God is fair to people. In the process of getting something, we always lose something. We get money, power, fame and other things we dream of, but we will also lose some precious things. For example, lover, I feel that Han Xiyin and I are really going to break up. Because we haven't been in touch for a long time, there has been a deep gap between me and her. She doesn't seem to want to be with me, because I called her several times and couldn't get through.

She gave it to me for the first time. She loved me so much that she couldn't stand the torture of this long-distance love between us.

Because of Han Xiyin, I didn't care about the refinery and nightclub. I played games at home for two days and didn't go anywhere. The refinery is under the management of Gao Dali and Feilong. They are both outside and inside. Gao Dali is responsible for the oil refining work in the factory. Feilong is responsible for running oil outside with his brothers and returning the oil to Gao Dali for refining.

There are Xiaoguang and Sequoia tube in the nightclub. Xiaoguang is the person I trust most, and Sequoia is a very talented person. When we got the nightclub, the business had become bleak because it had been left unattended for a long time. It happened that Sequoia brought the nightclub back to life.

I began to appreciate Sequoia. If Zhang Yuhui has two generals, Yiwen Yiwu Waner and hongumbrella, Sequoia and master Qian will be my two generals.

That night, Tang Xiaoer fell ill and got acute gastroenteritis. At that time, I was staying up late playing games in my room. Tang Xiaoer ran to my room and said pale that he had a stomachache.

After listening to Tang Xiaoer, I held her directly and went to the hospital. Then I found her a ward in the hospital and accompanied her to take drops in the ward. The doctor told me that Tang Xiaoer always eats out. Now the food outside is not nutritious and hygienic. Tang Xiaoer must have eaten something unclean.

"It's impossible. I went to the most advanced hotels," Tang Xiaoer said immediately.

"Hehe, the most advanced hotel, spitting for you, you still eat very delicious." I said.

"Brother in law!" Tang Xiaoer's face turned green and was disgusted by me.

"Eat at home later. I'll find an aunt to cook for you tomorrow. If you like parties, bring your classmates over to play. This is your home, always." I said.

After listening to me, Tang Xiaoer lay in bed and looked at me for a long time. I know she always likes me. In my heart, I just love her like my sister.

After a semester in the city, Tang Xiaoer has changed a lot. Compared with before, she has become thinner and more beautiful. Now she is no longer the simple and lively little girl with a little cowardice about the city, but smart and shrewd, and has developed a self respecting character among her classmates. Fortunately, I'm not the boss of this city, otherwise she might become the No. 2 person in this city.

Because Tang Xiaoer was ill, Tang Yuxin, Xiao Guang and master Qian all came to see her. When I got home, Xiaoguang looked at my new cooking aunt and said, "brother Yue, why didn't you play with us these two days?"

"In a bad mood," I said.

"Because of my sister?" Xiaoguang asked me.

"Yes." I nodded gently.

"Forget it, my sister's character is just like that. It'll be good after a while. How to say, she is a person. I know that once she likes someone, there will be no one else in her heart. Some girls are like this. They look big, square and casual, but they are more specific than anyone. And she gave it to you for the first time, and she won't run away." Xiaoguang said.

"I feel sorry for her," I said.

"Hey, I'm sorry about feelings. We're gangsters, and we're not ordinary gangsters. I saw the crown prince a few days ago and looked at me with murderous eyes, which scared me to death. We'll have a job with the crown prince sooner or later. Brother Hui hasn't been moving, and may not come back. If we really work with the crown prince, we don't know if there will be tomorrow, I'm comfortable every day. Forget it. "

"Brother Yue, don't be upset. If you really feel sorry for my sister, make more money and go back to make up for her. My object is sweet. I've been with me for two years. She has a good relationship with you and all of us. I also feel sorry for her. I'll buy her a bag, a new mobile phone and whatever I want. I went out to play these two days. I took her 3000 yuan. Slow down I'm used to being slow. Brother Yue, don't worry. Let's go to Linlin's barber shop to play poker later. Then you help young master Qian. Young master Qian is more upset than you these two days. "Xiao Guang said with a smile.

"What happened to master Qian?" I asked in surprise.

