Chapter 523

It's like waking up in a dream

The faint sunshine hit my face.

Touched my eyelashes.

My eyelids moved and my sleeping brain gradually began to wake up.

"Son, wake up. Wake up."

The familiar sound of Wenxiang sounded in my ears, like a gentle breeze drilling into my ears.

What a familiar voice... It's so strange again.

Why... My eyes are wet?


I am Alive?

Suddenly aware of this, I slowly opened my eyes. My vision gradually became clear from blur. What came into my eyes was a familiar face I would never forget.

It's not long or short. It's hot curly hair mixed with a few white hair. There are a few crow's feet around the corners of thin eyes. There are two starting lines where it was originally a beautiful dimple. But even so, the passage of time could not reduce her gentleness and concern when she looked at me.

It's my mother.

"Mom...!" when I saw the woman's face in front of me, I couldn't help but open my mouth, and a little tears couldn't help flowing down. I never knew whether it was the bed or the floor. I sat up and hugged the woman in front of me.

Yes, even if I dreamed, I didn't expect to see my mother again.

I don't know if I'm dreaming, but when I see my mother, I really cry.

Seeing me holding her, my mother was also a little surprised. There was a bit of surprise in her voice. At the same time, there was comfort and crying that could not be concealed.

"Great... Finally woke up, finally woke up... Son... Mom thought you'd never wake up again..."

"Mom!" I didn't know what to say. I didn't think about anything in my mind. I just hugged my mother desperately.

In the past many days, the person I think about every moment of every day is my mother!

My mother hugged me, patted me on the back and comforted me.

"Mom..." my voice choked, my nose was sour, and my vocal cords were trembling. This feeling is like the most cherished relatives who have died have come back to life. No man will not cry.

Under my mother's comfort, I gradually recovered from my grief and sadness, opened my eyes and looked around.

I found myself lying on a hospital bed covered with white bedding, with gauze wrapped around my right hand, with needles and blood on it. On the far right is an old bedside table with a bunch of withered tulips on it. A little more on the right... Is the wooden entrance of the ward door.

On my left, there are two empty beds. On the left, there is an open window. The bright sun penetrates the clean old window and shines on the floor of the ward, lighting up a circle of light.

"Mom... What's the matter with me? Where am I?"

I looked around strangely, and suddenly I felt that the decoration around me went back to the 21st century.

"You've been unconscious for three days... When your father and I came home from a business trip, we saw you lying naked on the floor at home... The doctor said you were playing computer at home for too long, resulting in shock! Mom thought... You can't wake up! Hey, great... Great..."

play computer games? Three days in a coma?

I was a little stunned to get out of my arms, and then I lowered my head and looked at my body.

The moment I saw my body, I lost my mind.

Under the White Plaid pajamas, there are a pair of fat and strong hands, and the pajamas tightly wrap a bloated belly like a frog belly.

I can't be more familiar with such a figure and such a belly.

How did this happen?

My heart began to tremble. Vaguely, I felt something wrong.

Is this another dream?

Or is it another illusion of Ma Bailong?

"Mom... Where's the mirror? The mirror!"

Mom looked at me in surprise, but she handed me the mirror.

I was stunned when I saw my face in the mirror.

Round face, slightly fat face, small eyes, short hair.

Isn't this... My face that reached the 25th Century?

Where did I go after the beauty?

I... how come I'm back before cosmetic surgery!

"No! How could this happen?" my brain suddenly became confused. I couldn't understand my situation at the moment.

I screamed wildly, recalling my previous experience in the mechanical imperial capital. I clearly remember that I took out the cosmic Magic Cube... But after that? What happened after that?

How are the machines? How's Jo Yanran? What about purple butterfly and blue moon? What about the world?

Countless question marks are floating in my mind. I can't help it anymore.

I jumped out of bed, pulled out the needle and thread of the bottle in my hand, and ran out like crazy.

This is a dream!

This is definitely a dream!

All this must be an illusion.

I just got up. Although I was weak, I ran away madly with my bare feet. When I ran out of the ward, I saw strange and surprised faces. They were wearing nurse clothes or doctor clothes.

There are women and men.

Seeing me running out of the ward like a madman, the doctors and nurses in the hospital corridor cast strange eyes, and I was completely collapsed.

Mental illusions can't make things I don't know.

I don't know these people in front of me

In other words, none of this is an illusion.

All this is true.

I really go back to the 21st century.

"How could this happen? It's impossible!" I held my head and cried.

"Qiu Yanran! Purple butterfly! Proud dance! Junxia! Swallow! Master! Miss blue moon! Where are you! Where are you?"


Where are you

My heart rending voice echoed in the long corridor, repeated again and again, for a long time


It seems that we have all returned to the origin.

I went back to the 21st century, which has become an unchangeable fact.

Of course, I accepted this cruel fact after a whole week of struggle and hesitation.

Yes, I'm really back.

Just like when I was crossing, no one told me the reason, no one gave me an explanation, so I went back to the 21st century.

The only thing I can guess is that the cosmic magic cube I got in the mechanical capital sent me back to this era.

This era of men and women.

Home or home.

