"Yes! Sister Tong Tong, "congenital Kui water formula" can not only help you absorb the free aura in the air and consolidate the vitality in the Dantian of your body. More importantly, even if you don't have to sleep at night, you can keep your spirit vigorous all day by practicing the "congenital sunflower water formula" for a big week.

In this regard, I checked those medical materials. It seems that when we practice, we have put our body into the most comfortable state, especially after the vitality runs in the body for another week, all cell activities are activated! Naturally, I won't be moved. How tired I am! "

Lin Feng nodded and felt the same for Li Yutong. Now he doesn't need to sleep almost every day. When he feels tired, he can recover his spirit by running the congenital Kui water formula once. After checking some medical data on the Internet, Lin Feng was surprised to find that when we humans sleep, the brain will control the blood and energy of the body and operate silently.

After comparing the sleeping state of human beings, Lin Feng found that this is an instinctive cultivation of human beings. In other words, the "congenital Kui water formula" that runs all day is equivalent to a more advanced way of rest and recovery, which is much more efficient than sleeping.

Therefore, when the "congenital Kui water formula" runs for about 15 minutes a week, it can almost be equivalent to eight hours of normal sleep.

"So it is. So, Lin Feng, we don't have to sleep in the future?" Li Yutong was surprised.

"That's not very good! I still need to sleep occasionally. After all, although the body can be relaxed and recovered when practicing kung fu. But the brain and spirit are still running. Sister Tongtong, you can refer to my work and rest rhythm. I usually meditate and practice martial arts almost every night, but I can sleep comfortably once a week to completely relax my tense nerves. "

Lin Feng has almost always had such a work and rest mode since he practiced "congenital Kui water formula". It's almost like sleeping one night a week.

"Well! That's good. I'll do the same in the future! Also, what do you don't understand in practice, Lin Feng? I'll call you at any time in the future. " Li Yutong said with a smile.

"That's no problem, sister Tongtong, and you should pay more attention to cultivating the Yin Fire in your Dantian. This Yin fire is really overbearing and magical. Although it looks weak, it can melt black iron and secret silver. It is a necessary flame for refining tools! "

Li Yutong's Yin fire was so fierce that Lin Feng envied him. However, fortunately, the Yin Fire belongs to Li Yutong, which is about Lin Feng's own. It's just a little inconvenient to use it.

"OK! Lin Feng, I listen to you. Our hero restaurant is just ahead. Do you like the decoration style? I'm a designer specially invited from Beijing! "

It was only more than six o'clock, and there were not many cars on the street, so Li Yutong drove all the way to Zhongshan Road, and a restaurant full of ancient customs appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Hero restaurant! Yes, yes... It's all decorated with ancient pavilions. There are two big lions at the door. Full of charm! It has the temperament of an ancient restaurant and matches the style of our restaurant. Sister Tong Tong, it seems that you and the designer have worked hard! "

After getting off the bus, Lin Feng stood in front of the hero restaurant and renovated it for several days. His parents and Li Yutong were busy again. He hardly came to see it. But now I see that it has been almost decorated. It is really shocking. There is a fashionable saying on the Internet that the decoration of this hero restaurant is simply high-end and high-grade.

It's just Jiangnan residence with ordinary hotel decoration style, which can't go up to the grade. And most importantly, there are many memories of the ancients and predecessors in Lin Feng's memory inheritance. There are countless memories of ancient restaurants in his mind. Compared with the ancient restaurants in Jianghuai, Suzhou and Hangzhou, this hero restaurant is almost no worse.

"It's mainly the designer I hired. He is Professor Yang Moyu, a postdoctoral in architecture of Qingbei University. He specializes in ancient buildings and pavilions, but after the decoration was completed yesterday, he had rushed back to the capital. I'll introduce you to Lin Feng when I'm free. Isn't our hero restaurant going to open chain stores all over the country? So I asked Professor Yang to design a series of restaurant design drawings with different detail styles, imitating the style of restaurants in ancient Jiangnan area... "

After Li Yutong parked the car, he pointed to the external decoration style of the restaurant and introduced it to Lin Feng, "in the future, when we open branches in Beijing or other big cities, we can directly use these decoration drawings with different detail styles. Create a unified brand of hero restaurant and expand its influence. I have studied that most of the chain hotels like jiangnanju do chain franchising, but the brand promotion and image unity are relatively poor.

What we want to do is to make an impact in the country, so that we can see this style of restaurant in the future. Even if we haven't seen our signboard, we also know that it is a famous hero restaurant! "

"Sister Tongtong, you are worthy of being a great female president! Above the mall, or you know more. In the future, I'll let my parents listen to you more. Your suggestion and planning are very reasonable. I believe that our hero restaurant will surpass Jiangnan residence in less than two years. Become the most famous chain hotel enterprise in China! "

After hearing Li Yutong's plans, Lin Feng is also full of confidence. After all, they don't lack people or funds. What they lack is just a time to develop.

"It's too early to say this, Lin Feng. Although I will try my best to make efforts in brand image and marketing, the most essential feature and competitiveness of the hotel still lies in the dishes."

Speaking of this, Li Yutong was a little worried, "I've tasted the dishes made by my aunt and they taste good. However, most of them are home-made dishes, which are cumbersome to make, and they have not been separated into a simple cooking process. Therefore, in the past two days, aunts have been asking them to get the menu and separate the production process of each dish, so that the speed of serving can be fast. But the most important thing is... Our hero restaurant has no special dishes! "

"Specialties? yes! How can I forget this? It seems that Zhang Xiaohua's Jiangnan residence is famous for a special dish 'drunk smoked whole pig'. "