The shade of the tree is shining through the sun, and the wind is blowing the leaves. Following the little fox, Chen Fang is in a good mood when he looks at his tail.

When little fox left, Chen Fang was really reluctant. He would meet again. He was thinking about how to turn it back.

The little fox led the way, and from time to time he looked back to confirm whether Chen Fang had followed. After walking for about ten or twenty minutes, one man and one beast came to an old tree house after crossing a stream.

Chen Fang looked up at the mottled old tree house and was surprised that there were still people living in the old forest.

I said how it looks very human. Obviously, it's only after living with people for a long time. Is it the place where the fox owner lives? Chen Fang's previous conjecture has been confirmed.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Chen Fang stood under the tree and raised his head.

Even a few shouts did not get a response, Chen Fang is very strange, is the person out?


Don't know when to climb up the little fox standing in the tree house, toward Chen Fang called, seems to urge him to come up quickly.

Chen Fang thought about it and climbed up.


when he opened the door, a rotten stench came, and Chen Fang almost fell from the tree house.

Chen Fang covered his nose and looked into the tree house. The furnishings in the house were very simple. There were log seats and a bed. The ground was covered with the fur of unknown mutant animals. The stench came from under a blanket of animal skin on the bed.

At this time, the little fox was crying under the bed.

Chen Fang resisted his disgust and walked over. He looked out of bed and saw the body of an old woman with white hair, haggard face and maggots on her face.

"Little fellow, did you bring me here to see the dead man?" Chen Fang couldn't resist the stench and instinctively retreated. At the same time, he wondered how the old woman died, but he thought that the possibility of death was very high.

The little fox jumped into bed and screamed to a raised place in the blanket. His voice was like a cuckoo weeping blood, very sad and shrill.

Chen Fang felt something was wrong. He found a wooden stick in the tree house and lifted up the raised blanket. He saw two white figures curled up together. Looking at the five pointed tails, ears and heart-shaped marks on his forehead, it should be the parents of little fox.

Seeing his parents appear, the little fox's voice is even more shrill. Looking at Chen Fang's shouting all the time, he seems to be urging him to come up and have a look.

Chen Fang went over and looked at him. At this time, maggots were creeping in the hair of his parents.

"Little ones, they're dead." Chen Fang picked up the little fox who kept pushing his parents with his front paws and said.

Little fox called and struggled. He was very excited. Seeing that he couldn't break free, he took a bite from Chen Fang's palm, and the blood came out of the wound.

When Chen Fang saw the two big foxes on the bed, he realized that the little fox should have come to him to save his parents, but it was obvious that Chen Fang could not.

"Come on, kid. Your parents are dead. I can't help them." Chen Fang felt sad for the little fox.

Maybe after realizing that Chen Fang didn't have a way, the little fox didn't struggle or bite Chen Fang's palm. Instead, he put out his tongue to lick Chen Fang's wound.

"Well, let me bury them for you." Chen Fangsi wants to go. All he can do is this.

After putting the little fox on the ground, Chen Fang went out and dug a big hole under the tree where the house was. Then he climbed up the tree house and put up the whole blanket. He took it to the side of the big hole and buried the old woman's body with the little fox's parents.

Fill the bag with the last handful of earth. Chen Fang looks at the choking Fox and sighs.

In the face of the death of close relatives, both human and animal have feelings.

"Follow me later." Chen Fang kneaded the little fox who kept whispering and wailing, and said softly.

The little fox did not respond. No matter whether he understood or not, he stood in front of the small earth bag where his parents and master were buried.

Chen Fang scratched his head. He didn't know how to comfort the fox. He didn't know what to say even if he understood it.

Leaving the little fox alone in front of the small earthen bag, Chen Fang climbed up the tree house again, ready to find something to take away.

Looking inside the tree house, Chen Fang found a partition in a secret corner. After opening it, there was a small box inside.

Open the box, there is an octagonal crystal, and a letter.

Chen Fang opened the letter and looked at it. There was a lot of writing on it. Looking at the format, it should be just an ordinary letter, not a recipe or a map. Chen Fang was very disappointed. He put the letter back into the small box, took out the star anise crystal, put the small box back and closed the partition.

Just as Chen Fang was about to leave the tree house, there were several very light voices outside. Chen Fang had a keen sense of five senses. As long as he focused his attention, those voices could still be heard very clearly.

