The sun goes down in the West and the night falls. The high crystal lights on the city wall shine in the distance. In the distance, there is no light, such as the black curtain of the stage. A variety of werewolf corpses with dark blue in their black fur eyes, stooping like actors who lift the curtain, slowly approach the city.

In the face of such a dense body as the ant colony, there are many people who are scared and shivering before they fight. Even those who are born with the courage to experience life and death will not look much better.

The headquarters in the middle of the city wall was established, where the heads of the top ten families and the main leaders of the United Council gathered.

"Order the core energy cannon to attack. It's within range."

"Put it in a little more, and now it's not the most effective."

"If we drag on, we'll lose our morale."

"Attack, first stabilize people's hearts, let them know that although there are many corpses, they can't be defeated." As the oldest member of the Lin family in the United parliament, Lin Yong, after thinking for a moment, agreed to the proposal of firing the gun.

As he made his statement, others agreed.

"Mrs. Karen Heather, didn't you bring new weapons this time? Take this opportunity to try. "

The Dawes family provided a large number of weapons for the garrison. Of course, Karen Heather was also present. After hearing Lin Yong's words, she nodded and asked the Dawes family members waiting to control the new weapons around the city wall to prepare for the attack and participate in the next shelling with the core through the liaison.

In order to boost morale, the leaders of the headquarters made a decision. The core energy gunner who got the order filled the core shells, calibrated the distance and waited for the order to fire.

Longhua city is a city of aristocratic families. It is rich and powerful. There is a core energy gun on the wall every 100 meters, with hundreds of medium-sized and large-sized guns.


At one command, a hundred cannons were fired at the same time, causing the wall to vibrate. The cannonball came out with the energy light that could not be seen directly, and crossed the arc in the air and smashed into the corpse group. The explosion continued, and the splashed energy stars were colorful. At night, they were as beautiful as fireworks, but also like the sickle in the farmer's hand, like harvesting wheat, which made the corpse fall into pieces.

A hundred core energy cannons were fired in unison for three rounds. The ground below the city was like sand when it rained. The craters were full of craters after the explosion.

After the shelling, there were only three or two kittens in the shooting area, all of them with broken hands and feet. They staggered forward, driven by instinct, and continued to move towards the city wall. However, they did not walk a few steps before they fell into the crater and were burned to ashes by the burning flames inside.

"Compared with the blue star, the gun is younger brother in range, but it is really powerful." Chen Fang looked at the tens of thousands of corpses that had been blasted out of range, and subconsciously compared them.

"What did you say?" Tony, standing beside Chen Fang, asked.

"I said that when those corpses come in and shoot again, we won't have to guard here." Chen Fang said.

If you calculate the distance, the core energy cannons wash the ground, and the corpse variants can't attack the lower part of the city at all. Even if there are fish who have missed the net, there will be very few, so there won't be too many people to guard.

"You think too much. After three volleys, the core energy cannon will have to wait at least an hour before it can be used again. We have to guard this period of time." The captain looked at the corpses still emerging in the distance and said.

Is this the end of the meal? Chen Fang's evaluation is lower than that of the Hongyi general artillery of the flower growers in ancient times.

"Let's go, let's go." Several hurrying shouts rang out.

People turned their heads and saw several four wheeled flatcars pushing a metal chest like a wardrobe running on the city wall. Every 100 meters, that is, between the two core energy cannons, one of them would stop and be fixed on the ground by the people transported.

"What is this?"

People are puzzled to look at the strange metal cabinet.

"That's the family emblem of the Dawes. It should be a new weapon." Someone saw a sign on the cupboard and said.

From the appearance of the metal cabinet, Chen Fang saw the mark on it and knew that it belonged to the Dawes family. He also knew what kind of weapon it was.

Since Chen Fang moved to Jimo's house, old lady Karen Heather has come to chat with him several times. Sometimes Higgs also comes here. He just wants to study Yiyi's energy gun and the weapon unit carried on Chen Fang's individual combat exoskeleton, so as to learn from and improve his new weapons.

If other people naturally let him stay cool, but Lao Lailai's face will be given, so Chen Fang opened his weapons to Higgs for research. Of course, he can't dismantle them. It's OK to have a look and see how to shoot.

To tell you the truth, Higgs is also a genius. He even tried to make a sample without dismantling it. Although the appearance has three parts of power and 20% of it is easy to explode, it can still be shot. He also blew up a rockery, which Chen Fang admired.

