"My body, what's the matter?" I was still immersed in excitement. My eyes at Feilong were also unspeakably excited. Then I looked at my body along his eyes, and my whole heart gradually cooled.

It's the sequelae of the twelve drugs. It's beginning

This time I did not lift, nor did I become a hulk. After a great war, there was nothing wrong with my body except weakness.

Then with the passage of time, on the 15th day of the first month, the sequelae of the medicine on my body began.

That night, in addition to nonsense, I made abnormal actions. In my body, there are a lot of dense fluff.

It's normal for a man to have some hair on his body, but in addition to my body, I also have a lot of hair on my face, which is a little abnormal. He looks like a hairy child.

Then I was frightened, and my brothers were frightened by the fluff. They all know that I used up all Zhang Yuhui's potions in one breath, and those potions will leave huge sequelae on the human body. Seeing my strange behavior and a lot of hair on my body, they took me to the hospital.

It was already more than 12:00 in the middle of the night, and it was more than 1:00 in the middle of the night when I got to the hospital. Then I checked in the hospital and drew blood. At more than three o'clock in the middle of the night, my hair gradually disappeared.

For my physical condition, the doctor explained that I injected too many hormones into my body. These hormones caused my body to produce a lot of hair, affected my nerves and led to my nervous disorder. He told me to have more rest and not to be too tired recently. Then I had a regular diet and rest, and stopped drinking. I also prescribed some drugs for mental health.

I'm a little skeptical about what the doctor said. But what he said was also reasonable, so I went home skeptically. However, I have a faint feeling. Will I become a monster?

"Brother Yue, won't you become a werewolf?" that night, Xiao Guang slept with me. It was more than five o'clock in the morning when I got home. Xiao Guang sat on my bed and thought and said.

"I grass, can't I?" I asked.

"Brother Yue, you like the moon. When you see the moon, you will grow a lot of hair. Yes, it's not a werewolf. What is it?" Xiaoguang said.

"Brother Guang, don't scare me," I said.

"Don't really become a werewolf, grass, or what shall we do?" Xiaoguang said, and then we went to bed.

The next night, I was afraid that I would really become a werewolf and ignore all my work. I sat at home and waited for the moon to come out at night.

Then when the moon appeared in the evening, I didn't feel at all when I saw the moon. I wasn't as excited as yesterday. I feel that the moon is very ordinary, just like when I saw it before.

I thought to myself, do I have to see the moon on the fifteenth day of the first month? But I may have to wait until next month.

After thinking for a while, I called nalanyi abroad. Nalanyi, she has been abroad and is at the one month child center abroad. The night after she left, she went abroad and called us. Basically, she's abroad. We've been in touch these days. I'm not busy. Then I'll call her and talk for a while.

When I called, I told her about my hair growing and yelling at the moon like a dog. I said to her seriously, "old four, this must have something to do with the twelve potions. I've left sequelae. Maybe I'll become a werewolf."

"Poof!" Nalan Yi seemed to be drinking something. He burst out after listening to me. Then she didn't know why. Somehow, I poked her into a smile and smiled on the phone for a long time.

"Is that funny?" I asked.

"Don't be ridiculous. There are no werewolves. You've seen a lot of foreign ghost movies. It's impossible. There can't be werewolves in the world." nalanyi said to me with a smile.

"But I'm hairy and yelling at the moon like a dog," I said.

"You drink too much, and boys have a little hair. Isn't it normal? You have a lot of hair and a lot on your legs." Nalan Yi said.

"It's not the hair on my legs, but there's a lot of hair on my face. I'm like a hairy child, you know?" I said.

"Send me a picture," said nalanyi.

"I'm scared to death. I'm not in the mood to take pictures," I said.

"Hahaha, there's no werewolf. You think too much. Well, don't talk. It's bad for the baby to call too long. Talk tomorrow." nalanyi hung up the phone.

Nalanyi loves our children very much and raises them very carefully. Seeing that she stopped talking to me, I looked a little helpless. Then I thought, I sat on the sofa and looked at the glass walking to my room. He said to Liu Li, "sister, I may become a werewolf."

"....." after listening to me, Liuli looked at me with strange eyes and left.

Liuli doesn't like to talk very much. Her character is the same as Li Mingxi. I thought to myself, what's the matter? My sister is so cold, and my sister is so cold. Are all the children of rich people like this? I'm also a child of a rich family now. How come I'm not so cold, and I feel more and more loser.

After thinking for a while, I opened a bottle of red wine. Then I thought the doctor told me not to drink, so I sealed the wine and put it in the fridge. If the wine is sealed and not drunk, it will be sour in the refrigerator for a few days. But now the brothers live in my house. It's estimated that the wine will be gone in the evening. Then I lit a cigarette, took a few puffs and coughed. I feel so cold in my lungs. I hate Ma Chao a little.

