Batu can keep golden light for a period of time by sticking to the skin of his face. However, because the smelly grass juice has penetrated under his skin, no matter how he changes it, his face will melt in a moment. Finally, because his skin is exhausted, Batu tries to fight Chen Fang with his own elemental strength, but for some reason, his elemental strength is in vain His watch was powerful, but in fact it had no power. As a result, he was stabbed in the heart by the Tang Dao that Chen Fang picked up again.

Looking down on the ground motionless Batu, Chen Fang did not rashly step forward to check, continue to be vigilant.

"Kill the greedy believers, gain the crystallization of divine power skills and the skill of face stripping."

"Kill the greedy believers, gain the crystallization of divine power skills and face changing skills."

"Kill the greedy believers and get a incomplete God record of the greedy."

After three voice prompts, Chen Fang carefully walked to Batu and stabbed him with the Tang knife in his hand. After confirming that Batu didn't respond, he was relieved.

"What is Shenji?"

It's the first time I've heard about Shenli skill crystallization, but when I hear the name of the skill, I know that it's not a good thing, so Chen Fang is more concerned about the Shenji.

So he opened the panel and found a divinity record in a Book tag to view the content.

Dian Shen Ji (Temple) (Temple): Wu

Tang Shen Ji (Temple) (Temple): Wu

Temple Shen Ji (upper Temple): Wu (lower Temple): God of greedy tolerance (incomplete).

Ci Shen Ji (big temple) (small temple): no

there are sub items in the Shen Ji. Only the item "xiamiao" can be opened. Chen Fang is very curious about what is written in the column of greedy people, so he opens it to see.

Avaricious: also known as avaricious or vain person, Liushen Temple ends in the town. The image is wearing a golden crown, faceless and shapeless, wearing a colorful robe, shining with the divine light, holding a changeable mask in one hand and a gold staff inlaid with gems in the other. It is a way to eat the vanity of the world, and it has the skill of stripping the face to return the old to the child

Those who are greedy do not set up church doctrines, refuse those who come, do not restrict them, and do not need to pay tribute. Most of the believers are those who are greedy of vanity and born with ugly faces.


At first, the greedy people were little known, and the statues were only allowed to be worshipped in a small ancestral hall in a small village. Until some ugly looking robber who was too old to be wanted came here and became a believer of the greedy people, the situation began to change.

After the robber became a believer, he used his ill gotten wealth to buy a handsome male slave, and stripped the slave's face with the God power of the greedy. After changing his face, the robber became a handsome and energetic young man, and the God power protected his body. Ordinary people could not hurt him at all.

With a handsome face and a young body, the robber was not satisfied with the status quo and did not need to worry about being wanted, so he went to seduce different ladies to satisfy their cravings in some way. He sold his appearance and knelt down for glory. He once became a baron.

With his strong ability and handsome appearance, the robber was very popular with noble women. Later, because of his inflated vanity, he behaved too much at aristocratic gatherings and was splashed with excrement by jealous people. As a result, his magic power dissipated and his ugly face revealed itself. He was arrested and imprisoned. After extorting a confession, his past was exposed, and the greedy people he believed in at the same time were also known.

The ugly people in the world don't know much about it. The greedy people can change their appearance. Although they are cruel, they are eager to ask for it. As more people know about it, more and more people believe in it. With the increasing popularity, the statues of the greedy people are allowed to enter the small town, and the shrine is gradually upgraded from a small ancestral hall to a small temple.


Fall of the greedy: on the first night of God's war, he was killed by the Lord of filth.


This incomplete chronicle of God only describes the image of a greedy man. There is a lot missing in his reasons for making a fortune and the final cause of death. However, Chen Fang knows why Batu had been stained with clover juice before, just like he had been splashed with sulfuric acid.

According to the above records, as well as the memory fragments in his mind, Chen Fang learned that when the believers of God are possessed by divine power, ordinary means of attack can't hurt them at all, which can be called invincible. But once they know what the believers believe in and fear, they are often vulnerable as long as they break the protective divine power of the believers.

For example, the reason why stinky leaf grass juice can break the power of greedy people is that it will stink when it touches it. It seems that it has no other effect except to remove the stink of stinky bugs. In people's general cognition, it can be regarded as a filthy thing.

Another example is that the power of the guilty lantern can be broken by gold coins.

This kind of strength is unmatched when you don't know your weaknesses, unbearable when you know your weaknesses, and just as outstanding as your strengths and weaknesses. It's really surprising.

