At this moment, whether good students or poor students, they almost greeted the immediate and collateral families of the Chinese composition writers to the relatives of the last 18 generations.

What is the title of the composition?

Does your Chinese composition title look like this?

Can you write me a composition like this?


Faced with such a strange topic of composition, candidates make complaints about their own problems.

No wonder, after all, none of the countless examinations they have taken has a Chinese composition similar to this form.

The paper is a little difficult, so I bear it. But NIMA has never seen the form of this composition before. How do you let people write it?

Fortunately, this is the examination room for the college entrance examination. There should be no noise on the way to the examination. Otherwise, I'm afraid there are sorrows everywhere in every examination room and classroom.

Zhi'an No. 1 middle school, Zhang Zhen, a thin and handsome man who worked hard, was quite handy in doing problems all the way. When he was proud, he saw the topic of Chinese composition and couldn't help but feel that 10000 grass and mud horses roared past.

"Sleeping trough! What's the problem? Is this to let me write about beauty or equality between men and women? What exactly does NIMA mean? "

Zhang Zhen scratched his head and looked at the time. There was still an hour left, enough to write a composition, but he didn't know how to write for a while.

"It's over! Finished... I was going to learn a counter attack from a madman, but I failed my first Chinese test. This is the title of NIMA's composition. How can people write it? "

After thinking for a long time and seeing the precious examination time passing minute by minute, Zhang Zhen had to use her brain and hard headed to write a flattering argumentative paper "cheering for women's Liberation".

"Madame Curie! It's all up to you this time. Edison is a man and can't use it. Sima Qian is a eunuch and can't use it. Fortunately, you are a woman. Although you are a foreign country, you have won the Nobel Prize at least. Women and children know it! This time I'll use you as an argument. By the way... How about matching you with a good partner Hua Mulan? OK! It's such a happy decision... "

In this way, Zhang Zhen used several arguments such as Madame Curie and Hua Mulan to prove the view of "who says women are inferior to men", strongly attacked the feudal thought of the old society, and finally returned to the topic "cheering for women's Liberation".

"Hoo! Can be regarded as round back, hope to change the paper teacher a lot of kindness! The composition is 70 points. Just give me 50 points. I don't want more... "

After writing, Zhang Zhen was quite satisfied with his flattering argumentative paper.

In another examination room of No. 1 middle school, Qin Yanran, as the dominant school flower of Zhi'an No. 1 middle school, frowned slightly at the first sight of this strange composition topic.

However, with Qin Yanran's intelligence, after a few minutes of thinking, she also found a starting point.

Emancipation of women's rights is the inevitable result of social progress

Qin Yanran's argumentative paper is obviously much higher than Zhang Zhendi's flattery. Qin Yanran reverses the progress of social thought from the phenomenon of women's liberation, and points out that this is the inevitable result of ideological progress.

The arguments and arguments are well grounded and stand firm step by step. In addition, some examples of anti feudalism during the new culture movement are cited. Finally, it emphasizes again the inevitable relationship between women's Liberation and social progress.

Xiao nishang, who took the exam in Zhian No. 3 middle school, was completely different. As soon as he saw this strange composition topic, he didn't think about it, so he first wrote the title of the composition on the composition paper.

Who says women are inferior to men

Xiao nishang wrote a novel about a girl named Rose, who was born in a feudal village where boys were more important than girls. Since childhood, she was despised by her elders, did the heaviest work and refused to read.

But later, with her own efforts, the girl named Rose was admitted to key middle schools and universities step by step. Finally, she even became the female CEO of a listed company, which completely surprised all those who despised her because she was a girl.

At the end of the little novel, there is a picture of the listing of Rose's company. When facing the reporter's interview and asking why she can do so well, she only answered one sentence "who says that women are not as good as men?".

Here, the story came to an abrupt end. Xiao nishang used such a little novel that a girl can do better than a boy to fully name the title "who says women are not as good as men?" The central idea, especially the last sentence of rose, makes people wake up and have endless aftertaste after reading it.

Some other examinees, although facing such strange composition questions, are scratching their ears and gills, eager to tear up the paper. But in the end, he reluctantly succumbed to the obscene power of the teacher who published the paper and began to write his composition.

In Zhian No. 2 middle school, in examination room 33, when Lin Feng finished the previous questions and finally saw the composition, he also reacted like other examinees, floating through the "lying trough" in his heart.

However, Lin Feng make complaints about the theme of the composition itself, but the last eight words, "subject matter is not limited, except poetry."

After many days of preparation, Lin Feng wanted to spell a full score composition with classical Chinese poetry on the Chinese composition paper of the college entrance examination.

As a result, it's good. The topic of the composition stipulates that you can't write poetry.

"Didn't you agree that the subject matter is unlimited? Why except poetry? Can you let people write their composition well? "

Lin Feng's heart is extremely depressed. The four words written by the teacher cut off his intention to write poetry. He can only find another way out.

"Cruel! Teacher, you are really cruel. Ok... But do you think you can get my Lin Feng in this way? In that case, if I can't write poetry, I'll write... Fu. "

With an idea, Lin Feng can only adopt the alternative scheme. Since classical Chinese poetry could not be written, Lin Feng retreated to the second place and planned to write a Wen Fu.

What is Fu?

There are a lot of Fu required to be recited in high school Chinese textbooks, such as Du Mu's "a Fang Gong Fu" and Su Shi's "Chibi Fu". These are called Fu.

Today, Lin Feng's composition is similar to "a Fang Gong Fu" and "Chibi Fu".

"You are cruel, teacher! This time I'm in a hurry. Let me write you a gong boudoir Fu! "

Looking at this strange composition topic of the college entrance examination, Lin Feng thought about it and recalled and conceived it in his mind. It happened that the inheritance memory showed that 24 Dinghai God beads had been obtained by an imperial concubine in the deep palace. Lin Feng improvised and wrote a gong boudoir Fu according to the imperial concubine's memory and experience.