My bedroom is still so messy, with clothes piled up and garbage bags piled at the door. I have seen countless novels, comic books and magazines scattered in the corner of my home, next to the Android phone I bought for 800 yuan.

And I'm back to the origin.

Fat, short, ordinary, there is no only man aura, and there is no group of girls who are determined to accompany me.

Everything has been restored.

In my time, losers are running around every day for the sake of Bai Fumei in Gao Fu Shuai's arms. People with low self-esteem are ashamed. Losers who are trampled by Gao Fu Shuai with superior genes and a higher starting point are poor and ugly. They flock to the Internet to vent their dissatisfaction and their desires

For several days in a row, I felt like I had lost my soul. I wandered around the house in a daze. I turned on the computer and browsed the web again and again, hoping to return to the link of the era when there were only women

However, I have never been able to find that website.

It's like God abandoned me.

Time passed in an instant.

After a week's cultivation, I returned to my university and started my junior life again.

I returned to my less than 15 square meter university bedroom, and four friends crowded together.

"What's the matter, man? Are you out of your mind? Hemorrhoids?" my cheap roommates followed my ass all day, looking at me and making fun of me. Sometimes they slapped me on the ass or hit me on the shoulder.

Because I'm fat.

When faced with their mocking eyes, I also reluctantly smiled, but did not answer.

Because I suddenly found that I had no common language with them.

There is a deep gap between me and them.

It feels like... We are people from two worlds.

Every day, I sit in front of the computer like a lost drowning dog, remembering the smiling girls all day and all night.

Cold and arrogant with gentle Junxia, gentle and virtuous swallow, quick tempered little sparrow, sick girl who will get sick when smelling me, wild female wolf head, piano moon sound with a good voice, frank and innocent Xiaobai, Qiu Yanran with excellent talent, iceberg beauty with cold air and intelligence, proud and lively little princess, curious and outgoing little sister, Like the three saints in one, the hot girl with a hot temper, the obscene and solemn Gao Haixin, and even the blue moon, Zhu Xingyun, Lola,, Princess Changyue, Xianji, ye Zhuqing... I miss every girl, every girl I have met.

Is it just a dream?

But why is that dream so real.

Or is my life now an illusory dream?

I don't know.

Zhouzhuang dreams of butterflies, which is true or false?

"Why are you crying again? You've been acting like a woman all day. What's wrong with you?"

"Wow, I found a hot photo of a punctual beauty in WOW bar. Come and have a look. It's a blockhouse. This face, this figure... PS?"

Because of my unusual behavior, although my roommate ridiculed me, some wanted to help me solve it. Maybe it's because I'm getting better and join their loser army. After all, I was one of them.

However, because of the memory of the past year, I suddenly found that I was not interested in computer games.

My roommates were laughing and playing there. I just stood quietly watching like a bystander, like an irrelevant outsider.

Perhaps, only when you get it will you know the pain of loss.

Only when you lose, will you want to get what you once had.

Looking at the students around me who are still worried about their future and their career, I suddenly feel so tired. I don't want to do anything.

Rich, famous cars, luxury houses, beautiful women... I once owned them, but now I have to start from scratch and climb from the bottom... What's the meaning?

Live again... I suddenly feel that life is meaningless.

I have lost the direction of my life and have been plagued by my internet addiction. I don't know when I have quit. After all, in the women's world, I haven't played games for more than a year, and I haven't been online for more than a year

Those things I think I can't get rid of in my life are so easy to quit.

On boring days, I would walk around the university every day, watching the colorful red maples, the withered and yellow autumn grass, the sparkling artificial lake, or a pair of loving men and women passing by the roadside.

When I am angry, I will run on the school track, because only when I run desperately without brain can I forget all the pain, reluctance, loss, depression and desolation in my heart.

In this way, I actually formed the habit of regular long-distance running every day.

And because I gradually disagreed with those roommates who had gaps, I began to wander around the school library alone and learn about some books about genes, advanced technology, time travel, viruses and so on... In this way, I actually formed the habit of going to the library every day.

Such a thing was unthinkable to me in the past.

In the twinkling of an eye, the year will come to an end. It's only a month. Because I keep running every day, my stomach is actually flat. Although it's difficult to compare with my figure in the women's world, it has a few more real muscles. This is completely different from the two ways to reduce your body by extracting oil.

Then... Maybe it's because I insist on reading every day. My temperament precipitated. At the end of the term, I, who had been at the bottom of the class before, unexpectedly came second in the class. I also got a small scholarship, but I never expected it.

I wanted to go to Yunnan on this scholarship. I don't know why, I just want to go to the place I have experienced in the women's world

Unfortunately, a little scholarship is far from enough.

"If you want to go, just go. Dad, I also have a colleague and relatives in Yunnan. You have made great progress this time. Dad is happy and rewards you."

Finally, my father understood me and took out part of the money from his year-end bonus as a reward for my good ranking in the exam. He asked me to go to Yunnan during the winter vacation. Even, I took a trip to Zhengzhou.

This trip didn't surprise me.

To me, only endless disappointment and unspeakable sadness.

Yunnan is naturally beautiful. In winter, the distant mountains covered with snow are so holy and quiet. Beauty to the extreme.

