104 Sleepless Nigh

Han Mei nodded, "Yeah, so don't worry. We are still finalizing the plan. It's going to be given and take. But it might be a great loss in his part…" She softly said. 

"Why? Because of the scandals or the lack of money?" Han Jun asked unhappily. 

"Not that. If possible, I still can't marry," Han Mei stuttered out when she could control herself. 

"Why not?" Han Jun tiredly asked as he watched Bai Min pour him another shot. 

"I'm pregnant." Han Mei said. 

Han Jun snatched the whole bottle of whiskey from Bai Min and gave his cousin a grim smile. 

"Quite a reunion, don't you think?" He asked no one in particular and drowned his sorrows in a bottle, hoping to lose his mind tonight. 

Han Mei watched him with a conflicted expression, before she saw her sister's reaction, "Stop…" Han Jie was on the verge of happily cheering if she did not remind her not to be noisy. Her having a child is a blessing but still a burden. 

They needed to figure out a way to tell her father first without him having a sudden high blood pressure attack. Han Mei just hoped that Suzuki Kyou would be cooperative.


While the Han Family was having a small reunion, Suzuki Kyou, on the other hand, was just traveling back to the office. 

Sato Akira was antsy. He could not help but shift his body from time to time. Sometimes he taps the steering wheel without any rhythm as he looked at his boss via a rear mirror of the car. 

"What is it?" Suzuki Kyou suddenly asked as he continued to gaze at the window. 

"Er… Sir, please don't mind my comment but… Regarding Ms. Han…" 

Suzuki Kyou gave a swift glance to the driver, "What about her?" 

"Sir, she… She's pregnant before marriage and not your child?" Sato Akira asked softly, his voice laced with disbelief. 

"You heard nothing." 

Sato Akira nodded, "I just hope, sir, even though our country accepts abortion as a norm, it won't be done to someone who is not willing to…"

"It won't. Just prepare traveling back home for a holiday." Suzuki Kyou said simply. 

"Is Miss Han going with us?" He asked that earned a nod from his boss. Sato Akira sigh in relief. 

He just felt bad for his boss, who finally wanted to marry but end up in a messy situation just like now, just because of money. Well, he also could not blame the girl cause the big boss was not so good in trying to woo a woman. 

Probably if the big boss arrived earlier, no one could take advantage of his future wife. That is just if, however. 


Their reunion yesterday hadn't gone all that well. Their father had ended up staying in his room for dinner after Han Jun had gone to him to break the news of Han Mei's pregnancy, despite her insistence on doing it herself. No one agreed to her suggestion. Thus Han Jun was tasked to do it. 

Dinner had been an awkward affair after that. 

Han Jun had watched them both like hawks, barking orders at them when something wasn't going his way during the dinner. 

Han Jie had been sure that Bai Min hadn't been there to distract Han Jun occasionally, which was so surprising for her, dinner might have been worse. 

She was really glad her friend had been there. But he'd had to leave at some point, which only made things worse. 

It was obvious Han Jun didn't want to sleep on the couch, but he made a big show of giving up his bed for Han Mei. He'd made it all sound like he had come to save her from death. 

Han Mei got mad and decided to sleep on the couch, which ensued to a whisper yelling argument so they wouldn't wake Han Feng. 

When Han Jie had finally had enough, she invited her sister to stay in her room with her instead. This wasn't going to be the first time they share a room after all. 

Han Mei and Jun both agreed to the suggestion immediately. It was made. Hanging Jie wasn't sure if she had been played or if the two of them just needed to blow some steam. 

Han Jie went with the first one. After their argument, they both seemed a little calmer, which Han Jie was grateful for. 

Han Mei had slept as soon as her head touched the fluffy pillows. She hadn't even bothered to use the blanket on the bed. Han Jie had tucked her in before taking her smartphone and going to the sitting room. Han Jie wasn't sure how deeply her sister was sleeping, and she wasn't going to disturb her with the beeping sound from her phone on the first night back. 

Han Jie had settled in on the couch and texted Bai Min. Han Jie picked up her phone from the bedside table and unlocked it. She wanted to read her chat with Bai Min. 

Han Jie: Hey, you awake? 

Bai Min: Unfortunately 

Han Jie frowned, before she texted back: Why unfortunate?

Bai Min: Because I'm trying to process everything that has happened today and my shift in the hospital starts at six am. 

Han Jie: The life of an ER doctor, eh? I'm really sorry we dragged you OK brother this. Oh wait! You work in a hotel, right? What's going on?

Bai Min: Ha Ha Ha, very funny. It's not a problem. I'm glad you all consider my family enough to call me when things are good and bad. 

Han Jie: So can I drag you a little further into this? 

Bai Min: *groans emoji.* okaaay…. 

Han Jie: *Eye rolling emoji.* You know you want me to. Anyways what do you think are my chances of Suzuki Kyou listening to me tomorrow?

Bai Min: Just you? Why? 

Han Jie: I feel bad about what's happening, and this time I want to help. 

Bai Min: Well, since you put it that way… You have a sixty percent chance he's going to listen at least. Suzuki Kyou isn't that bad of a man, I guess. Unless you really offended him so much. 

Han Jie: I know he's not a bad man. But the image he portrays is cold. 

Bai Min: It's going to be OK. I hope whatever you say helps. When he helps you, though, can you ask him who the doctor from today is? 

Han Jie: Doctor? OK. Thanks. 

Bai Min: When you ask him, you'll know. Night. 

Han Jie: *Eye rolling emoji.* Night. 

In reality, she was nervous about her plan. But she always believed that there was no harm in trying. 

Han Jie rubbed her face and dropped her phone back on the bedside table. Han Mei turned behind her to face her back. Han Jie scratched her head but didn't turn to look at her sister. 

When had her sister gotten pregnant? 

She wasn't so sure, and she didn't know if her sister was going to tell her anytime soon. She was also sure Han Mei wasn't going to talk about her baby daddy either. 

Han Jie didn't care if her sister wouldn't tell them when or who the man in question was. All she wanted was her sister and baby to be healthy and happy. 

But she wasn't so sure what her father was going to say about Han Mei's refusal to say who the father was. 

Han Feng was an old fashioned man through and through. He would not want his grandchild born out of wedlock. 

She wasn't so sure as well if she would want her sister to get married due to business agreement too. Aside from that, the news about the engagement already hit the news, meaning the anonymous daddy probably saw it already. 

She only hoped whoever the baby daddy wasn't a gold digger. The last thing their family needed was another gold digger. 


Author's Note:

If you also have free time, please check out my other books while waiting for the update: 

- Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

- Marriage Right's: Billionaire's Forgotten Wife

- Baby Contract: Forced Deal with a Dragon 

- OtherThoughs (For Announcements and Oneshots)

From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!