Chen Fang discussed for a while, and decided to take aoguli and their three crazy orcs. After selling the yard, they left the red soil city.

At the place where they agreed to meet three days later, Chen Fang watched aoguli leave.

"I'm going to look at the market for warmth." With that, she plans to go out.

"Wait a minute." Chen Fang suddenly stopped her.

She looks at Chen Fang in doubt and asks him what's the matter.

"I have a piece of cloth here. See if you can resist the freezing wind."

Chen Fang suddenly took out a red cloth from behind and gave it to charming.

Charming took it over and found that the surface of the cloth was warm and the texture was thick. So she asked, "what kind of cloth is this? Where did you come from? "

"Huohuanbu, I brought it from my hometown before." Chen Fang lied without blushing.

This cloth is actually a drop to kill Augustus lake. Its attribute is to keep warm.

"There are many strange things in your hometown." Charming said a word, and then seriously looked at the cloth.

"It's a very special fabric. It's better than the kind of fabric on the market that is specially used to resist the freezing wind. It's also self heating, so it's not a problem to use it to resist the freezing wind."

"If it can be used, will it be enough for us?" Chen Fang asked.

"It's certainly not enough to make a suit. If it's made into a hooded cloak, it's enough. With these cloths, although we still have to buy warm goods, we also save a lot of money." Charming heart calculated to say for a while.

"Then make a cloak." Chen Fang said.

Charming nodded and left with the cloth.

In the next two days, Chen Fang began to pack up, and the yard also sold out, because they sold with the shop and business together, and they got 30 gold coins.

On the third day, which is the day agreed with aoguli and their three crazy orcs, Chen Fang takes them to the appointed place to meet them.

"It's strange that there was still sun in the sky just now. How could it suddenly become overcast? It won't rain, will it?" Chen Fang said, looking at the dark clouds in the sky.

Charming also looked up at the sky and said strangely: "it seldom rains in the red soil plain, especially in this season, the air is dry and there is no water vapor. It doesn't look like rain."

"Do you think the air is a little salty?" Hear a person suddenly say.

Other people listened and felt it. It seems that it's really salty.

Chen Fang licked his lips. He always thought the salty taste was familiar.

"Uncle, bud is thirsty." Bud bud sitting beside Chen Fang gently pulled down Chen Fang's clothes and said that the little fox she held in her arms was also crying. Her voice was very urgent and seemed to express something.

Jimo, who sits in front of the rear body, quickly takes out the water bag and pours a cup of water for Yaya.

"NIMA, I suddenly have a bad feeling." Chen Fang heard bud bud words, suddenly thought of what said.

Jimo several people puzzled looking at Chen Fang.

"I'm afraid dehydration is coming." Chen Fang said.

Chen Fang had experienced dehydration wind earlier. The precursor is not salty in the air.

"No way, dehydration wind rarely appears in the red soil city boundary." Said charming.

"That's because the salty wind Titan's nest is at home. Now it's running out, that's not necessarily the case." Chen Fang has a headache. If the Yanfeng Titans come here to hunt, they are afraid to go out of the city today.

"What is the salt wind Titan?" he asked? Never heard of it. "

Chen Fang forgot about his encounter with Yanfeng Titan when he came back. He didn't mention it to Jimo. So he took this opportunity to tell Jimo about their last experience.

"So the dehydration wind in the red soil plain was released by the salt wind Titan during hunting." Heard the person is very surprised to say.

"I can't be wrong." Chen Fang nodded.

"The space you are talking about is likely to be the wall of the" other world. " Jimo said.

"The other world? That's what I split in the wild beast plain last time? " Chen Fang asked.

Last time Chen Fang split out of the "other world", Jimo they all knew, but they left early to take care of master Peterman, and they didn't know what was going on inside.

"Yes." Jimo nodded.

Wen asked curiously, "how high is the salt wind Titan?"

According to legend, the height of Titans is generally 100 meters, so people are very curious about how many meters Chen Fang saw.

"The male is about ten or twenty meters long. I'm not sure about the one who stays in the other world, but it's at least close to 100 meters." Chen Fang recalled it.

"I really want to see it." Hearing people can't help saying.

"It's better to say goodbye. The sky has changed when that guy is in this world. It's not easy to offend at first sight." Chen Fangyao said.

Chen Fang really didn't want to meet the scene of drastic changes in the world at that time."Uncle, look at the big hole in the sky." Yiyi suddenly called out.

How could the sky break a big hole? The four adults couldn't help laughing. Then they looked up at the sky and changed their faces one after another.

In the distance, there was a vortex formed by clouds, which was much smaller than Chen Fang had seen last time. As it was spinning from slow to fast, it could be seen that something was being sucked into it.

It was not only Yaya that found this situation. Many people in red soil city saw it. Soon the streets and alleys were full of people. They all looked up at the wonders in the distance.

"Fog grass, that guy really ran out, and it's very close to here." Chen Fang's cold sweat suddenly came out.

Looking at the location of the cloud vortex, it may be more than ten kilometers away from red soil city. What's more terrifying is that the cloud vortex seems to be moving. Although the direction of the cloud vortex is towards red soil City, the angle is slightly offset, and it may pass red soil city a few kilometers away.

"What to do? Still out of town? "

"I don't know. If I go out, I'm afraid of meeting that guy to release salt wind. If I don't go out, I'm afraid that he will come here. How can I feel a bit doomed?" Chen Fang was sweating.

"What do you think?"

Jimo they don't know what to do, just like Chen Fang said that if they don't leave the city, it seems that they are all in danger.

Just when Chen Fang and Chen Fang were still hesitating, white arc-shaped light columns suddenly appeared in four directions of the red soil city. The four light columns intersected 100 meters above the center of the red soil City, and then a golden light column rose to the center of the city, straight through the intersection of the white light columns. Then a white light curtain began to appear between the four light columns, and at a slow speed The white column of light starts to walk down the road. It looks like it's going to cover the whole city.

"Is there a boundary for protecting the red soil city?" There was a look of surprise.

Charming repeatedly shook his head: "how can it be, this is just a remote small city, how can there be a border protection, and the border protection is not like this."

"It rains at night when the house leaks, NIMA. It's a good thing for Rongguang in the old days." Chen Fang uses identification to check the light curtain in the sky, and gets the information of God's cage. As long as things related to God, he knows that they are related to the glory of the old days.

"Get out of town now, or you'll be trapped in it."

Without hesitation, Chen Fang rushed out with his three jumpers. At this time, there were a lot of people on the street, and they were all looking at the sky with fog. Chen Fang yelled to get out of the way while he was driving. He would pass if he didn't let him. Anyway, the crazy Orc had rough skin and thick flesh, and at most he would hit a person who could not die. He had no psychological pressure.

However, after Chen Fang ran for a while, a lot of freak orcs suddenly appeared in the city. As soon as they appeared, they began to attack. All of a sudden, the whole city was in chaos, which also led to Chen Fang's slow speed of opening three jumpers.

Nima, it's a double blessing and a double curse. Chen Fang scolds you secretly.