Later, after constant improvement by Higgs, he successfully developed a weapon called honeycomb arrow cabinet, which is the metal cabinet in front of Chen Fang.

Is this a finished product or a trial product? Should I stay away? Chen Fang, who has experienced the explosion of the cabinet, always feels unreliable, so he is far away from the metal cabinet. At the same time, for the sake of insurance, he stands behind the shield position in the team, so that even if it really blows up, there is a layer of protection. I have to say that his conscience is really bad.In addition to the metal cabinet, a heavy machine gun with magical color and a missile with the same length as the skymonkey came to the back.

The heavy machine gun is a castrated version made by Higgs because he can't copy the Gatling of Laiyi. On Chen Fang's suggestion, it has three triangular heavy machine guns with separate gun heads. It absorbs the core energy of the mutant beast, and can shoot many energy bullets. Although it's not powerful, it's better than shooting fast and many bullets. If multiple guns are used together to form cross fire, it can be used It's hard to kill a middle level three non speed awakener without arms.

The disadvantages are also very prominent. As mentioned above, they are not powerful and their shooting range is limited. They are useless to the awakened people who are fast on the battlefield or open their arms, but they are suitable for the battlefield.

The weapon Higgs named it "storm baptism". However, in Chen Fang's opinion, this kind of baptism is just like the spray of water from a lotus pod in a bath. It can only make the skin itch. Of course, it is a killing weapon for ordinary people or unarmed early awakeners.

The last missile, which looks like skymonkey, was developed by Higgs himself. It has nothing to do with Chen Fang's missile. This missile has a round pointed head, a long barrel, no tail, and a small cylindrical metal rod at the bottom. It can be launched with a cylinder that can adjust the angle. It can also be said that it is a mortar, but Chen Fang likes to call it skymonkey. After all, this thing is shooting After going out, it will scurry in the sky, and the landing point can't be judged at all. Fortunately, it will only fly forward and won't turn back like a scurrying monkey, otherwise it will be a waste.

Chen Fang, seeing that it was unstable in flight, suggested adding a tail to track the missile, but Higgs refused. The reason was that the missile's speed was not fast. If the trajectory was predicted, it would be easy to shoot down. Chen Fang blushed. It turned out that people didn't know it, but did it on purpose. From then on, Chen Fang didn't talk about other people's professional problems I'm afraid of losing face if I give any advice.

After the three kinds of weapons were transported and settled, a large area of corpses gathered under the city, and they were only ten li away from the city wall.

At this time, Daosi's missiles were launched first, and more than a hundred missiles flew around like flies in the air. Several of them collided and exploded, and the rest smashed into the corpse group and detonated. The violent explosion sounded again. Although the movement was not as big as the previous shelling, many corpse bodies were also destroyed. In addition to the explosion, the fragments of the projectile shot out caused secondary injuries Many corpses that were not affected by the explosion were damaged.

Chen Fang calculated that one missile killed at least 20 corpses, and this wave of missiles also harvested at least 3000.

A wave of missiles passed, and the corpse came up again. This time, it was 50 meters away from the city wall.


the sharp sound of breaking through the air is constantly ringing, and energy arrows with element light are shot out from the metal cabinet opened at the end of the city. It's like rain. On the corpses near the city, each of them is hit by no less than ten arrows, and then torn to pieces by different element energy.

The arrow cabinet continues to launch for one minute, and then stops shooting because of energy exhaustion. At this time, the operator standing nearby will open the cover behind the arrow cabinet, revealing that the inside is densely filled with the absorption groove which has used up energy to become a transparent core, and start to buckle down the transparent core in the groove and replace it with a new core. This operation will take at least ten minutes.

During this period, it was just the time for the heavy machine gun to play. The operator held the handle behind the machine gun, pointed the gun head at the lower corpse body, continuously pressed the firing button on the top, and ejected fusiform element energy bullets from the three muzzles, sweeping towards the lower corpse body.

When the bullet hit the corpse, it didn't go through, just burst out one by one. For the corpse variant, the damage is far less than that brought by the two weapons. However, if it is shot in the head, it can still be killed.

"All remote attention, prepare to attack." The operators of the core energy cannons on the city wall are also heralds. Because they have a contact device in their hands and are just 100 meters away from each other, they are responsible for transmitting the orders of the headquarters.

"Those with remote skills, follow me." The captain of Chen Fang's column called at this time.

Chen Fang listened and followed without hesitation.