63 Saving a woman’s dignity

Han Jie loudly refused as if it was a life and death situation. She even ran towards Wang Jin, then stand in front of her acting like a shield. 

When Han Jie suddenly acting like this, as if her earlier outburst of anger towards Wang Jin did not happen at all, would make anyone feel even more suspicious. 

"Miss, what are you doing?" Jonah could not help but asked as his eyes shifting to Suzuki Kyou and her nervously. 

Wang Jin turned red in frustration, then asked Han Jie annoyingly, "Yes. What are you doing?" 

'Is this woman bipolar?' Wang Jin asked herself silently, feeling exhausted. 

"Saving a woman's dignity!" Han Jie said with conviction. 

They think that she was referring to Wang Jin, but in truth, it was her dignity that she wanted to save badly. 

Wang Jin wanted to hit Han Jie so bad. "What crap-"

Han Jie immediately looked at her with a glare cutting off what Wang Jin was supposed to say, before speaking, "Are you stupid? Others will hear what we talked about! Have you forgotten what you all have said to me? Let me talk to Kyou for and take care of this!" She yelled, whispered at Wang Jin. 

For Wang Jin, it was perfectly fine to let others know that they have talked at the time, which would clearly prove her innocence. 

However, when she recalled herself claiming that Suzuki Kyou was her brother's lover, Wang Jin paled considerably. She then looked at the other people in the room. Also, there was a possibility that her maid might already listening from the other side of the room. 

While Wang Jin was worried about this, Han Jie was also the same. Judging by the way Suzuki Kyou was looking at them, Han Jie could bet that he has not heard the recording yet, so she could still save herself from the embarrassment. 

She could save the enemy and throw away her barely solid principles, but she could not stand Suzuki Kyou, knowing that she intended to get close to him more than as a friend! 

After all, she was only a temporary replacement.This reminder made Han Jie so sad. Good thing this did not show on his face. 

"You don't want to let us hear it?" Suzuki Kyou asked with a frown. 

With this question from him, Han Jie finally confirmed that her guess was correct. Suzuki Kyou had not heard the recorded conversation yet. "Kyou, people make mistakes, and she already admitted it. I just realized that Wang Jin was betrayed just like us. Isn't she pitiful enough? We don't need to listen to our conversation. I can guarantee that she did not tell me anything that would harm your reputation…" Han Jie said, persuading. 

"Miss, are you serious?" Jonah asked, voice laced with disbelief. 

"Yes. After all, a private conversation is not good to spread to others. Right, Kyou?" Han Jie asked thoughtfully. 

Suzuki Kyou stared at her for a long time before asking, "Why?" 

However, when he replied, 'Yes,' they all realized that something might be wrong with him. 

Or was he planning to take care of the problem differently? 

"Sir, how do we fix this?" Assistant Ye could not help it but ask. 

Before Suzuki Kyou could answer, "She should be sued for slander, at least. A mistake that cause the company's reputation was not a small mistake." Han Jun suddenly blandly said like he had not just dropped a bomb. He had finally spoken, but what he said was not even helping Han Jie as all. 

'JunJun! No one would think you are stupid even if you don't open damn mouth!' Han Jie screamed inside her head as she glared at him. She was already relieved that Suzuki Kyou agreed to her, but what if Han Jun changed his mind suddenly? 

Suzuki Kyou was silent for a long time, again, as if he was in deep thought. The longer he did not speak, the more worried Wang Jin became. 

"You… You… You wanted to sue me?" Wang Jin asked, worriedly looking at Suzuki Kyou. 

"Gu Xi should! We will be the witness!" Han Jie shouted. That was the best idea she had today. No need to listen to the recording if the people involved were going to testify voluntarily, right? 

Suzuki Kyou did respond to that as well. He was thinking thoughtfully and then eventually nodded. 


The meeting ended just like that. Han Jie knew that she could not bother Suzuki Kyou, so she was behaving the whole time. This was also her, acting thankful for him cooperating earlier. 

At this time, Han Jie was leaning on their car in front of Wang Jin's house, waiting for Suzuki Kyou's news. Jonah and Han Jun was waiting inside the car. 

There was no harm letting her wait like this since it would be impossible for the paparazzi to recognize her, if there was one around, spying at them. 

In truth, she just did not want to go home, but eventually, they needed to. Han Jie was not really looking forward to that. She was already entertaining the idea of going out some more. 

They would be going home soon after all, and still did not have a chance to explore the city at night. 

Her thoughts were cut off when she saw Suzuki Kyou and Assistant Ye walking out of the house. 

Han Jie immediately waved at them with a bright smile on her face. 

"Not going home yet?" He asked with a return smile. It was not as bright as her but still good enough. 

Han Jie shook her head, "I want to make sure, everything is alright, first. Did it turn out well?" She asked. Earlier, an attorney arrived earlier, and Han Jie was not so keen to listen to such serious professional people, so she decided to leave after giving her own statement to the attorney. 

Suzuki Kyou started at her curiously. It was not so bright in front of Wang Jin's house. There were lamp posts around, but it was not enough for her to see him. 

Just like the first time, she saw him that year.

"Are you hiding something?" He suddenly asked, removing her from being dazed. 

Han Jie chuckled nervously, "Isn't that normal? Don't tell me you don't have secrets." She said teasingly. 

He hummed in agreement, "I have many." 

"See! So don't worry about mine. It is just normal." 

"I want to know." He said, sounding curious. 

"Eh? They are boring…" 

"Am I not your friend?" He asked with a raised brow.

If not because of the rare playful smile on his face, Han Jie would have thought that he was trying to threaten her. It sounded like, 'I am your friend, right? So you are required to tell me.' 

Han Jie did not know what to reply to him. She was utterly speechless. He then suddenly reach out to her face, caressed her cheek softly before pinching it! 

"Kyou!" Han Jie tried to get away from his hand by moving back. Instead of letting go, his other pinched the other check! 

It happened so quickly. Just before she could yell again, he already let her face go. 

Han Jie could only look at him aggrieved as she rubbed her cheeks. It was not painful to be pinched, but it was still uncomfortable. No woman wants to have plump cheeks after all. 

As if finding her current expression entertaining, Suzuki Kyou chuckled. His hand reached out to her face again. 

"No more!" Han Jie leaned back to the car. She was not sure what was wrong with him, but it was certainly not fun to be made fun off. At this time, she also realized that Suzuki Kyou was a bully!

Instead of stopping, he just smirked and touched her hands, covering her face. Han Jie prepared herself by pushing pressing her hands further on her face. 

'What is wrong with this person?!' She silently complained while glaring at him. 

Since she was covering her face, Suzuki Kyou pinched her nose instead! 

"Kyou! You are enough!" Han Jie was demanding, her voice sounding muffled. She likes Suzuki Kyou and wanted to be close to him. However, she never wanted to be bullied, okay? 

Good thing he let her nose go, 'because if not…' Han Jie threatened silently. 

Suzuki Kyou chuckled, before speaking. "Okay. I will pinch anymore. Was it that painful? Let me see?" He asked, sounding apologetic. 


Author's Note:

If you also have free time, please check out my other books, while waiting for the update: 

- Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

- Marriage Right's: Billionnaire's Forgotten Wife

- Baby Contract: Forced Deal with a Dragon 

- OtherThoughs (For Announcements and Oneshots)

From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!