of the city gate. He put them down in a remote corner where there was no fog. He patted off the frost on them with a few palms. Chen Fang asked, "how long have you been out? Did they come out with Jimo

"When it started to fog, Jimo asked us to come out to look for you. It's about half an hour. I don't know if they came out to look for you during this period of time." Zagu said with trembling teeth, because of the cold of frost star, he would feel very cold.

Zagu and Neha, who have just arrived at the gate of the city, want to come to Jimo. Even if they come out, they haven't come here yet. Chen Fang is relieved.

"Can you still move? We went to solve that empty fish together. " Chen Fang pointed to the front is roaring vent Moby Dick said."I can." Neha nodded, and with that he showed his armor and shield.

Zagu didn't say much about it. He also armed himself.

Chen Fang saw that both of them were ready, so he took them around a big circle and came to the back of the Moby Dick.

"I don't want you to export."

With that, Neha directly attacked the Moby Dick's Chrysanthemum. A thick and sharp rock pillar stabbed into the Moby Dick's Chrysanthemum at an angle of 45 degrees.

The Moby Dick Chrysanthemum under attack shrank with naked eyes, followed by a roar.

The Moby Dick turned around, and the only one with one eye was cold. When he saw Neha, he opened his mouth and splashed out the frost blade one by one. He ploughed a deep ditch on the ground to look like Neha.

In front of Neha's body, a row of barriers composed of stalagmites directly blocked the frost blade.

Chen Fang and zagu saw that Neha attracted the attention of the beluga, and immediately attacked its belly from both sides.

Zagu's long sword danced wildly, and the beast's head sword continued to bombard him, and there were many wounds on the belly of the beluga whale.

In order to solve the problem of Moby Dick as soon as possible, Chen Fang not only opens up the bride's nostalgic talent, but also calls out the twin tree demon, big and small Joe, who hasn't been summoned for a long time. Then he throws out a flower petal himself, and then takes out the Tang Dao and Tai Tai Dao from the weapon warehouse and rushes up.

With the double blades waving, Chen Fang cuts the whale. The double blades dance wildly, crisscrossing and crisscrossing, directly cutting the ventral side of the whale.

The beluga was caught in the attack. After the ventral air hole was retracted, it spewed out a big white fog, which enveloped itself in the fog.

Different from the fog with frost star before, this fog contains a lot of frost sharp rhombus. Chen Fang cuts his arm without paying attention to it. At the same time, the injured arm is covered by thick frost in a short time and can't move.

Chen Fangfa's strong arm releases his hand from the frost.

If the beluga has been wrapped in such a layer of ice and fog, he doesn't dare to fight it close to him. Chen Fang has no countermeasures for a while.