That night, except for Zhao Xier, all seven brothers in our party were hospitalized, and none of them had minor injuries. When Leng Shi and the monkey were rescuing, I sat in the center of the corridor wrapped in gauze, very anxious. I was relieved when the doctor pushed them out of the operating room and told us they were out of danger. Then he sat down on the stool and felt as if he had been evacuated. He didn't have any strength anymore.

Seeing the two of them pushed into the ward surrounded by everyone, Sequoia thought about it and said to me, "Brother Yue, Hou Shaofei is dead. It's not a small matter. The prince will take revenge on us, and the police will come to us. I suggest you hide, and we should hide. The prince's ability is more than that. He also has four families in the provincial capital as his backer. If you are no longer the son-in-law of the Zhao family, we need to develop our strengths and avoid our weaknesses for the time being 。”

"You can arrange this matter," I thought about it and said.

Sequoia is a very capable person. That night, he made detailed arrangements for the aftermath work. It rained all night at the school, and there were basically no signs of fighting on the campus. In the dormitory building of the school, Sequoia also sent fire children to clean up in time with their brothers. They repaired the broken wooden doors overnight, and there were knife marks, gun marks and fire marks in the corridor In addition, when master Qian and Sequoia were fighting in the corridor on the third floor, they set fire to a house in order to block those bastards. Many of our brothers were from the countryside. Some of these brothers had been decoration apprentices, and the traces of fire in the bedroom were cleaned up overnight.

As for the items in the dormitory, Sequoia tried to replenish them as much as possible. It's also about to enter the college entrance examination. At this time of year, the school is in a terrible mess. Because of the pressure, the students always make a big fuss, throw away their books and their memories of three years in school. There are only some small loopholes left, which can make people feel what happened here last night, but everyone guessed casually It passed quickly.

It seems that this has never happened. The only difference is that the prince died seven people, six younger brothers, and Hou Shaofei, the prince's brother.

The next morning, when Sequoia arranged a place for us and we were ready to leave the hospital, Li Mingxi appeared in front of me.

Expressionless and full of noble spirit, Li Mingxi looked at me calmly and said, "you killed the prince's brother Hou Shaofei."

"Yes." I nodded gently.

"The prince will not let you go. He will bite you like a mad dog until he bites you to death," Li Mingxi said.

"I know," I said.

"The crown prince won't call the police. They want to kill you. You're just self-defense. If he calls the police, you'll have trouble on both sides. However, you still have to go out and hide, because when a person is so angry that he loses his mind, such a person is terrible, and you shouldn't be familiar with such a person. As for Tang Yuxin, I'll let the glacier protect her. The glacier is a good place A soldier, the prince would never dare to move Tang Yuxin in front of him, "said Li Mingxi.

"Thank you." a touch of emotion filled my heart, and I couldn't help holding her tightly.

"Don't thank me, I'm just interested in your potential. This time, I'm looking forward to seeing my unexpected results," Li Mingxi said.

After listening to Li Mingxi's words, a cynical smile appeared on my face, "it's Wang Yue who won the top prize in the college entrance examination this time."

"OK, I'm waiting for your good grades." Li Mingxi smiled and nodded, then disappeared in front of me.

Li Mingxi and glacier protected Tang Yuxin for me. I had no worries about the city. Then we picked up the monkeys and lengshi and took them to a countryside in the suburb of Jincheng.

There is a house owned by a Sequoia relative. When the Sequoia relative became rich, he left the house. The house is pretty good, neither good nor bad. There are three big tile roofed houses in the middle. The east house, Westinghouse and the house for cooking in the middle are similar to the house under Tang Yuxin's hometown. Then the house has two more big tile roofed houses than Tang Yuxin's house , one is a dilapidated room, the other is a room where people can live.

We cleaned up there all morning. At noon, we simply ate something and began to discuss the next plan.

At this time, Leng Shi and the monkey have been sleeping, which makes people feel distressed. Feilong, he thought and said, "Hou Shaofei, this man is an animal. He is arrogant and domineering in our nine schools with his brother's influence. If his brother were not the prince, I would have abandoned him. Now he hurt lengshi, and if I were the same, I would kill him. Brother Yue, you did a good job, and I Feilong supported you."

"Hou Shaofei, he really deserves to die. But if he dies, the crown prince will be crazy to retaliate against us. I suggest that not only us, Feilong, Gao Dali, Luo Ying, Luo Yong and sunspot, but also you should hide these days. In addition, the nightclub gives employees a holiday, and the refinery will also be temporarily shut down. If I guess correctly, the crown prince can't find us We will certainly set fire to our oil refinery and nightclub. The nightclub was originally built for nothing, and it doesn't matter if he burned it. As long as we defeat the crown prince, there will be as many nightclubs in the future. The oil refinery is our painstaking effort. The plant is not worth much or less, and two million yuan can be built. But the machines in it are very valuable. If you want to do it I can't hide those machines, "Sequoia said.