"Master Qian likes Leng Shi. He runs to nightclubs every day these days. You don't know who that Leng Shi is. It's colder than your cousin. We don't pay attention to anyone when we talk to her. She just listens to you. Why don't you call her and find out to play, so that master qian can have a chance to soak her." Xiaoguang said.

Originally, I couldn't be bothered because of Han Xiyin. I'm a little interested after listening to Xiao Guang's words. It's very interesting to help my brothers soak up girls.

Then I picked up the phone and called lengshi, "lengshi, where are you?"

"Home," said Leng Shi.

"I'm looking for you to play poker. I, Xiaoguang, rich young master and three girls. Let's get together and play." I said.

"OK," Leng Shi said.

"Then wait for me. We'll go to your house to find you now, and then we'll go together," I said.

Leng Shi's father is a developer and lives in a community with us. I've seen her several times before. I said hello to her and it was nothing. Then I went directly to her house with master Qian and Xiaoguang. Her house is the same as my house. It has luxurious European decoration.

Her father is very handsome and her mother is very beautiful. When Leng Shijia arrived, she was sitting on the sofa watching TV in her pajamas. Her thin pink pajamas looked very perceptive. Although she is very tall and cold, she slowly becomes a girl. There are many beautiful teddy bears in her home.

Young master Qian was nervous when he saw lengshi and didn't dare to talk to her at all. I'm not interested in her, so I don't see her. She said hello to her parents directly, and then sat beside her with a smile. She picked up a teddy bear and played in her hand. She was close to her, "change your clothes and let's play poker."

"Can't you play at my house?" Leng Shi frowned and said.

"What's the fun of playing in your house? It's better to go to my house. Go to Linlin barber shop. Xiaoguang wants to soak up big breasts." I said.

"Ha ha." Leng Shi looked at Xiaoguang with disgust.

Speaking of it, I have something to do with Leng Shi's family. Her family is an old aristocrat in the city. Her parents have a good relationship with my uncle and have business contacts. The relationship between me and Li Mingxi can be seen at a glance by Leng Shi. She asked me if Li Mingxi was my sister. I didn't hide it and admitted it directly. Her parents knew that I was Li's nephew and treated me better than other children. When lengshi went to change clothes, her parents warmly entertained us and looked at me with an ambiguous expression, which made me feel a little hairy.

"Yue'er, you also live in this community, don't you?" Leng Shi's father asked me.

"Well," I said.

"I often come to play in the future," said Leng Shi's father.

"OK!" I nodded.

When Leng Shi changed his clothes, we went to Linlin's barber shop. As for the business of our refinery and nightclub, we don't need to worry too much. For example, the two businesses I want to come back are basically given to us by the crown prince, and we are like picking up money for nothing. Bastards are like this. No one does that kind of down-to-earth work. All want that kind of easy and quick work. When you are in a good mood, you go to work to make some money. When you are in a bad mood, you get together to play. In addition to us, there are two eldest brothers, Huo Er and San Ge. They are in charge. As long as there are smart people to look after them, it doesn't matter whether we go or not.

They are also a group of young people with a heavy heart to play. They don't want to delay playing in addition to making money.

When I went to Linlin barbershop, I saw the north wind outside. After thinking about it, I called Gao Dali, "brother Li, I went to Linlin barber shop with master Qian and Leng Shi. You can tell Feilong at the refinery. It's windy in the North these days. Pay attention to fire prevention. It's OK for the refinery to burn. Others are injured. Last time I saw Feilong smoking in the refinery."

"Brother Yue, I have told them that they have never smoked in the refinery," Gao Dali said.

"Well, pay attention to the reed pond, especially our fire drive. If it catches fire, none of us can run away," I said.

"As I said, you can just play. You can rest assured when I do business." Gao Dali said.

"Well, I'm relieved of you." I smiled.

There are many reed ponds in Jincheng, and our oil fields are in those reed ponds. In winter, the reeds in the reed pond grow very high. They can't see people and cars. Many outsiders can easily get lost in the reed pond if they go in. Even Gao Dali, an old oil dealer, sometimes gets lost in it.