But... I can't find the person I want anymore.

In the women's world, the buildings with soft artistic style have disappeared, the women's Lily billboards all over the street have disappeared, and there is only a public toilet novel with a squatting seat and no urinal... The rest are groups of couples and men and women with shoulder to shoulder.

A woman with a charming face indulges in her boyfriend's arms, holding hands and arrogant.

Or the woman carrying Hermes and LV sachets and wearing demon black silk stockings proudly sits in a Lamborghini without trunk, chirps with her boyfriend, tangles with me from time to time, and even plays car shock in her arms

Scenes of extravagance and beauty make the scene that I can only look up to now back to the origin staged repeatedly in my eyes.

However, I don't feel a little envious.

Because I know that once I had the whole world.

Once I stood at the highest peak of the world.

I have more than any man in the whole era.

I don't notice the scenes of Bai Fumei walking in succession.

Maybe, as a loser, I already have the most noble soul in the world.

On the long-distance bus back to Kunming from Shangri La County, I sat in the last seat of the long-distance bus with a couple in front. The man is handsome and tall, with clear bones, firm facial lines and developed limbs. The woman is holy and noble. She is wearing a white winter skirt, with much longer black hair than ordinary women on her back and a wreath only for ethnic minority women on her head.

Looking at her back, I vaguely remembered the holy woman who once fascinated me, the princess of the long moon.

Because of the long journey, the couple in front of me fell asleep halfway. The man sitting on the left fell asleep against the knee of the long month princess on the right, while the long month princess fell asleep with her head against the window of the long-distance bus on the right.

The road bumped along the way, and the window vibrated. Seeing that Princess Changyue's head was going to knock on the window, I felt a burst of unexplained pain in my heart.

While the long Moon Princess was sleepy, I gently stretched out my hand, sandwiched it between her head and the window, and took my hand as a cushion to make her sleep more comfortable.

The coach bumped on the road for four hours, and my hand stuck it on the window for four hours.

When I got off the bus, my palm was numb and unconscious

However, looking at the long month Princess and the tall man beside her leaving hand in hand, I still feel very peaceful, as if my debt has been paid off. Everything is so worth it.

Looking at the happy back of the couple who left, it was as if a small wish I had been worried about had come true.


After traveling back from Yunnan and Zhengzhou, I was exhausted.

Tired, but I heard a tired news.

"Son, your mother went to the hospital yesterday... You... Want to have a brother." when I got home, my father told me the news that would only make me more tired.

I just reluctantly smiled and watched my father holding my mother swirling and dancing there. I stood alone for a while. Finally, I turned and walked into my bedroom, brought a box of paper, and then locked the door.

Time passed silently.

Since I woke up in the hospital, I couldn't figure out whether my experience in the women's world was a dream or real. With the passage of time, I found that my memory in the women's world began to blur gradually, and I couldn't remember many details.

It's like waking up from a big dream. When you wake up, you will remember very clearly. However, as you wake up for a long time, you will gradually forget the scene in your dream.

Forget the people in your dreams.

When did I have a snowball fight with Xiaobai on the snow mountain? What day did you meet the girl wearing swallow glasses and black jacket? Did I really fly a thousand Kongming lights with Qin Yueyin one night? I... Really used to play in the amusement park with sweet and energetic girls and row leisurely on the West Lake

Gradually, gradually, I found that I no longer remember many things.

When the memories of the past are gently buried by the dust of time, I light a lot of things

Only those smiling faces with different customs are deeply engraved in my heart, so clear and beautiful, just like yesterday.

Day after day, I stood at the crossroads blankly, looking at the pedestrians coming and going around, the high-rise buildings and buildings surrounded by tall buildings, and watching the traffic lights switching between red and green, but I didn't know where I was going.

What about the world?

Did I succeed that night?

Is the world saved?

Purple butterfly, Junxia, swallow, Qiu Yanran, obscene girl, little princess... Where will they be now? Are they doing well?

When I am away, do they get together to discuss me, will they lose inexplicably?

I don't know.

I don't know anything and I can't do anything.

Day by day, I'm growing up.

In the twinkling of an eye, it's from junior high school to senior high school.

Facing the coming life after graduating from college, I still have no plan.

Just confused, like a walking corpse.

In mid September 2013, I suddenly received a notice from a classmate in the editorial department I once participated in.

"Prom? Or... Forget it." I was really surprised when I received the notice from this "colleague" who was not a friend who used to work with me in the editorial department. But I looked down and saw that although I was no longer bloated, I still had a slightly larger skeleton. I still meant to refuse.

For the editorial department, I have long since given up nostalgia.

There are no things worth my nostalgia, let alone people worth my nostalgia.

"Just go. It's a centennial school party. Many people are forced to go, and only our group of 'old people' who have worked in the student union can get the priority ticket." the colleague grinned and showed a mysterious smile on his face, "Everyone is about to graduate, so let's take it as the last gathering of department members. Although we have all quit, as the old people of the Department, we'd better get together. We happen to meet those new people and impart experience. Moreover, it is said that sister Piao Piao will also attend this gathering."

As he spoke, the smile on the face of the old colleague who did not do his job became more and more bright - he was also one of the secret lovers of Liu Piao, our editorial director, which I know very well.

