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The stage is ready.

The actors are in place.

Everything at the beginning of this is in accordance with the script.

Seeing that the atmosphere is brewing to the extreme, it will break out immediately.

One of the protagonists is to give up?

There is a sharp contrast between before and after.

Until it is really determined that the ghost brothers will not be killed any more and have led them to retreat, instead of pretending to be in the fog and preparing for a sneak attack.

The three cute new students in the eighth class still looked at each other.

This is totally different from the scene expected by kyushukaya, rihata and others?

At the beginning, the gloomy bandage man, oh, it should be said that the ghost man is no longer fierce. He has to kill them completely before he leaves? But now the plot doesn't follow the script at all?

Just choose to retreat?

"It seems that Shangren, named Kakashi, should be a very powerful ninja, otherwise Wuren, named zaiba, would not choose to retreat."

Hatta's bright eyes flickered. Looking at Qimu Kakashi standing beside his tutor, he could not help but come up with such an idea. You know, in the previous battle, if you don't kill him again, you can completely suppress his red teacher. To put it bluntly, if the intelligence is equal, xirihong can't support Kakashi to come to rescue, He will be killed easily if he doesn't chop again. Although it's Shangren, there is still a huge gap between them. If Kakashi's Shangren strength is not very strong, the fierce Wuren will not choose to retreat.

"Write round eyes?"

Hatta seems to take a little curious look at Kakashi, thinking whether to go back to investigate Kakashi's personal information.

Kakashi, who was standing in front of him, naturally didn't know the careful thinking of the young lady behind him. Although it was very normal for him to retreat without chopping any more, considering his identity as Wu Ren, Kakashi didn't relax at all and was still on guard, Until repeated induction confirmed that no longer cut is indeed the choice to retreat, not nearby, Kakashi's tight heart string is completely relaxed, gently pull the forehead, once again his left eye write round eye to cover up.

In the face of not beheading such a terrible ninja.

Any caution is right.

You know, this is a cruel man who dares to assassinate Shuiying.

Kakasi doesn't mind treating him with the greatest intention and never beheading him again.

At this point, xirihong is also very clear.

As the Shangren of Muye village, xirihong knows more about the ghost people's no longer beheading. After the final confirmation of no longer beheading's evacuation, xirihong is relieved to be able to end this "special encounter" in this way. Xirihong shows that she is thankful. As for the idea of no longer beheading, Xirihong doesn't think about it. Even if she doesn't care about her own safety, she also has to worry about the members of the eighth class she leads. No matter who is involved in this fight, it's extremely uneconomic. Besides, it's no profit to kill them again.

Is it hard to count on the gratitude of Wuren village?

That's a joke.

Even if it's a big chopper that could be used as a booty.

In view of the situation of Muye village under the current three generations of Huoying's re governance, it is also the best way to avoid the outbreak of the fourth World War of tolerance since it is due to be returned to Wuren village. Therefore, no matter from what angle, it is the best result to choose to retreat and avoid this death fight that may lead to casualties.

"It's a good thing you're near kakassian. The support is in time. Otherwise, our eighth class will

Finally, after confirming that the breath of no longer cutting completely disappeared.

Xirihong also withdrew from the combat situation, shook her head, looked at Kakashi with a wry smile, and whispered that this time's task is really a near death for the eighth class. She didn't expect that a mere C-level task would lead to such a terrible enemy. You know, with xirihong's endurance strength, Even Shangren who has just been promoted, not to mention Level C, even leading the eighth shift to perform the normal level of level B tasks will not be so difficult.

However, this seemingly very simple "C-level mission" has turned into a super-a-level mission that will lead to the enemy never to kill again.

It is absolutely necessary for the Zhongren team led by Shangren to be qualified to perform and even complete the task.

It's not the touch level in the eighth class at all.

If it wasn't for Kakashi in time.

Don't talk about employers.

Everyone in the eighth class, including xirihong, will be here.

Don't expect that if you don't cut it again, you will be kind enough to let the members of the eighth class go. Moreover, this is still based on the fact that you don't cut it again and see the white eyes of RI Chutian.

"No, it's nothing. The key is the task."

For xirihong's thanks, Kakashi waved her hand and said softly.

"This is obviously not your eighth class should receive the task level, right? At least, these tasks should be judged as A-level tasks, which are almost the eighth class composed by the new xiaren. Not to mention that you receive them, the task center will not issue such tasks to your team, will it

Kakashi's rare, with a very solemn look, looked at the red sunset in front of her, and the words revealed a strong sense of incomprehension.

And Kakashi's words.

It makes the bitter smile on the red face of Xiri more intense.

The untidy uncle named dazna, who had been protected by day Hata and others, also changed his face, and his pupils flashed a look of extreme embarrassment and uneasiness.

"Kakashisan, you're right. Don't talk about A-level task. Our team can't even perform B-level task. When we first accepted this task, we decided that the level was C-level."

Xirihong sighed and turned her eyes to dazner, whose eyes were obviously twinkling. She said so with a helpless and angry tone.

"What? "Level C tasks?"

Xirihong's reply made Kakashi frown, and her expression became very delicate. She turned her eyes at the same time, staring at dazner in front of her.

Xirihong didn't say much.

But just one sentence.

Kakashi is understanding and can smell the tricky.

To know such things.

Since the founding of the village.

It's not that it didn't happen.

It should even be said that it happens repeatedly.

Of course, it does not rule out that employers themselves are not aware of their own risks and do not deliberately lie about the task level.

But Kakashi just needs to look at dazner's face.

Immediately understand that this is the type of employer's misrepresentation of the task.