What does our fire drive mean? In our oil field, there are three zones: Zone 3, zone 6 and fire drive. Before, the crown prince has occupied zone 3 and Zhang Yuhui has occupied zone 6. The meaning of fire drive means that the oil density in that area is very high. It is necessary to set a fire underground and bake the oil soft before it can be extracted by pump. This way of working is expensive, and there is no oil in this area. Unlike the oil in zone 3 and zone 6, the oil flows out like water as soon as the basic workers work. Those oil traffickers pick it up nearby.

Even if the fire driven oil is exploited, it is a piece. It is pitiful that there are few. Oil traffickers don't earn more in one year than in two months in zone 3 and zone 6. That's why the prince gave me such an area. He didn't make much money and sent me off as a beggar. However, we can still make a lot of money in this way. We can get back to our capital in basically two years. This shows how profitable it is to be the boss in the oil field. There are more than a dozen cities in the province, because the prince earns the most and the four families have the best relationship with him. Like the boss of a poor place, the four families don't even bother to take a look.

The bastards of the oil field are very rich even in the country, which is one of the reasons why Zhang Yuhui came back.

Here, Leng Shi and we have arrived at Linlin's barber shop. Her little barber shop has no business. We have been taking care of it all the time. When I went in, Linlin's barber shop had air conditioning on and it looked very warm inside. Blowing the hot air conditioner, Xiaoguang said to Linlin, "Linlin, you're too extravagant. You can't lose money for a month."

"What can I do? Stay at home. Let's mix it up first. I can't sell clothes later." Linlin said.

"Come and play poker," said Xiao Guang.

"OK." Linlin readily agreed.

Young master Qian, lengshi, Xiaoguang and Linlin play poker. Young master Qian and lengshi, Xiaoguang and Linlin, I watch the war with big chest sister, and another girl plays computer in the store. There were some guests in the middle. It was sister big chest playing with another girl.

In Linlin's barber shop, there is room for two people in two small beds and one on the sofa outside. At that time, Xiaoguang meant to play here all day, and then he didn't go back at night. He tried to stay in Linlin barber shop to sleep. In this way, you can give master Qian and lengshi a chance to sleep in one bed, and then Xiaoguang and big chest sister sleep in the same bed.

Xiao Guang was so cruel that he wanted to cook young master Qian and lengshi's raw rice for the first night.

Then we played together until the evening. When it was dark, Xiaoguang offered to drink. Leng Shi doesn't like the smell of smoke. In the process of pacifying Leng Shi, we are very careful. We don't dare to smoke a cigarette in Linlin's store for fear of choking Leng Shi away.

Because she took good care of lengshi, lengshi decided to stay and drink as soon as she was happy. In fact, lengshi is a girl who is willing to play. Just look at the little bears she bought. She's just tired of being chased, so she hates people approaching her and is too lazy to talk to anyone.

Then the seven of us drank a lot of wine in the store. When Linlin was happy, she went to pull the rolling shutter door of the store and said that we didn't make money today. Let's have a good time. We know that Linlin has a good character, so we specially went to her store to play poker and treat her as a good friend.

Her move was right in Xiaoguang's arms, which made Xiaoguang look at me excitedly. Then, when a girl saw that Linlin was going to pull the rolling curtain, they said, "Linlin, you're going to play the rhythm of the night. In this way, I won't drink. My partner still wants me to sleep at night."

"Then you go. It's not far away. Do you need us to send you?" Linlin said.

"Not far. I'll just go there myself. Drink well." the girl went out.

When the girl left, Xiaoguang became more excited. At this time, there were only me, Xiaoguang, master Qian, Linlin, big chest sister and Linlin. The girl was a redundant person. Her departure made Xiaoguang more satisfied. Then Linlin put down the rolling shutter door, and we all sat in the inner room and continued to drink.

I drank a lot this time. I drank five bottles, Xiaoguang drank six bottles, Linlin, lengshi and big chest sister also drank three bottles. Then Xiaoguang thought about it and proposed to play poker again. He said he would lose and take off his clothes.