At the same time, Chen Fang also noticed that this greedy person is not a good thing. He mainly eats vanity, which shows that the God satisfies himself by the vanity of the people who believe in him, and changes his face for the power of youth. Some people who are more concerned about their appearance or age are willing to become his believers. These people are often people with stronger vanity, who are gaining the power of the greedy person and gain their own happiness After you want something, vanity will certainly expand, and too much vanity will not come to a good end, just as the thief was splashed with dung by the envious people, which led to his true appearance and ended in disgrace. Therefore, the end of those who believe in the greedy people has already been doomed.Chen Fang boldly speculates that the greedy can only absorb the vanity of his followers after they are ruined. Therefore, he does not restrict the behavior of the believers and does not require tribute. The believers can use the divine power without scruple, so as to get more benefits to satisfy the vanity. But the vanity can not be satisfied. It will only get bigger and bigger, and then it will not come to a good end.

But this will also expose the God's weakness of the greedy person. Chen Fang can't figure out this point.

Forget it, don't want to, maybe God is also in the cause and effect, can't escape, or look at other harvest.

Chen Fang gives up thinking, opens the item list, finds out two pieces of divine power skill crystallization to carry on the inspection.

Exfoliation: completely exfoliate the target's face while remaining active.

Face changing technique: change the face and restore to the physical quality of the same age as the owner of the face.

The above two skills have a common use requirement, that is, they must be believers of the greedy and possess the exclusive divine power of the greedy.

These two skills are useless to Chen Fang, so he plans to synthesize them to see if he can synthesize the skills he can use.

Just when Chen Fang combined the two magic skills, two options appeared.

Retain the divine power characteristics, synthesis needs the divine power to urge, the success rate is 10%.

It does not retain the divine power characteristics, and the synthesis requires a medium level core, with a success rate of 84%.

Chen Fang looked at these two options and chose the second one.

To gain divine power, you need to believe in a God. Let's not talk about how to find a God to believe in. Just divine power has too many disadvantages. Chen Fang is not grateful.

And the success rate is still so low, the brain watt will choose.

After consuming a few medium level cores, Chen Fang gets a new skill crystal.

Mask battle makeup (Fantasy): according to the weapon, make up your face to be a general of flower grower. At the same time, you have all the fighting skills of the general. Battle makeup continuously consumes the source power and can be cancelled on your own initiative.

The description is very simple. Chen Fang didn't know the specific effect, so he took the Tang Dao and tried the skill, but there was no response. So he picked up the Yanyue Dao that had been discarded on the ground and tried it again.

"Jade can be broken without changing its whiteness; bamboo can be burned without destroying its festival." A paragraph of writing came out of Chen Fang's mind, and he read it out. He put his hand across his face and felt a chill on his face. Then he grew a two foot beard.

If someone is present, you can see that Chen Fang's face is painted with heavy colors and red background. Several black lines are outlined on his forehead and brow bones, and a black line extends from the corner of his eyes, which makes Chen Fang's eyes cold. His eyebrows are portrayed like a sleeping silkworm, and his mouth is hung with two feet of beautiful beard. The whole person looks not angry and arrogant. When he is holding his breath, he looks like frost, People are afraid to be a little presumptuous.

After the skill was successfully used, Chen Fang immediately felt that he was like a different person. His opponent's Yan Yue Dao was very familiar with him. He was itchy. He took a big knife in one hand and waved it in this copy.

Due to the inconvenience of his left hand, Chen Fang can't make too many moves, but some moves with one hand can be used at will.

Chen Fang raised the knife and rotated it with the blade facing up. He used it in the sky and saw a black dragon in the sky.

The ten Black Dragons rush forward, leaving black marks on the ground where they pass. At the same time, when the move is about to end, the ten Black Dragons move closer to the middle line, and finally entangle with each other to produce an explosion, which is extremely powerful.

After playing for a few times, Chen Fang felt that his physical strength was not enough. At the same time, he had no choice but to stop.

There is no doubt that the skill of facial makeup is powerful. Originally, I thought it was just painting makeup and adding some common weapon moves, but unexpectedly, I was able to use the skill. After that, I didn't have to fight with a, and I didn't have to fight one by one. Chen Fangxin was very happy.

After canceling the Facebook skill, Chen Fang goes to Batu's corpse. Just as he wants to find out if there is anything on him, an illusory figure emerges from him.