Hearing the name of Liu Piao Piao, my heart has always been calm and my mood has not fluctuated much. Finally, a shallow ripple has appeared in the sea of my heart.

"Sister Piao Piao? But... Hasn't she gone to study in the United States with her boyfriend?"

"It's said that I bought a ticket for the Centennial school party." the old colleague smiled.

"Really rich." I make complaints about it, frowning and hesitating. Finally, I accepted the invitation from my old colleague and decided to go to this dance.

"OK. I'll go," I nodded.

"Hey, you're right to go. It's said that the new girls in the editorial department have good qualifications. Some don't even have to be poor. Then everyone will be here. By the way, this is the brochure made by the new members of our editorial department. You can have a look at it when you're free." the old colleague gave a brochure, and then turned and left.

After all, I'm graduating soon. Moreover, this is the Centennial school anniversary, and the scale must be different.

As a pheasant university that can't handle it, it's not easy to rely on its own age for a long time, rely on the old and sell the old, and use a gimmick to show off. The president of our school threw a lot of money from top to bottom and invited a lot of stars. Nature is unprecedented.

I took the brochure from my old colleague and glanced at it occasionally, but I saw the cover female model on the cover of the brochure. She had a beautiful face and bright eyes. She was wearing a bright red cheongsam. The cheongsam was embroidered with the picture of a hundred birds facing the Phoenix. The tight cheongsam outlined her slender and perfect figure perfectly, just like naked.


"Looks... Like proud dance."

Looking at the tall and wild woman on the cover of the brochure, I suddenly lost my mind.

It's really like a female wolf head. Although it's not the same person... But it reminds me of her, and I can't help feeling a sharp pain in my heart.

I carefully kept the brochure in my hand.

When I hid the brochure in the drawer and saw the eyes of the model on the brochure that looked like a female wolf head, I couldn't help but feel sour.

In this way, I participated in the Centennial school celebration held at the weekend.

Because it is the weekend, plus the Centennial school anniversary, the school is in full swing and crowded. Countless students who have gone out from my university and finally have a successful career drive famous cars, wear Patek Philippe, jiangshidanton, Cartier or a slightly better Rolex watch, and take beautiful families to participate in the school anniversary.

The street at the entrance of the university is full of jaguars, hummers, Ferrari and Bentley, and the Lamborghini with military brand, streamline and no trunk is particularly eye-catching. Even BMW and Mercedes Benz are eclipsed by countless famous cars and luxury cars.

Successful people wearing customized suits, brand-name shoes and red and blue checkered nano silk waterproof ties, upstarts, second and third generations of rich, business leaders, political giants, red top businessmen, literary giants and art giants, keep going out and in at school

To this end, the school also specially took a three-day holiday, even next Monday as the closing day of the school celebration, making the students crazy.

The school is in full swing and full of uproar. The noisy atmosphere of the school shrouded by the atmosphere of the school celebration is very strong, just like the Spring Festival.

Expert lectures, star singing, food festivals, dances... Countless activities were carried out one by one in three days. Both upper class people and ordinary college students were deeply infected by the atmosphere of the school celebration.

Sunday night is the official start of the school celebration.

That night, I was dragged to the dance by my old colleagues who had quit the editorial department.

This is not an ordinary dance, but a masquerade dance. Everyone who goes to the dance must wear gorgeous and high-grade clothes. It seems that only then can they be qualified to perform on the stage. At least, if you dress shabby, you will have no face to show your face under LED lights or neon lights. Otherwise, you will be embarrassed to stand on the stage.

On the weekend night, under the shining school street lights, I went to the multimedia center alone. That day, I only wore a very ordinary autumn dress, because I just went out because of my face and didn't intend to dance at all.

Of course, if I really want to dance, I will also dance a little. Of course, in the women's world, the little princess who is good at gymnastics and the purple butterfly and Junxia from the big family taught me some basics of dancing. As for the obscene girl, because she taught me martial arts, my hands and feet are more flexible. I can dance if I really want to dance, but... Dancing needs a partner. Without a partner, no matter how good your skills are, it's just a joke.

Standing at the entrance of the multimedia activity center, I saw posters occupying the wall. On the posters, it was about the dancers' publicity of the ball.

When I saw the poster on the poster, I was shocked again.

It seems that

Like swallow and little sister.

One of the women on the poster has long black hair and a black jacket. She is gentle and harmonious, friendly and close to people, and has the style of a big sister. The other has blond hair and a ponytail. She is gorgeous and has a naughty expression.

Isn't this the swallow and the little sister?

Seeing the woman on the poster, I smiled bitterly.

As soon as I turned around, I saw another sheet. On the sheet, there was a famous female singer. At the moment I saw her, my memory quickly returned. The dress in a cloak, the smile full of mystery and Temptation... Isn't it the sound of the piano and the moon?

I wiped my eyes and looked at the familiar but strange beautiful face on the poster. My heart was filled with an endless sense of loss.

In this era, female wolf head, little sister and swallow... Are always out of my reach. I can only look up and watch them stand on the stage. They are admired by thousands of people and become the arms of countless successful men

My hands trembled slightly. I didn't want to look at the posters any more. I sighed long, like an old man in his twilight years, slowly walked into the multimedia center.