Xiaoguang is so good at playing. We are always satisfied with what he does. Then lengshi was a little reluctant to play. Linlin maintained a pertinent attitude. It didn't matter. The relationship between big chest sister and Xiaoguang was very good. She was about to be soaked by Xiaoguang. She shouted to Xiaoguang, "play, play, be afraid!"

"Come on, then play!" Xiaoguang poked master Qian and shouted immediately.

At that time, young master Qian also drank a lot. He has always been very serious. After listening to Xiaoguang's words, he couldn't help thinking of lengshi without clothes. His whole face was very red.

I took the opportunity to give an assist and said to them, "if I take off my clothes, I won't play."

"Why?" Xiaoguang was surprised.

"I'm afraid you'll see what I'm wearing inside and laugh at me," I said.

"Ha ha, what are you wearing?" Linlin seemed very interested, and lengshiye's appetite was lifted by me.

"Can't say." I shook my head gently.

"Ha ha, then play. Let's see what you're wearing. Wang Yue, you must play today. If you don't play, we won't play!" Linlin shouted.

What am I wearing inside? I'm wearing normal boxers. Xiaoguang had a tacit understanding with master Qian and me. When they saw that several girls were very interested by me, they smiled and thought I was worse than them.

Then several of us took poker and played fast. Every time we caught two people behind us, my master was Lei Daqian, the master of the casino in the south. How could they be my opponents. A real master of thousands of skills doesn't mean that winning money is great, but to hang each other skillfully when you play cards and let the other party unknowingly lose the money to you.

I did a good job in this regard. I deliberately lost to them first, and then dragged Xiaoguang back and asked him to take off with me.

Soon, Xiaoguang, master Qian and I took off our coats, and big chest sister was put on a bra by us. It's cold in winter, but we are all young, so we don't wear much, for fear of affecting our image. We wear basically the same as autumn, a pair of thin pants, a half sleeve, and then a coat outside, both boys and girls.

Then we began to win and caught lengshi and Linlin. At that time, big chest sister wore a bra to play with us. We felt the white semicircle outside her black bra. Linlin's cabin is warm. At this time, it is full of the smell of wheat and the smell of girls, which makes our hearts itch.

Leng Shi and Lin Lin are in good shape. We are looking forward to seeing them wearing bras. Then when we were just about to take a look at their provocative appearance when they took off their coats, lengshi smiled cunningly and directly raised her feet and took off her sneakers.

I didn't expect shoes to be one, which disappointed us. However, looking at Leng Shi's little feet in pink cotton socks, people can't help but want to touch them.

Then we began to play again and caught lengshi and Linlin. The two girls took off their socks.

At the third time, Linlin and lengshi finally had nothing to take off. The two girls hesitated and took off their coats. When they took off their coats, I immediately felt myself reacting. Leng Shi's skin is snow-white, and a small pink bra is small and exquisite, which makes people uncomfortable. Especially when she took off her coat, it gave off a warm smell.

Master Qian's face turned more red and quickly looked away. Xiaoguang stared for a few seconds, and then said provocatively, "come again."

"Come on!" driven by alcohol and competitive heart, lengshi bit her lips and played with us again.

Then we began to play again, but how could they be our opponents? We used to watch casinos. Soon they were left with bras and small underpants. I couldn't help looking at lengshi's Pink underpants. I felt that I was dying.

Then, we won them again and caught Leng Shi and big chest sister. Taking a look at their bodies, we tried to bear the uncomfortable feeling and said to them, "take it off!"

After listening to our words, Leng Shi and big chest sister turned pale. After thinking about it, big chest sister took off her bra directly, "come and see!"

Whether they can take it off or not, we are all holding the psychology of trying. After all, we are very satisfied to see so many. The big breast sister actually took off, and we couldn't help looking at it at once.

After looking at the body of big chest sister, I felt my heart jump. Then the big chest sister covered her body and looked at the cold poem around her.

"You really took it off..." Leng Shi's pretty face turned red when she looked at her body.

"Shouldn't you keep your word?" big chest sister also reacted, and she couldn't blush.

"Then you take it off, what can I do..." after listening to sister big chest, lengshi couldn't help biting her lips.

"What do you say?" when I said this, I felt nervous.

"Well then......" Leng Shi hesitated and stretched his snow-white hands to his back