"It's too late! Lin Feng, at this time, the whole world is in dire straits... "

Li Yutong hurriedly preached, but she just said nothing to Lin Feng. Suddenly, the leader of the Qingyi sect suddenly turned around and looked over.

"Eh? How can there be psychic fluctuations here? "


As soon as the leader of Qingyi sect frowned, he immediately flashed into the auditorium.

Strangely, the protective array that can block all kinds of explosions can't do anything at all. As soon as his body touched the light curtain, he went in with a whoosh.

"No! It was sister Tongtong's voice transmission that he found out... "

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng also clicked in his heart. He didn't expect that the leader of Qingyi sect could find sister Tongtong's voice so quickly. At least his cultivation level was two or more higher than himself!

"Sister Tong Tong, the leader of Qingyi sect has gone in. It's dangerous! Run! "

Seeing that Li Yutong was in danger, Lin Feng had completely ignored his own safety. No matter what level he was, Lin Feng flew out of the sea with his flying sword.

In the auditorium.

The leader of Qingyi cult stared at the scientists present one by one, and then quickly fixed his eyes on the two people in almost a few seconds.

Li Yutong!


In these two people, he found the fluctuation of spiritual knowledge and aura. What's more valuable is that these two women are so beautiful and have special physique.

"Hahaha... Come here! Today's luck is really good! Actually, there are still practitioners on our earth, or two practitioners with special physique and such low accomplishments! Hahaha... In that case, I'll give you an honor to be my furnace tripod! "

With both hands, Alice and Li Yutong in the crowd were sucked over by him uncontrollably.

"Devil! Don't think... "

Alice became angry, and the two thunder lights in her hands burst suddenly and smashed at the leader of the green clothes sect.


This is not the ordinary thunder pill in Superman's hands, but the super thunder pill containing thunder attribute constitution.

"What a powerful thunder attribute. Unfortunately, you are just a cultivator who has just practiced Qi. Even if your talent is strong, your strength is not worth mentioning in front of me! GA GA...... "

The leader of the green clothes cult suddenly played with his cloak with both hands, grabbed Alice's two thunder pills, and caused a little explosion on his clothes, but he was unharmed in the end.

"Oh, my God! I'm afraid the thunderbolt just exploded, no less than a missile? "

"It's incredible that this man can resist such a strong explosion with his body! He's not human! He is not a man, he is a devil... "


The scientists around were completely shocked. They had done countless scientific experiments, but they had never seen such a situation, which was completely beyond their scientific cognition.

Li Yutong's situation is not much better. Although she is in the foundation period, she doesn't even have a powerful means of attack.

Just as she was trying to escape towards the exit, the leader of the green clothes sect turned around and sucked her back after dealing with Alice.

"Gaga... What a pure Yin constitution, which can help me break through the bottleneck of the yuan infant period! GA GA...... "

Li Yutong suddenly turned pale as soon as the leader of the Qingyi sect said his words.


The distant Baby!

She and Lin Feng are just in the foundation period. In front of the Yuan Ying period, they are just like ants.

At this time, families in many countries all over the world hid in their own houses, watched the live broadcast on TV, and fell into complete despair.

The despair on their faces is basically the same as that shown by Li Yutong on TV.

"It's over! Even these scientists in the auditorium will be badly hurt... "

"God! What did we do wrong? You should send such demons to reap our lives. Please forgive us! God! "

"We're finished! The other side religion is too strong, especially the leader of the Great Church in Tsing Yi. He is like a God. "


Television broadcast the pictures in the auditorium, and countless people fell into a deeper abyss of despair. They couldn't expect any special plane. The power of the other side religion is so powerful that people feel terrible.

But at this time!

When the physicians in the auditorium showed their fear one after another!

When everyone was immersed in the cruel laughter of the leader of Qingyi church!

When more than 6 billion people all over the world are completely in despair!


Suddenly, bang!

Outside the auditorium, the original magical and solid layer of protective array was forcibly punched and exploded.

Hearing this sound, the journalists who had been broadcasting the Nobel prize live in the auditorium, out of their professional habits, all focused their cameras on the door.

The United States immediately called the satellite authority and synchronously transmitted the pictures in the auditorium through these cameras, which were displayed in front of the president and countless people around the world.

"What's going on? Has anyone broken the strange light curtain at the door? "

"Oh, my God! Is there another superhero joining? "

"Justice is bound to triumph over evil! I believe that it must be the superman of our country who has stood up again and gained more powerful power. This can completely turn over the teaching on the other side. "


When I saw that the light curtain was broken from the outside, I welcomed the lens. The exposure was severe. In front of the TV, everyone could only see a black figure, and the backlight stood at the door.

He gently raised his hand, pointed to the Qingyi sect leader and shouted angrily, "if you dare to hurt my woman... You will die!"

Step by step, as he walked into the auditorium, the light outside slowly weakened. Everyone in front of the TV stared. He was surprised to find that this man was wearing a mask on his face, and it was still a strange Oriental mask.

"Great saint! Sun Dasheng...... "

"God... This mask is the monkey king, the great sage of China. Didn't we say that China would send the strongest in the past? It seems to be called the great saint... "

"Yes! you 're right! We are the strongest in China! It's the great saint! "

"Finally, we are the strongest in China! Chinese! "

"It's sun Dasheng! It's the great saint... "


It may be difficult for people in other countries to recognize this mask at a glance, but for the Chinese nation, journey to the west can be deeply rooted in the myths and stories in their minds, and sun Dasheng and Sun Wukong are unique heroes in everyone's mind.

As a descendant of the Chinese nation, almost any of sun Dasheng's faces, movements and even laughter can be distinguished at the first time.

Because he is sun Dasheng!

He is the hero and God of war in the eyes of the Chinese nation!

And now, he... Appears here alive, in front of all despair.