The dazzling LED lights flickered in the ballroom, making me unable to distinguish between human shadow and light.

In the flickering and staggered psychedelic lights, I saw a lot of brightly dressed figures dressed in famous brand clothes, including men and women, most of whom were wearing white skirts suitable for dancing, or black silk stockings and boxers. Moreover, it was worthy of being a masquerade ball, and I also saw many people dressed uniquely. Some wear cat face masks, some wear Japanese fox fairy masks, and others wear swallow glasses

Members of the animation Club dressed in witches and cloaks, members of the Institute of foreign languages in Swan skirts, members of the academic activity Department of ethnic minorities, members of the Judo Club in judo clothes, Gothic Lori and beautiful girl soldiers walk side by side... Countless people with unique styles gather in the dance hall. Of course, these are basically students. Apart from them, the rest are some successful people with heads and faces.

"Aha, Li Xuechang is here. He's late."

Just as I looked around, I suddenly heard a familiar voice in my ear.

Turning around, I saw a group of men and women sitting on the round stool in the corner of the ballroom. There were about 20, of which 78 were very familiar to me. The rest seemed to be freshmen with green faces, which I had never seen before.

"Hello." I smiled and touched my head. "I'm a little late."

"It's okay, it's okay. You're late. You divided all the gifts given to us by sister Piao Piao. Ha ha. Your share is gone. Don't blame us." my old colleague... To be exact, it's Monkey Sun feihui, laughing and saying something that made me embarrassed and surprised.

Liu Piao Piao brought gifts to them?

I saw each of them holding some trinkets similar to crystal pendants, as well as a lot of American specialty candy and American pizza. Of course, the candy has been divided by them, and the pizza has disappeared. If I hadn't left a packing box, I'm afraid I didn't know there was pizza at all.

Among the people present, many freshmen looked at me with surprised eyes and looked at me as a late "old man".

They looked at me, and I looked at them. My eyes moved away from the monkey and to the side. When I saw several female college students present, I was surprised and almost cried out on the spot.

"Master? Gorgeous? Colored glass? Purple butterfly? And... Miss Zhu Xingyun?"

In the corner, sitting next to five newly born boys dressed in fancy clothes and wearing famous brand watch chains, aren't they the purple butterflies who once had an unspeakable emotional bond with me?

For a moment, I really lost control. The whole person trembled violently. My breathing was very fast, and my hands and feet trembled involuntarily.

"Hey, Li Jian, do you know them?" the monkey was stunned when he saw me cry out. "But you don't seem to have a right name."

When the monkey said this, I got back to my mind and looked at the five girls who surprised me just now. At this time, I found that the five girls in front of me were not the purple butterflies I knew at all, but their appearance happened to be slightly similar to the purple butterflies. In addition, the lights in the ballroom were shining and dark, so I was wrong.

I looked at the five girls I knew very well. At the moment, they all leaned against the five boys next to them. Those boys looked handsome and tall. At first glance, they were the educated rich second generation and the second generation of officials from a rich family. Only they are worthy of the five beautiful girls beside them.

Looking at the five girls with extremely similar faces to purple butterfly and others leaning against other men, I was in a trance.

An unspeakable feeling of bitterness, pain and even jealousy filled my heart.

"Er... I seem to... Recognize the wrong person. I'm sorry. Ha ha, ha ha." I forced my bitterness and confused dry smile, but the color of loss in my heart is stronger.

"You shouldn't have drunk too much?" the monkey smiled and said. He casually stretched out his hand and hugged a girl sitting behind him. At this time, I found that the girl in the monkey's arms was actually similar to the pure Sister Zhang Jiajia

"Jia... Jia?"

I was in a trance again.

Is this a coincidence? Why do the girls I used to know appear in front of me one by one at the moment, but they are no longer the ones I know

Now that I have lost everything, why let me witness others' possession at the moment!

My heart was so bitter that it almost turned into bile.

My feet are slightly soft.

"Hehe, you're right this time, Li Jian. This is my girlfriend I just met yesterday and my partner this time, Zhang Jiajia." the monkey said with a smile.

"Oh, really... Ha ha. I didn't expect you to have a girlfriend, monkey. I didn't expect it." I didn't have much eloquence, so I had to say so.

"You're just as I expected. You're still the loser's lone boy." maybe it's because you have a girlfriend. Please come to loser's realm. The monkey with some boastful personality actually teases me now. I'm not very comfortable.

"I..." I was speechless. I really want to slap the bitch in the face and tell him that my wife has too many eyes.

But I can't.

At the moment, I have nothing.

Other male editors present also brought their girlfriends or dance partners. I don't know whether they are real girlfriends or not, but I think they are like glue and enchanting. It's estimated that even if they are not boyfriend and girlfriend, they are no worse.

Others are in pairs, and I am the only one present.

"Senior, do you have a girlfriend?" one of the most common girls asked me shyly.

Asked by the girl, everyone present cast curious eyes at me.

A pair of curious eyes made me unable to look directly.