Ma Chao, this man must be my enemy in the future.

For the next few days, I completely ignored things at work. The brothers are capable. Sequoia decides all the big things, and master Qian and Xiaoguang handle the small things. And I am responsible for rest, taking medicine on time and waiting for the 15th day of the first month of next month. If I am no longer so abnormal on the fifteenth day of the first month next month, I should be fine.

During my few days off, Sequoia made a great personnel transfer within our gang. In addition to the five tigers staying in the provincial capital, all seven British were sent to major cities in the province. Xiaoguang is the eldest brother in Jincheng, and Haonan, Tang Hu, Luo brothers, sunspots and monkeys are the eldest brothers in other cities.

As for master Qian, Feilong, lengshi, Manniu and Gao Dali, they are located in the five most important urban areas of the provincial capital.

This transfer can be said to be the largest personnel transfer in the history of our gang. It's mainly because we brothers have been walking for several years, from Zhang Yuhui's little brother to self-reliance. I have experienced a lot of storms and waves, and I have also experienced a lot of little things. Now, we brothers all have the ability to defend ourselves.

Now, Sequoia will send them away and go to major cities in the province. By doing so, he can expand our power and consolidate our position in the province. I think my brothers have been with me long enough. They can't always be my little brother. They should be big brothers themselves. I promised to send them away with tea instead of wine before they left. I feel a little reluctant. Although they are my little brothers, I regard them as my own brothers. Luo Ying, Heizi and Haonan, who are a little older, sometimes I even regard them as my brothers.

When they left, only Zhao Xier, Liuli and assistant Xiaoxue remained with me. Lengshi also went to be the eldest brother in other urban areas, and master Qian also went to be the eldest brother in other urban areas. Bai Ke left with him.

The huge villa seemed a little deserted because of their departure. Zhao Xier also needs to go to school. She can't always be with me. When my injury recovered a lot, I let her go back to Jincheng school. Liuli doesn't talk to me much. Although she is my sister, I don't like picking up girls now. I don't tease my sister very much. Our feelings are general. I only know that she is my sister and I am her brother. I'm no longer as energetic and kind to Tang Xiaoer as I was to Tang Xiaoer.

Then I had nothing to do every day, so I asked Xiaoxue to run with me. She is getting fatter and fatter now. Her height is 1.65 meters and her weight is 165 meters.

I said to Xiaoxue, "what's the matter? We're rich now, and you're corrupt. Seeing you send a circle of friends every day is to eat in all kinds of good restaurants, which is more natural and unrestrained than my big brother. Don't eat, or you won't even find a partner in the future."

"....." after listening to my words, Xiaoxue shyly lowers her head.

"Run and exercise with me. Lose weight. Even if you lose weight, you are not a beauty, but a better figure will always attract men." I said.

"Brother Yue, in fact, I'm not fat because of eating. I'm fat by nature, and I'm fat when drinking cold water. I can't help it." Xiaoxue said to me with a sad face.

"How many pounds did you have when you applied?" I asked.

"One hundred and four," said light snow.

"Now?" I asked.

"One hundred and sixty-five..." said Xiaoxue.

"Then run with me, goal 140," I said.

Because my mountain villa is very close to Han Xiyin's school, in addition to running with Xiaoxue, we sometimes run with Han Xiyin and them. A group of people are very happy. Sometimes we go to Han Xiyin's school.

In November, Han Xiyin had to wash clothes at school that afternoon, so he didn't run with us. Without Han Xiyin, Tingting and Chen Yuanyuan won't run with us. I don't care, so I ran slowly with Xiaoxue. Now I have sequelae because of the drug, and I have been slapped by Ma Chao for serious lung disease. It's better for my body to do some aerobic exercise properly.

Then when I was running with Xiaoxue, I saw a car following us secretly. At this time, the four heads of the four families have been beaten away by us, and I have issued a wanted warrant to hunt them down. Nalan's family and long's family haven't bothered me because their father talked. There was no movement from Zhang Yuhui. I don't know what was brewing over there.

I'm used to being chased and assassinated. I wondered if someone wanted to kill me. If someone wanted to kill me, who would it be? I secretly stretched out my hand to touch the pistol in my arms.

The moment I touched the gun, the car drove up to us and put down the window. It was a white Maserati. In the car sat a beautiful girl with exquisite makeup on her face. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at me for a few seconds, then smiled and said, "Wang Yue, is it really you?"

"Who are you?" I looked at her in surprise.