"Where have you just been teleported?" Jimo asked.

"Just now..." Chen Fang repeated his previous experience.

"In that case, I guess what you trigger is not a test, but another way to get the crown of the princess triggered by the bride of your contract, and because you have three brides, you may need to trigger the other two to get out." Jimo speculates.

"I think so, too." Chen Fang nodded his agreement.

"Is there any change in the blood red bride with the princess crown?" Jimo then asked.

"There's something to gain." Chen Fang nodded.

Now the defense probability of blood red bride is higher when it is attacked and triggers attachment, and the active defense calls blood red bride will no longer have the problem of attachment cooling, and also get a blood sucking aura. In a word, blood red bride is more powerful after getting the princess crown.

"If so, you may have to choose which one to help the black and white bride." Jimo said.

"Why?" Chen Fang is confused.

"I guess no matter which stone statue you trigger the black and white brides, they should enter the same place. It's very likely that they want the same princess crown." Jimo said.

This is very likely, or else the word camp would not have been mentioned.

If that's the case, Chen Fang really needs to think about it, but he feels that no matter which bride he chooses, it's very bad.

"I'll go in and have a look. Maybe they don't want the same princess crown." Chen Fang said.

"Be careful."

Chen Fang nodded to Jimo, who was showing concern on his face. Then he went to the two black and white stone statues. Then he chose the white stone statues to touch and disappear in the vortex again.

Then Chen Fang appeared on a hillside.

looked up as like as two peas, two in the distance, the same as the remains, but they were all black and white, and they were far away from each other.

In the middle of the two castles is a half black and half white plain. There is a throne at the junction of black and white. A transparent princess crown is placed on the cushion of the throne.

At this time, a group of white regiments and a group of black regiments were fighting on the plain, and two of them were fighting in front of the throne, with giant sickles in their hands. Every time they burst out the energy of terror, the scene was in full swing.

"I chose the white stone statue. Does it mean that I want to help the white side defeat the black side?" Chen Fang looked at the battlefield and hesitated.

The current situation shows that Jimo's conjecture is right, night and day two brides jointly seize the same princess crown.

There is only one princess crown. The day will get it, but the night will not. Is there any way for them to get it together?

Chen Fang looked at the black-and-white bride attacking each other for a long time, but he didn't think of a way to break his head.

"If you don't want to see the crown of the princess first."

Chen Fang decided not to help the day for the time being, but to find a way to get the crown of the princess. So he ran to the fighting plain.

Running to the edge of the black-and-white battlefield, Chen Fang suddenly finds something wrong. He finds that the two sides fighting in front of him are only virtual shadows, not entities, and there is no sound. So what happens in front of him is just a silent "movie.".

Chen Fang tentatively went to a white sword and shield warrior who was charging against the enemy. He hit him with a fist. As a result, his fist directly penetrated the opponent's body.

"What a mirage."

If so, it's impossible to help one of them, so Chen Fang has some doubts about how to get the princess crown in this case.

Can you just walk over and get it? Is it that easy?

Chen Fang walked towards the transparent princess crown on the throne.

Since all of them are phantoms, Chen Fang doesn't have to give way. He goes to the throne and reaches for the crown of the princess. The result is still phantoms.

"Sure enough, it's not so easy to get. It should be like the world where the blood red bride lived before, and it needs to fight monsters." Chen Fang touched his chin.

But where to find those monsters with fragments of the princess crown? Is it going to the castle? Chen Fang looked at the two castles and walked towards the White Castle. But he didn't take a few steps, and the "movie" scene changed.

The original black and white sky twisted and blended into gray, and then a space door appeared on it. The half human and half bone gray monster that I had seen before came out of it.

Chen Fang looked up and saw a huge figure sitting on the throne with his head propped up. Because he was too far away, he couldn't see his face clearly. However, even though he was far away, even if it was just a virtual mirror, Chen Fang also felt the strength of the other side.

After the half human and half bone gray monster appeared, the space door closed, and then it began to fall, and its appearance also made the battle between the black and white Corps stop, instead, all the weapons were aimed at the gray monster.