"Why don't you ask? What you senior Li Jian likes to do most is to play games and watch Island movies in your bedroom. He doesn't leave home, let alone his girlfriend. I'm afraid he's too nervous to speak when he sees beautiful women." the speaker is Zhang Feng, wearing a white shirt and a short punch, nicknamed little crazy or big mouth.

To my surprise, even this guy brought a pretty girl with him. When I looked closely, it was a very shy and timid girl with glasses. She was... Somewhat like Yuxi, a girl with short hair.

I was even more upset when I heard my mouth open. My friendship with him was very general, even because when I was a magazine, I robbed the board he had always wanted, and his attitude towards me has always been problematic. On the surface, it's pretty good, but secretly, it's hard to say.

"Open your mouth, you still talk a lot today? You know me very well, don't you?" I stared at the exaggerated eyes of my mouth without blinking, full of anger.

"Hey, hey, you know, my mouth is like this. It's poor and smelly. Everyone is familiar. If you say a few words, you won't lose a piece of meat. Anyway, fat Li, you have a lot of meat... Oh, I found that you seem to have lost a lot of weight and lost weight."

"Open your mouth!" I glared at my mouth and squeezed my fist fiercely. I wanted to pick up a glass of juice and sprinkle it on his face with a playful smile. "You shut your dog's mouth. Do you want to damage my image? Even if what you say is three times true, why do you stain my image like this?"

In the past, I was a very easy-going person, because I was a pure loser. If I couldn't even have a good temper, I would be really good for nothing, so... I've always been very docile.

However, sometimes, the more docile you are, the more people will look down on you and ride on your head recklessly.

I'm a tolerant person and a man with a big belly, but now I have no goal in life and have no faith in forbearance, so I swear on the spot.

No one expected me to be suddenly angry. For a moment, everyone's face was full of amazement.

Atmosphere, a little stiff.

"Just say it casually." Zhang big mouth still kept a hypocritical smile, "it's not urgent to be like this?"

"Just say it?" I sneered. "Believe it or not, I'll give you a big mouth?"

His face froze with his mouth wide open.

Suddenly a burst of sobs around, staring at me hysterically.

"All right, all right, stop." after all, the monkey opened his mouth. Although others are not good, he can still act as a peacemaker at the critical moment, "It's all old colleagues. What's the noise? Let the newcomers laugh? Everyone knows that our Li Jian is a lover. He used to have a crush on our minister, sister Piao Piao. It's estimated that he hasn't come out of the shadow of lovelorn yet."

"Ah," the girls here sobbed, "so it is!"

"And then?"

"Li Jian didn't know that sister Piao Piao had a boyfriend for a long time. Later, once, at sister Piao's birthday party, Li Jian met sister Piao's boyfriend Chen Xuechang..."


I have to say that the original intention of the monkey is good, which is to ease the atmosphere and transfer everyone's prejudice against me. But it just touched my pain again.

I stood there in some desperation, watching a large group of girls and some uncomfortable in the Ministry discuss my embarrassing past. Finally, the exit interrupted their speech.

The crowd looked at me in amazement again, and the atmosphere returned to rigidity.

I was at a loss to face a group of male and female students who looked at me like a monster, especially those girls whose faces were somewhat similar to those of purple butterfly and obscene girl. My face was a little hot.

In desperation, I had to take a deep breath, fill my chest with air, harden my voice and say decisively:

"What's there to say about the past? I've long forgotten that! And... Moreover, I want to announce one thing to you, i... I already have a girlfriend!"

When I said this, my voice trembled and my heart began to beat faster. Because of lack of confidence, I tried to put the last sentence very loudly so that I could believe my own words.

In fact, now I have nothing.

Hearing what I said, the monkey and his big mouth looked at me with a smile of playfulness and complete disbelief.

"You have a girlfriend?" the monkey raised an eyebrow.

"Yes... I, I have!" my face was hot, but I still clenched my fist, puffed my face and looked fat, protecting my last face.

In fact, I told them the truth that the beauty I had in the past year was completely beyond their imagination. However, if I say so, it will only be regarded as a joke by them.

"What about her?" she asked with a sneer, as if she had to expose my background.

I gritted my teeth, boasted about not making a draft and said, "she... She's from a foreign school, too far... So I can't catch up tonight!"

"Cut." when I heard that I was making up nonsense, my big mouth suddenly hummed and smiled with disdain. Even the boys around hugging the beauty looked at me with a smile and said "I understand" on their faces. Such an expression was even more painful for me than directly pricking my lie.

"Well, well, everyone knows. In fact, our Li Xuechang has a girlfriend, but Li Xuechang has always been very low-key and refused to publicize. Hey, hey, hey," said the monkey, his eyes narrowed into a curved moon, and then looked at me and said, "but tonight, if you don't have a partner, you can only be a waiter to pour juice for us."

I looked stiff and suddenly thought that the monkey asked me to come here just because I knew I didn't have a girlfriend and dance partner, so I was specially asked to be a waiter to pour juice for them?

Thinking of this, I felt a burst of resentment and bitterness.

"Pour the juice, just pour the juice. Anyway, I have some to drink, and I happen to be a little thirsty. Ha ha, ha ha." I gave a stiff smile, but in exchange for others' lukewarm dry smile and disdainful eyes, which were like looking at a redundant idiot who didn't know where to come from.