"Sequoia, if the prince really burns our nightclub and refinery, it will cut off our wealth. Isn't he afraid that we will cut off their wealth if he does so?" Feilong asked.

"Hou Shaofei is dead. He's crazy. He will never die with us. He's crazy now. We don't deserve to see him. We'll let him do what he wants, as long as we're all fine. Moreover, our brothers also suffered heavy losses after last night's war. All seven of us were injured except Zhao Xier, Leng Shi and monkey Zizi is still in a coma. Now if we fight with him again, we must not be their opponent. The prince, he has four families to support him, and we can never be the opponent of the four families, "Sequoia said.

"Well, I've had a good relationship with the oil field in the refinery these days. I'll go back with brother Li now, borrow a crane from them and hide the machine in their place." Feilong thought and said.

"Yes." Sequoia nodded.

What Sequoia thinks is what I think. Sequoia worked for me, which saved me a lot of trouble. I just feel weak. My eyes always look at lengshi and monkeys from time to time. Then as soon as I close my eyes, I will think of Hou Shaofei's face.


Sequoia and Li Mingxi are right. The prince really didn't call the police. He dealt with us first. Even if they died, people had to swallow it. We are people in the Jianghu. We must use the Jianghu rules to solve our grievances and blood debts. We must pay them back with blood.

Just after the four families arrived at Jincheng, another unexpected thing happened to us from them. At that time, the whole Hou family had put on white clothes. The prince knelt in front of his brother and let his aunt's family beat and scold. Bai Han, Feng Huan and the spokesmen of the other two were all blue, thinking about how to solve this matter.

Just then, a young man came in with a large group of people smiling.

It's Han Jie.

When I saw Han Jie, the prince's face changed greatly and immediately stood up, "Han Jie, you're from the Seven Star gang. Are you with Wang Yue? Fuck you, get out of here. I don't want to see you!"

"Prince, calm down..." Gao Guili, Chen haobet and others hurried to hold the prince and watched Han Jie's face change.

"Han Jie, Hou Shaofei is dead and the Hou family is having a funeral. If you want to say something for Wang Yue, please go back. Blood debt should be paid with blood. Even if Wang Yue is the son-in-law of the Zhao family, but he killed Hou Shaofei, we will not let him go." Feng Huan frowned and said.

After listening to Feng Huan's words, Han Jie just tilted his mouth and smiled helplessly. Then he picked up the three incense sticks and went to Hou Shaofei's portrait to insert them respectfully.

"Feng Huan, Prince, I think you misunderstood. Han Jie didn't come to intercede for Wang Yue, because Wang Yue is no longer a member of our Zhao family. Since he is no longer a member of our Zhao family, why should I Han Jie intercede for him? I just offered three sticks of incense for the young master on behalf of master Hu and talked about our Zhao family's feelings." Han Jie said with a smile.

"What, Wang Yue is no longer from your Zhao family?" everyone's face changed after hearing Han Jie's words.

As I have said, Han Jie is a very capable person. He can be reused by Zhao tiger. He must have his unusual skills.

He liked to figure out what tiger Zhao wanted. When I refused tiger Zhao's terms, he figured out that tiger Zhao would be angry with me because of this.

If at this time, he let out the news that I am not the son-in-law of the Zhao family, then I will fall into a state of helplessness.

Maybe Zhao tiger will appreciate him more because of this.

Han Jie smiled at the thought.

When Zhang Yuhui left, the Zhao family was offended by me. The enemies in front of me were the angry crown prince and the four families. He was happy to keep a neutral attitude to watch the good play.

The prince, after hearing that Han Jie intentionally or unintentionally revealed the news, he had understood the intention of the Zhao family. After thinking about it, the prince said with an iron blue face, "let's go. Who can get Wang Yue's head? I'll give him 20 million. In addition to him, master Qian, Xiaoguang, Sequoia, Feilong and Gao Dali, who can kill these people, I'll give him five million!"

After listening to the prince's words, Bai Han, Feng Huan and the spokesmen of the other two brightened up at this moment. After a few seconds of silence, Feng Huan thought about it and said to his men, "do you hear that the prince wants Wang Yue's head? Don't you hurry to find him?"

"Good!" everyone was in great spirits. The car outside the prince's villa immediately drove to all directions of Jincheng.

With a click, at this moment, I couldn't help crushing the water cup in my hand. Let the glass fragment cut my palm, and the blood fell on the ground along my palm. I didn't know what to think.

"Brother Yue, what's the matter with you?" Xiaoguang asked me when he saw my palm bleeding.

"It's all right. I just have a bad hunch..."