After going to college, we don't have to do our homework. The learning environment is relaxed. At the same time, there are many kinds of rich activities. Some of these activities can increase our experience, some can increase our ability, and will be of great help to our future society.

Then I was moved when I heard that there was an auction of paintings in hanxiyin school, and it was not generally so. I've been looked down upon for too long. I'm very eager to pretend to be forced.

Then I took out a red flag canal cigarette and lit it. I asked brother pig, "when is the activity of Han Xiyin school?"

"Weekend, Sunday night," said brother pig.

"OK, let's go," I said.

"However, to go to her school to participate in the activity, there must be an invitation. Their activity is very formal. The paintings auctioned in it are painted by some very good students and teachers. I heard that your object is very good at painting, and there are finale works in it. Then the charity party and buffet are sponsored by a high-end hotel in our city, and all the food is good stuff Xi. Then the money from the auction of paintings will be donated to the hope project to support education. They invite some rich celebrities in the provincial capital. Only those who have money but no name don't invite. Brother Yue, have you received the invitation? "Brother pig asked me.

"So troublesome?" I was a little embarrassed after listening to brother pig.

What brother pig said hurt me a little. Especially in the last sentence, they invited some rich celebrities in the provincial capital.

What kind of person is a celebrity? Ye Shuang should be a celebrity in the provincial capital, and Zhang Yuhui should be a celebrity in the provincial capital now. And I'm a celebrity in Jincheng, not in the provincial capital.

The speaker is careless, the listener is intentional. Brother Zhu's words made me feel that it is necessary for me to have a foothold in the provincial capital. Those who get the provincial capital get the world. As long as I can get a seat in the province, I can be regarded as a famous celebrity in the whole Liaoning Province.

However, those are later words. Let's go back to the present.

Brother pig, let me know. I'm not a celebrity in the provincial capital yet. At the same time, I don't have much money. A total of 50 million activity funds, all let me invest in Zhang Yuhui. At the same time, I borrowed 150 million from Leng family. Now I not only have no money, but also owe a lot of money.

In fact, many big bosses are like this. They often claim to be worth more than one billion. In fact, behind them are all arrears. It's just that you drive better, live better and have a high quality of life. In fact, it's no different from ordinary people. If there are any loopholes in the company, it may have nothing overnight.

If I have been following the mixed route, I think I will have a lot of activity funds in my hand. Because the purpose of mixing is to make money. You can make a lot of money in the fastest time. But I took the normal business line, which led to a lot of arrears. However, I will be rich in the future. When Zhang Yuhui's ambition is realized, I will become very rich.

Hey, let's think about how to pretend to be forced first.

Han Xiyin sells paintings. My boyfriend must support it. And her girlfriends hate me and look down on me. There are many suitors in her school and a president of the student union. I must pretend to frighten them.

Then I want to go to Zhang Yuhui's company, borrow some money from Zhang Yuhui in a private name, and ask him if he has an invitation to the art school. But it was a little late at this time. After brother pig woke me up, it was more than 8 p.m. At this time, I'm afraid Zhang Yuhui has found a foreign girl who is chic. Zhang Yuhui is actually very yellow. He doesn't have a girlfriend, but he has a lot of women. He especially likes foreign women and the wild nature of those foreign women.

As for him not looking for a girlfriend, but just playing with women, he doesn't want to worry. If he has concerns in his heart, he will have no energy to do anything recklessly.

In terms of feelings, Zhang Yuhui and I are probably two kinds of people. I'm completely in spiritual love now, and he's just for physical desire.

Then I want to borrow money from Zhang Yuhui. I have to talk to him the next day when he is not busy. I must be low spirited to borrow money from others. I didn't dare to disturb him that night.

Then I thought about it and asked brother pig, "what's the origin of the student union chairman of Han Xiyin school? Is there a lot of money at home?"

"Very rich, really rich. His family runs a five-star hotel in our city. The buffet of the charity party is sponsored by his family. His family must have hundreds of millions of people," said brother pig.

"Grass, this is a strong enemy." I suddenly widened my eyes.

"Yes, it's a strong enemy. Otherwise, you were disgusted when you talked to Han Xiyin last time. I'm kind to remind you. But how to say, Han Xiyin is very good. You are the boss of Jincheng and have money. And Mr. Ma also has money. You two broke up. Mr. Han Xiyin hasn't been looking for anyone. How long has it been? Mr. Ma and she are still in the same school and have been together for a long time She didn't promise to chase her. She saw you talking to you and was willing to give you a chance. You should take advantage of it. This girl has a good heart. "Brother pig said.

"That's different. I'm the rich generation and he's the rich second generation. Do he dare to spend my money casually?" I'm a little sour and a little unconvinced when I heard that the man chasing Han Xiyin has such a good family background.