Seeing their eyes, my inner feeling of unhappiness and unhappiness increased rapidly.

Isn't there a woman? Drag what drag? It's not that I haven't seen it. You didn't see it!

"By the way, where's sister Piao?" because I made the atmosphere a little stiff, so I still came forward to change the topic and ease the atmosphere. Moreover, I'm really surprised why I haven't seen Liu Piao since I came.

"After giving us gifts just now, I went to change clothes with senior Chen Jie. She'll come soon... Ah, she's coming." a relatively low-key old Officer explained to me.

"Li... Jian?"

Behind him came a clear and pleasant voice with some soft surprise.

The sound is very familiar.

My heart was slightly chilly, and then I slowly turned my head.

Then my heart began to beat.

Standing behind me was a familiar figure. She was wearing a long custom-made white silk dress, which seemed to have been bought specially for the ball. A black medium long hair fell down, with two strands draped on her chest, and the rest hung behind her like a waterfall. She wore a white pattern edge hair hoop on her head, a White Rose Brooch on her chest, a silver necklace on her round neck, and a sapphire in the center of the necklace. The waist was tied with a black belt to tighten her slender waist.

Her appearance is so similar to the little princess, but compared with the pride and delicacy of the little princess, her face is only gentle and kind.

It's her.

It's the girl I used to love secretly, Liu Piao.

It's Liu Piao.

Since Liu Piao went to study abroad, I haven't seen her for a year. Now when I see her, I find that she is more beautiful.

On the body, it is also more feminine.

This is my familiar sister Liu Piaoping, the girl I once fell in love with secretly.

However, at this moment, her right hand was led by a handsome man wearing a white suit. The man has thick black hair, seven or three points, and his eyebrows are mixed with vitality. He has quite an aristocratic temperament, which makes my eyelids jump.

He is Liu Piao's boyfriend, Chen Jie.

If Liu Piaoping in a long skirt is compared to a princess who does not touch the dust of the wind, Chen Jie is a prince. He exudes the temperament of aristocratic giants all over his body, and even that temperament condenses into a faint arrogance.

"Li Jian, you're here too. I thought... You're not coming." sister Piao came to see me with a smile just like everyone else.

"Sister Piao Piao, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are so beautiful today." I smiled and praised, but I didn't look at Chen Jie next to me.

"How beautiful it is today? Isn't it usually?" asked sister Piao, fiddling with a trace of beautiful hair hanging around her neck.

"Hehe, it's always beautiful. But it's usually gentle and restrained. It moistens things silently. Today it's dazzling and beautiful. The sunrise is more red than fire." I said with a smile.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a year, and my mouth has become sweet." Piao's elder sister covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes shining bright and bright like the bright moon.

"No... it's all true." I smiled bitterly.

Why use lies to elevate the beauty of the person you once loved?

When I said this, sister Piao Piao's face was also red.

It seems that I caught a trace of ambiguity in my eyes. Chen Jie's eyes suddenly gave birth to a trace of vigilance. He clenched the hand of sister Piao Piao and frowned:

"Who is he? I don't seem to have seen him."

"His name is Li Jian, and he is also the Secretary of our department. He is very talented. He came up with many ideas for magazine columns in the Department at that time." sister Piao smiled.

"Oh. It looks like an honest man." Chen Jie answered meaningfully, but he didn't look at me. Obviously, I can't get into his eyes because I'm only wearing an ordinary white shirt. What's more, all the people who come here today are in pairs. I'm the only one who looks down on me.

I didn't deliberately attract anyone's attention, and I couldn't do the brain damage act of trying my best to break up the floating schoolsister and Chen Jie because I was a little jealous.

After introducing myself to Chen Jie, I just sat quietly in the corner and watched sister Piao and our new and old members of the editorial department recall and tell the past of the Department.

"... at that time, it was really hard for everyone. There was a lot of pressure in the Department to catch up with two magazines a week. Fortunately, everyone worked hard, especially... Li Jian." occasionally, when talking about me, sister Piao Piao would look at me and give me a grateful smile.

I smiled back, and then soon recovered my peace, silent, and my heart was desolate.

Sometimes, man is a creature that can't recall the past. The more you recall the past, the more you dare not face the future.

"... I wish I could go back to that time. Unfortunately... It's impossible anymore." sister Piao Piao sighed. She kept holding her boyfriend's hand while talking. When they looked at each other occasionally, a bright flame flashed in each other's eyes, and then a faint smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. One side is shy smile, the other side is free and easy active smile.

With the end of the memory time, the flashing LED lights suddenly lit up in the ballroom, and the excited and jumping rock music sounded.

Hearing the lively music, Piao Piao's sister brightened her eyes, then whispered, "ah, the dance is about to begin. Let's go dancing."

As if they had received the signal, the men and women here stood up one after another, then held hands or hugged each other and walked towards the center of the dance hall, where the LED lights can shine, and the stage that can best show their beauty and dance skills.

The others are going to dance on the stage. I have no partner, so I can only sit alone in the corner.

