Drumming, combo, you think you're playing a game.

This is everyone's voice after hearing the cry. Zhang Hengtian doesn't believe it, but he doesn't believe it. Now this situation can only be treated as a living horse doctor by a dead horse. He orders the next awakened person to try to see if it is effective.

They are in the middle of the line and are less affected. They can control the rhythm more easily.

It sounds easy to do, but hard to do. It's better to grasp the rhythm of the drum, that is, the time to release the skills and the time to fall on the monster. It takes time to master and choose the right skills.

Why is the beat easier to grasp? Because the awakened person himself is affected by the blessing of the battle song, he can guess what rhythm is behind in his mind, so it is not difficult to grasp the drum.

"With the first level skills, it's easy for me to try. Now I've been in the fifth company, and I've easily killed a bigger Er bird." Cried the awakened one, who had a faster mind.

Some people succeed and impart experience. Others, of course, try it two or three times step by step and find that it works. Then there is a spectacular scene of flying primary skills all over the battlefield.

First level skills consume less and are fast. It's easy to beat the drum. Don't think that the power of the first level skills is small. The power of the skills is determined by the strength of the users. The power of a first level skill that a high-level boss can follow is not as powerful as that of the awakened ones.

The power of the first hit is increased by 30%. Then every time you keep up with the drumbeat, you can count the combo. The increase is 10% for each hit, and the maximum is 13 times. The power is increased by two and a half times, which is comparable to the power of ordinary medium level skills.

The elements in the air are very active stimulated by the war music. The awakened one is a little unscrupulous when he releases his primary skills. The wind blade, fireball, fire arrow, ice arrow, poison dart and so on, continuously follow the drum to beat the bird rhythmically.

It doesn't matter if the scale skin of e bird can resist it again. However, with the increasing power and continuous skill attack, there are some special element characteristics, such as the weathering and cutting of wind element and the corrosion of poison element, which can only end in fragmentation and then be killed alive.

With the demonstration of the awakened position, the attack position also knows how to deal with the ER bird. Attach the element power directly to the weapon, beat the ER bird with the drum, and then retreat. It's very rhythmic. It's like dancing, but the scene is not serious. After all, this is a battlefield. Are you fighting with the mutant beast that just killed you? Are you fighting or not Dance, what's up.

In this way, the situation began to reverse, and the eers were soon wiped out. Then, without Zhang Hengtian's command, we consciously killed some swimming fish and made them become eers. Then we followed the way we just did. The tactics were very clear and the purpose was very obvious. If we continued like this, we would soon be able to eliminate all the empty swimming fish and end the animal tide.

The scene was controlled. The soldiers of the city management department of the war division fought in an orderly way, while some adventurers were a little bit soy sauce, and the acquaintances began to chat.

"This song can be called the group God of war song."

"Spirit gain, burn effect, damage deepening, element activation, morale improvement, and what else I don't see."

"The drummer is supposed to be called into the army this time."

"That's for sure, those ruthless people in the army with this battle song, what battlefield type relics can't cross."

"This war song is long enough. It's almost as long as the symphony."

"As I said, symphonic war songs need to be performed in concert. Many of them will die, and it will take at least an hour to finish. It's true that you say the war songs are longer than those of those war bands."

According to the number of people, xiaya Federation war music can be divided into four categories: large, small, team and individual. The war music with more than 20 or 30 people is usually called symphonic war music. By the way, if the war music with lyrics is called war music, generally speaking, war music is more suitable for Orchestra. Of course, it can't be said that symphonic war music is not suitable for war songs, but it's very difficult, but once it is suitable It's going to be pretty scary if the lyrics match the war song.

"With the help of such a battle song, it is estimated that reinforcements will come and we will finish the fight."

"It's really possible."

"I want to fight. What's the reward for joining the garrison this time."

"Meritorious service, as usual, can be exchanged for affinity material or skill crystal with better purity."

"I want to take it to the adventure guild to upgrade the rank of the team to recruit people. This time all five of us are here, and I'm the only one who died. After upgrading the rank, you can recruit one more, and it's better to go out and take risks later."

"In other words, there is no sign of the animal tide in the green water forest this time."

"Who knows, the day before yesterday our team was still running in the forest, and we didn't see anything wrong."

"A friend of the War Department said that the empty fish in the forest a few days ago was a bit abnormal, and it was probably caused by them."

"The empty world fish don't devour each other when they meet. It's really unusual for them to gather together to attack the city today."

"You say, will there be any big boss to order them to attack the city?""You think too much. The empty world fish is not a mutant animal with intelligence, and I haven't seen any big boss in the forest for so many years."

"Kill a few more waves and you can go back. Don't talk, brother. Work harder."

Once you have the initiative in the battlefield, it will be very easy to eliminate the air fish and the irus. Wave after wave, with the concerted efforts of all, the air fish are becoming less and less.

Time is almost up, but the rest of the time should be enough to clean up all the empty fish.

Even though he has been fighting all the time, Zhang Hengtian has not forgotten the timing. He can't help it. The effect of Chen Fang's battle song is surprisingly strong, but it has side effects. Once he doesn't control the time and the situation, he may fall short in the end.

"All battles have to be solved in five minutes." Zhang Hengtian looked at the number of empty fish and ordered.

Under the command, the soldiers of the war department and the city management department quickened the pace of the suppression. For a moment, the number of erniao and empty fish decreased at the speed visible to the naked eye.


Suddenly, like a roar from the bottom of the abyss, it came from the direction of the green water forest, and then a huge figure appeared in the sky.

