"I'll talk about the most representative case of cannibalism."

"It happened about twenty years ago." Karen Heather said as she recalled.

It's about an evil organization, doomsday, whose people sell human beings or organs and possess a large number of undead elements, which are transformed into awakeners of undead elements.

One of them, Jones, was not satisfied with eating only ordinary children. He came up with the idea of an awakened child and was lucky enough to catch a child who was awakened to the elements of the dead. After eating the child cruelly, he found that his heart of Suyuan could be upgraded and became thicker. At the same time, he also had a very elementary one In order to confirm this conjecture, he wandered around the federal territory looking for awakened people with the same elements. He killed and ate them regardless of men, women, old and young. Due to too many crimes and unclean hands and tails, he was finally caught by the FBI.

When Jones was interrogated, all the people who participated in the trial were shocked to learn his motive.

Hu people, the awakened people who eat the same elements, will make Suyuan's heart as hard as the core of mutated creatures. Although it is not indestructible, it is much stronger than the original glass slag.

What's more terrifying is that the skill of Suyuan heart of the awakened one who is eaten will be transferred to the cannibal.

After the incident was reported to the police, the FBI high-level directly issued a command and immediately executed Jones. At the time of burying the body, it happened that an experiment was being carried out for the Federation. Karen Heather, who was worried about the lack of experimental materials, put forward a demand, and then the body was sent to her hands.

Karen Heather as like as two peas did not know Jones's identity. She was concerned about her experiments. Until she dissected Jones's body, she found a strange crystal which was similar to her heart.

According to the information sent along with the corpse at that time, Jones was only a second-order awakener, and it was impossible to have the heart of Suyuan in his body after death, which aroused Karen Heather's great interest.

Through multiple channels, Karen Heather finally learned Jones's identity and what she had done.

At the same time, she also got more information about similar cases, and produced a very bold idea. She used the information of criminals in similar cases, sneaked into the graveyard of death penalty criminals, found and dug up the graves of several cannibals she focused on, and then dug up the heart of Suyuan in different levels from the rotten or dead bones.

"In retrospect, I think I was not so bold at that time." Karen Heather said, shaking her head and laughing at herself.

No, an ordinary woman who goes to dig a grave or coffin in a cemetery is so bold that Chen Fang is very impressed. At least he can't do it.

It seems that women engaged in scientific research and archaeology are not so bold when they are curious or working.

"At that time, after I got the Suyuan heart of these different levels, I did some research, but because there were other experiments in my body, I gave it up for the time being, and finally forgot about it."

"Later, in the process of studying the mutated organisms, I found that the mutated organisms also have the behavior of eating the same species. After the experiment, I found that as long as they eat enough of the same species, no matter which level of the mutated organisms, they must be able to separate the core."

"is as like as two peas"?

"So in combination with what I have said above, I come to the conclusion that the nature of the heart of the awakened person should be the same as the core of the mutated creature."

"Since the essence is the same, it is possible to transform the two."

After Karen Heather finished, Chen Fang's brain exploded. Now he felt that his brain was buzzing with too much information to deal with.

"You've said so much, but I don't quite understand. What's the relationship between this and your being targeted?" Chen Fang said what he had been holding in his heart.

Chen Fang had to listen to Lao Lai's excursion from the topic and forced him to popularize science. Of course, he also asked a few questions curiously in the middle, and then completely deflected the topic. But now, Chen Fang's mind was a little confused, so he had to emphasize it.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, kid. I always want to make it clear when I talk about research." Karen Heather laughed sheepishly.

No, you don't want to make it clear, but you want to use this knowledge to hang me. This is a common fault of all researchers or people with rich knowledge. Chen Fang turned a white eye in his heart.

"As I said before, I have a research that will transform the core of mutated organisms into the heart of the source, and its purpose is to make ordinary people wake up."

"Is that possible? Doesn't it mean that there is no human intervention in awakening? " Chen Fang said.

"There are some things that I just didn't think of and didn't go the right way." Said Karen Heather with a smile.