After the gray monster landed, the original black-and-white plain became gray as if it had been infected. Then the black-and-white arms standing on the grass began to fuse with each other and became two-sided. Then they all turned their weapons and pointed to night and day.Suck, you suddenly make complaints about it. You can't resist the dark nights. Chen Fang sees this scene in mind.

Then came the scene of fighting. The gray monster raised his whip and pointed to the night and day. All the double faced soldiers surrounded him.

at first, the night was awesome, and the sickle flashed. It really fell like a lawn. But when the double faced soldiers were killed, the gray monsters would whip again. Every time they beat, they would turn the dead double soldier into gray, and continue to stand up and fight, so that the night was consumed too much in the daytime until they killed all the pairs. The face soldiers, as well as the gray soldiers transformed by the gray monster, are exhausted.

It was only after consuming most of the strength of night and day that the gray monster came up. Just when it wanted to launch an attack, night and day looked at each other, then stretched out their hands and clasped their fingers. In a flash of black and white light, they combined into a new individual wearing a black-and-white robe, black-and-white eyes, holding a two-color entangled scythe, and then rushed to the king After wearing the transparent crown on their heads, they began to change color and finally became a black and white princess crown.

After wearing the princess crown, the fusion of night and day seems to get a new strength. It is no longer exhausted before. Its strength is greatly increased. It's a fierce friction to rush out to catch the gray monster and press it on the ground. It almost wiped the gray monster away. Just when the gray monster was about to die, a space door was opened in the sky, and a giant bird stretched out The huge arm directly suppresses the fusion of night and day and pinches it in the hand.

Then the gray monster got up from the ground and waved his whip. He was pinched on the head of the night and day fusion body in his hand. He smashed the crown directly and the fragments of the crown fell to the ground.

The giant hand releases the fusion of night and day, which has lost its crown. The gray monster walks over and steps on it. It makes several strokes to destroy the fusion, and finally separates the night and day. The gray monster sees the two separated people and takes out the chain to lock them.

Locked in the night and day, they struggled, but it was useless. On the contrary, they were beaten and kicked by the gray monster. At last, they couldn't move. Seeing that the night and day were no longer resisting, the gray monster stood still. Then a space door appeared in front of him and went in.

Chen Fang was watching all the time. When he saw the space door, he went over to have a look. He saw that there was a red world inside, which was the world of the blood red bride he had been to before. And the space door was opened on the arch bridge after he entered the red world.

The space door only opened for a while and then closed. Chen Fangyuan thought that the "movie" was over, but it was not over.

as like as two peas in the sky, the giant hand in the sky had a new movement. It opened its palm and then grabbed it. Then Chen Fang saw that the two castles which had been far away from each other kept moving closer, and finally contacted and merged together, forming a black and White Castle exactly like the ruins.

"That's how the black and white world came to be."

"The owner of this gray arm can integrate the two castles. It should be the so-called God of the era of the gods." Chen Fang guessed.

What are the identities of night, day and blood red? Why did you get caught by the gray monster? And finally they were sent to the relic church to wait for the wedding. Who would be the groom they were waiting for?

Chen Fang doesn't think about it because he can't figure it out too much. He doesn't know who they are going to marry, but he knows that no matter who they are going to marry, it's obvious that the groom can't get them now. After all, he has been cut off by himself.

Tut Tut, a great achievement in life, special or rare, Chen Fang thought triumphantly.

After merging the two castles, the giant hand retracts the space door and disappears. With his last experience in the red world, Chen Fang goes to the place where the princess's crown just fell after it was broken. Sure enough, he finds several black-and-white pieces on the ground. As long as these pieces piece together the adjacent broken places, they will automatically join seamlessly. That's Chen Fang Fang made up the pieces one by one, forming a perfect princess crown.

After the crowns were put together, there were two Dharma formations, one black and one white, on the ground at the same time. Then the two brides appeared at night and day. Just like the blood red bride last time, they knelt down on one knee and waited for Chen Fang's coronation.

"The next step is to make a choice." Chen Fang took the crown of the princess and looked at the night and day in front of him with a headache.