The mouth is toothless. It looks a bit like a whale. It is full of dense holes of different sizes. At a glance, it is frightening.

"Nest whales, why do they appear? How can this kind of creature exist in the green water forest

Looking at the appearance of the huge nest whale, Zhang Hengtian and all the people present fell into despair.

Nest whale is a kind of water-based empty swimming fish. The holes of different sizes are the places for other empty swimming fish to live, breed and hatch their young. The only place where empty swimming fish will not fight with each other is around the body of nest whale, just like a safe area, so it is named master whale.

Nestling whales are large in size and consume a lot of energy. They feed on the excrement of other empty swimming fish that build nests on their bodies. They only prey in large quantities during the breeding season.

Through the water body of this nest whale, all of you can clearly see that there are three huge bubble eggs in its abdomen. It is obvious that it is in the stage of about production, and this stage requires a lot of energy supply. Once the energy intake is insufficient, the nest Whale will gradually weaken until it dies. What can be better than having a large number of people near its habitat The new city of the mouth can provide a lot of energy.

As the habitat of all the empty swimming fish in the green water forest, once the nest whale dies due to lack of energy, other empty swimming fish will lose their shelter. Therefore, in order to keep the nest whale alive, all the empty swimming fish instinctively drive out the mutated animals in the green water forest, forming a tide of animals to attack the newborn City, and let the two compete to produce a large number of bodies for the nest whale to eat.

"Run, we can't beat it. The saliva of the nest whale is very corrosive and can't resist it."

"Mom, help."

"Don't fight, don't fight, it's important to run for your life."

A group of adventurers called to run away, but they didn't move at all.

"NIMA, can you stop using such a calm tone and say such a stupid thing? It's so awkward."

"You think I don't want to run, but I'm desperate. I don't have any fear. I'm going crazy if I want to go up to work."

Seeing the appearance of the nest whale, some people with fragile souls were confused on the spot. However, under the influence of Chen Fang's war song, the sense of fear was suppressed as soon as it was produced. The war song drove the whole body to rush to the brain. The conflict between rationality and sensibility kept on, which made everyone a little crazy.

"How can this last?" A war Secretary awakened with a sad face, but his tone was heroic.

Even though Zhang Hengtian's character is resolute and fearless of life and death, he still feels powerless in the face of the nest whale constantly emerging from the empty world.

"Director, what should we do?" The awakened one of Yigan war division and Zhicheng division looks at Zhang Hengtian waiting for his decision.

Zhang Hengtian looks around, looks at the next nest whale, looks at the next crying father and mother who are just influenced by the war song and didn't escape the war, and looks at the awakening people under his hands who stay but are at a loss. His heart trembles.

"War, at least delay a little time, so that the people in the rear cities and your families can have a little time to evacuate." Zhang Hengtian said.

"War, war, war."

Needless to say, the reason is not noble, just to give their families more time, but it can stimulate morale.

On the city wall

"Chen Fang, let's go when the war is over. The new city may become history today." He said.

"Didn't you say the army would come? Can't the army kill this monster? " Chen Fang asked.

"It's not difficult to kill. The key is that we can't make it to the army." He said.

"How much longer?" Chen Fang asked.

"About ten minutes." Ralo has been calculating the time.

"I can make everyone explode again, but the sequelae will be more serious."

The reason why Chen Fang said this is that the drum fire war also comes with a resonance skill, which can resonate with all the blessers through the war song, so that they can have the same explosive state as Chen Fang."Really? Then use it quickly, maybe it will last. " Ralo's eyes lit up.

"The war song will end in ten minutes, but it will only break out in five minutes, so..." Chen Fang didn't go on.

"The last five minutes?" Ralo thought for a moment.

The empty swimming fish carried by the nest whale broke the balance of the rhythm of suppression in the battlefield, which is beneficial to its own side. It is obvious that the current battle song effect alone is not enough. If it can break out again, it is hopeful that it will be able to support the army, but the problem is that it needs to resist a five minute tide.

After a series of battles, there are only more than 1000 awakened people left in the city of rebirth. As for the empty world swimming fish, there are only a few or more than 100 swimming fish that came with the tide of animals. But now the nest whale carries at least a thousand empty world swimming fish, and the nest whale itself, which is also very powerful. It's really hard to survive these five minutes.

"Look, there is a lot of smoke and dust in the direction of Caohai." Ralo's subordinates, who had been beating another drum, called out.

"Really, great. Here comes the army." Ralo looked in the direction of the sea of grass. Sure enough, he saw a cloud of smoke and dust in the air. It should be the dust from the running of the cavalry.

"Use it directly. The army will be there in three or four minutes at most. We should be able to hold it. No, we will." Ralo said excitedly.

"Good." Chen Fang nodded.

"Anger ignites."


"Dong Dong Dong."

Chen Fangli, with white flame hair and swollen muscles, became a fierce man. Even the drum began to become more powerful and exciting. The sound waves spread out and swept out of the city.

The sound waves from the city head spread through all the awakeners on the front line, and then the people began to transform collectively.

All people's hair began to turn into flames, and their muscles began to expand. The armor of the early awakened people was split. The middle awakened people not only had their armor, but also had their elemental arms directly split into Stardust, which turned into fuel for burning clothes on their bodies, making them more burning. All people felt that a huge force had been generated in their bodies, making themselves stronger and excited The sky roared.


The awakened people who are in a state of excitement rush up without waiting for the nest whale to come up. All the empty swimming fish they encounter along the way are chopped to death. Even if they turn into the bird of prey, they are still mercilessly killed.