"What can the rich generation and the rich generation do? Anyway, people don't have less money than you. People's parents are handsome. Look, you don't even have eyebrows." brother pig touched my eyebrows and said.

After listening to brother pig, my heart is a little sour. In fact, I don't have money as Mr. Ma. They are the second generation of rich people. I spend my money freely. And I'm a rich generation, a negative generation of 1.8 billion.

I can only say that Han Xiyin is a good person and a girl worthy of my treasure.

Just thinking about the horse childe, I can't sleep more and more in bed. Then I got up and asked everyone to have a barbecue and drink. I said it was my treat.

The second brother, the fourth brother and the sixth brother were all nerds. They heard a barbecue and swallowed their saliva. But they want to learn more, so they shake their heads and say no.

Then I, brother pig, Kang Shuai and Xiao Wu went, and Kang Shuai called his object. We had a barbecue and drank wine outside the school. The four brothers didn't drink less. There were almost five or six of them.

Then Kang Shuai was a little more. It was too late at that time. The bedroom was locked, so we went to the Internet cafe. When I was in the Internet cafe, I saw Kang Shuai touching his object all the time and lifting his skirt to his waist. Brother pig and I took a sneak look and saw his object wearing a pair of exquisite blue underwear. We felt it very much.

Then after a while, they went to the bathroom. We knew what they were going to do, so we went to lie down in the toilet and eavesdrop for a while. It was so enjoyable.

Later, Kang Shuai had diarrhea. He always ran to the toilet alone. Brother pig chatted with his partner and asked her to introduce him.

Then I played a game for a while, thought about it and asked brother pig, "what's his name, Mr. Ma, the president of the student union?"

"Ma Wenwu," said brother pig.

"Well, I see." I nodded.

The next morning, we went back to our bedroom and lay down for a while. The three of them fell asleep. I waited until eight o'clock and went to the bathroom to wash my head.

Then he changed his clothes and went to Zhang Yuhui's company to borrow money from him. But unfortunately, Wan'er told me that Zhang Yuhui had gone to other places. He had a project to run in other places.

When I heard that Zhang Yuhui was away, my heart was a little cold. Then she asked Waner when Zhang Yuhui would be back. Waner said to ask for me.

When Wan'er picked up the phone, I thought about it and secretly looked at her petite body. When she goes to work, she likes to wear a white shirt and a short skirt, followed by black silk stockings.

I watched her thin silk stockings tightly wrapped around her thin legs. When her thin legs twisted slightly, my heart immediately itched. He told her not to call, then hugged her and put his hand on her thin thigh for a while.

Her soft thighs and silk stockings made me feel very comfortable. She was touched by me for a while and began to breathe a little. Then she gently touched my eyebrows and whispered to me, "why don't you go to my office suite for a while?"

If it had been before, I would have gone in with her. But I can't do it now, so I quickly refused. And I also want to cure my illness quickly. I think I'll see a psychologist sometime. Tang Yuxin, we haven't had that kind of life for a long time. Han Xiyin is reconciled. We can only see but can't touch. Now that Wan'er is back, I can only touch and can't do anything else.

Then Wan'er was a little upset by me. She thought I knew. I didn't have eyebrows before. She thought I was ugly and didn't want to be with me. Now I'm deliberately taking revenge on her.

She kissed me gently, touched me and whispered, "Xiao Yueyue, are you angry with Wan'er?"

"No." I dare not tell her what I can't do, for fear that she will ignore me very realistically.

"Then why are you doing this to me?" she asked me.

"Because, because I have something on my mind..." I thought about it and wanted to say.

"Tell me." Wan'er smiled.

She is a very intelligent little girl and can always comfort people very well. Then I told Han Xiyin that I was always looked down upon and wanted to go to her school to pretend to be forced. As a result, he just invested all his money in Zhang Yuhui and had no money on him. I want to borrow some money from Zhang Yuhui in my personal name, but I feel a little ashamed and don't want to say that I just invested the money in others and asked them to borrow money.

After listening to my words, Wan'er immediately smiled, "silly brother, what's the matter? You've been a popular man around brother Hui and saved brother Hui's life. No matter what you ask, brother Hui will not refuse you. However, borrow money to force such a small thing. Wan'er will do it for you."

"As for the art school charity auction party you mentioned, did the Ma family organize it?" Wan'er asked me.

"You know? They gave you an invitation?" I asked.

"Hehe, they want to invite us, but we don't necessarily want to go. Brother Hui means to ask Wan'er to donate one or two million as our heart for charity activities, and then we won't go. But since you really want to go, wait a moment, Wan'er will show you something very interesting." he said, Wan'er's face showed a bad smile.