"This research is now in the experimental stage, and has made a good breakthrough, has been able to let an ordinary person briefly have a state of awakening." Karen Heather continued.In vivo experiments? It's so inhumane.

Chen Fang's eyes on Karen Heather changed.

"Alas, my child, there are many helpless things in this world. Some things have to be done. Even if the behavior is no different from that of animals, we have to do it, because if we don't do it, many people will die." Karen Heather noticed Chen Fang's change and said.

It's either an excuse, or it's true. Either way, it's horrible, Chen Fang thought.

Sometimes a scientist who falls into a research frenzy is more terrible than a madman, which is often shown in blue star movies.

"But don't think too bad about my old lady. At least the subjects I did the experiment were all investigated by myself. I visited them alone and confirmed that they were unforgivable, and their lives would not be in danger." Karen Heather said solemnly that she had her own principles and bottom line.

Chen Fang can't help but feel relieved. It's not his mother. When the florists hear about living experiment, they will inevitably resist it. It's hard to understand.

As for whether it's really like what Karen Heather said that it's a person who has committed a terrible crime, Chen Fang chooses to believe that she won't cheat herself.

"I don't know who divulged my experiment. I was known by some forces, and then I was targeted by the forces behind the old glory and mortal technology." Said Karen heather.

"Why are they after you? As long as you succeed in the experiment, the Federation will definitely publish it. They will be able to use it at that time. " Chen Fang asked.

"Ha ha, even if I succeed in the experiment, the Federation will not publish it, at least not until the old glory and the forces hidden behind the mortal technology are thoroughly eliminated." Said Karen Heather, shaking her head.

"Why do you say that?" Chen Fang heard a different taste from Karen Heather's words.

"In fact, there is a big force behind the mortal technology. This force is represented by the royal families of five races. These five royal families have always wanted to dissolve the Parliament and go to the front of the stage to become real rulers."

"Old glory is also planning a major event, I guess, related to the establishment of a new kingdom of God."

"That's why I first asked you what you think of the Federation." Said Karen heather.

I'll go. You always asked about the general situation. I thought you asked about the system and the happiness of life.

Chen Fang is speechless. As an ordinary people, we can not know Zhuge Liang in the world by sitting in the thatched cottage.

Karen Heather began to talk to Chen Fang about the general trend of the world.

I'm wrong. I shouldn't be curious to ask why she was targeted. This long talk is longer than my previous leadership meeting. Chen Fang regrets it, but he can't interrupt Lao Lai politely.

In fact, only the eastern border and the southern border can be controlled by the Federation of Xia ya now, and the other two border areas are already in the situation where the government decrees are not available and cannot be controlled.

The northern part of the country is remote and cold. There are frost forests and snow mountains all over the country. There are only two cities with inconvenient transportation. As early as 50 years ago, it was no longer under the control of the Federation and occupied by the old glory church.

The western frontier is the rear area and the birthplace of the Grand Alliance of races. There are nine ring walls, which were built in the early days to stop the mutant creatures. Although they are still under the control of the Federal Parliament, where the five royal families are deeply rooted and where the decrees can not be implemented, they are basically the territory of the five emperors.

Now that it's out of control, why doesn't the Federation take back control? Because members of all ethnic groups in Parliament are bickering.

For example, the north is in a remote area, it's very difficult to develop, and there are no resources. It's just a chicken's rib. The price of sending troops to recapture it is too high. If you give up, you give up.

Although the western frontier is not under the control of the federal government now, there are no five emperors in it.

it is very possible for these councillors to say that they have no old glory, but it is obviously impossible to say that they have no five emperors.

"The two forces have the idea of seceding from the union, and they are bound to need to form an army. If..."

"If they get you old, and the experiment is successful, they will get a very powerful army of awakeners or believers."

Chen Fang understood and rushed to say what Karen Heather was going to say.

The mortal technology controlled by the five emperors has a lot of human body modification technology. If the old glory wants to expand the believers, it is bound to need to transform more awakeners, and Karen Heather's experiment is the key.

Nima, I seem to be involved in a big trouble. This is to have the rhythm of the outbreak of World War. How can I be so weak? Chen Fang was in a state of worry for a while.