"Brother Ming, look at the three foxes that escaped before.""Brother Ming is so powerful. As he said, as long as you look around here, you can find it."

"Well, there is a room on that book. Do you think the owner here is the place where the fox lives?"

"Fart master, that little fox sees is to have no contract."

Chen Fang hid in the tree house and listened to the conversation of those people. There was a sound that he thought was very similar to Jess, so he carefully approached the door of the tree house and looked out. Sure enough, he saw Jess in the group of people outside.

Why are they here? They've also met little fox when listening to what they're talking about. In this way, they may have caused little fox's previous injuries. Chen Fang speculates.

"Do you think this little fox is stupid? We all talk so loud. Why can't he run?"

"It's true that last time it showed up in front of us. To tell you the truth, I've never seen a mutant beast that would come up to people and scream."

"Last time, if it wasn't for your cheap attack, this little fox would have been caught by us because he was not afraid of people."

"My fault, my fault, look at it so stupid, hands itch, this is not killed."

"This three Tailed Fox is different from others. If you take it back to the old lady, she will be happy. Fortunately, you didn't kill it, otherwise we have to settle with you."

"You see, that little fox has bandages on his body. Do you think he is really raised by others?"

"I don't understand. Someone must have raised it."

"Brother Ming, the little fox didn't run when he saw us. Is its owner on it?"

"Should be, you don't move fox first, dare to live in the wild people, many strength is very strong."

The conversation outside continued, but it was getting louder and louder. I think it was coming this way.

Chen Fang frowns. These people are obviously coming at the little fox. They have to go out quickly. The little fox is still outside. It's not good to be caught.

"Is anyone there, please?" A magnetic sound sounded under the tree house.

When Chen Fang heard that he went out, he saw the young blonde with Jess and other people standing on the bottom.

"What's the matter?" Chen Fang said, looking at these people without expression. At the same time, he saw the little fox standing in front of the little earth bag, and felt relieved.

Fortunately, they should have some scruples about the owner of the tree house, but they haven't done anything to the fox.

"It's you." Jess saw Chen Fang appear in the tree house, subconsciously called up.

"What's the matter with me? What are you doing here?" Chen Fang said lightly.

"Hello, I'm Zhan Liuming. Nice to meet you." Zhan Liuming showed a handsome smile, which made the young lady of his family throb.

"How happy are you?"

“……” Zhan Liuming's face is stiff. He says in his heart that this man is very sick. It's just a polite word. Are you really right with me?

Not only Zhan Liuming was upset by Chen Fang's words, but also the group of people behind him. They had never met such people. The standard answer to Zhan Liuming's question mark should be "I'm very happy, too." how happy is that It's like that.

"Ha ha, brother, you are very humorous."

Zhan Liuming laughs. He is very generous. He has a funny expression on his face. After all, he is from a big family. He has never experienced any occasion, and soon finds himself a step from embarrassment.

"Ha ha ha." The people accompanying Zhan Liuming also laughed.

Chen Fang ignores the people who are laughing. He jumps down from the tree house and comes to the little fox. He holds him in his arms. The little fox doesn't resist, but his eyes still don't leave the small mound. Chen Fang feels a pain in his heart and rubs the little fox's head gently.

"What's the matter with you here? Please leave if you're OK. The host doesn't like to see strangers." Chen Fang said indifferently that the meaning of chasing guests in his speech was very obvious.

"Well, I have an elder's birthday. She likes small animals very much. This little fox looks very beautiful. Whether she can give up her love is negotiable." Zhan Liuming said gently.

"No way." Chen Fang refused very simply.

Cut your head of love, little fox, I haven't even started. Why give it to you.

"You're a pariah. Brother Ming thinks highly of you when he buys this animal from you. Don't be shameless." Jess had a large number of people, and he was not afraid of Chen Fang at this time. He was very arrogant.

"It's a beautiful place to travel and stay at home. Shall I dig a hole for you to live here for a long time?" Chen Fang looked at Jess coldly and said.

"You Come on, you dig a hole to bury me Jess instinctively counseled, but seeing that there were so many people around him, he had the courage to choke back.

"You've all heard that he asked me to bury him. Don't say I'm reckless." Chen Fang makes a pose and goes to Jess.