Watching them walk onto the stage hand in hand, my heart is slightly desolate, but there is not too much waves.

Once I was much brighter than them.

"Li Jian... You don't have a dancing partner?" the one who asked me was the floating elder sister holding Chen Jie's hand. She seemed surprised to see me sitting alone in the corner.

"It doesn't matter, you go jump." I smiled at my sister, shook a row of drinks on the table and said, "I'm a waiter. If you're tired, come here and I'll pour you drinks."

Seeing my wry smile, a trace of gloom flashed in her eyes. She pursed her lips and suddenly smiled:

"Li Jian, would you like me to introduce you to some girls from the dance club? Maybe you can dance with them."

"Forget it. You know I used to be overweight. I didn't learn to dance, and I couldn't jump if I wanted to." I made up a lie and smiled.

This time, sister Piao Piao didn't say anything.

"You retired minister are really interested. You booed the old officer and asked if you have a partner? Next, do you want to dance with him?" probably because sister Piao asked me a few more questions. Chen Jie on the side seemed not very happy and said a few thorny words.

"What are you talking about, Chen Jie? How could I dance with him..." sister Piao patted Chen Jie's hand and said something that could not dance with me.

This sentence, listening to my ears, is as painful as an ice pick stabbing into my sternum.

How could I dance with him

How could I dance with him?

How could I... Dance with him?

I didn't expect sister Piao Piao to say such a thing. I felt a raging fire surging in my chest, with a faint trend of volcanic eruption.

"Ah, Li Jian, I don't mean..."

"It doesn't matter, I understand. You jump." I waved my hand, then took out my hand, opened the web page to browse the news, and never asked again.

When I saw that I was bored aside, the floating elder sister also sighed. Finally, she took Chen Jie's hand and walked towards the stage illuminated by the LED lamp as gorgeous as the magic flame.

I sat in the corner, my mobile phone casually flipped through the news on the Internet and bowed my head.

However, all this... Is just my cover up.

Because I don't want others to see my tearful eyes.

My nose was slightly sour, and the corners of my eyes were in a mess. I wiped the back of my hand several times, but I couldn't stop it.

A few minutes later, my mood repeated in calm, calm like the West Lake after the rain.

I raised my head, looked blankly at the graceful posture in the center of the dance hall in front, looked at the dreamy light, and felt like I was in a cold ice cellar.

I saw that sister Piao Piao was hugged by Chen Jie, flying around in the dance hall. She was very excited, her cheeks were red, and she screamed like a little girl.

I saw the "short haired girl" kissing in the corner with her mouth open, and the people around cheered.

I saw the "obscene girl" in her boyfriend's arms and smiled brightly.

I saw "Purple Butterfly" holding hands by the tall and thin boy, with a bit of shyness on his face, dancing tap dance.

I saw the "colored glaze" wearing a beautiful gray dress, one hand was pulled by a boy who was more than 1.9 meters tall, one foot fell to the ground, the other foot gently hooked up and danced a swan dance.

I also saw that the "hot girl" with short hair was angry. She put her hands on a boy of medium build, leaned in the air, her legs off the ground, and was held and rotated by the boy

Finally, there is the emaciated "Zhu Xingyun", who dances with her boyfriend in a mechanical dance. The incoherent but accurate mechanical movements make the bystanders scream constantly.

Looking at those people who have the shadow of the girl I once loved deeply happy in the arms of other men, my heart like a still water hurts again.

"Next, let's invite our two queens at the end of the ball! These are two school flowers from the Academy of Arts and now the rising stars in the dance industry! Please enjoy their beautiful dancing!"

The host announced the important figure from the dance on the stage.

With the host's cry, two breathtaking beautiful women came out slowly from a passage behind the dance hall.

When the two figures appeared, the whole ballroom was quiet. All the men took a breath of the air conditioner, but soon, they made a crazy and excited roar.

I looked up and saw the two voices coming out from the back of the ballroom. It was also dull for a moment.

"Daughter?... thirteen dreams?"

My mind was in a trance for a while. After shaking my head, I realized that what came out was not Xianji and female, but two young dancers dressed in colorful clothes. Only one of them was wearing a moon White Palace Dress with wide water cloud sleeves. The fairy silk ribbon on his body fluttered slightly, and the white dyed hair was light, melodious and soothing like willow silk, It's really very much like Xianji in my memory.

In sharp contrast to "Xianji", there is a girl wearing pink fashionable short sleeves beside her. The girl is dressed simply, short sleeves and cool blue cowboys with a few hairs exposed. The girl's body is graceful and delicate, her slender waist swings like a water snake, and her round little buttocks swing up and down, outlining countless illusions under the LED light, Look at the male animals with straight eyes.

"Xianji" and "daughter" appeared on the stage of the dance hall, and immediately set off the biggest climax. Countless men stared at them with stunning and unparalleled perfect figure. They waved their hands and freely indulged, and were all fascinated by them.

With 9.5 points of beauty, "Xianji" and "daughter", in the era of men, wherever they are, they are definitely the focus of attention. Comparable to first-line stars.

The men whose eyes are full of passion and desire are cheering, boiling and shouting, and their eyes show full possessiveness and greed. The same men, from their abnormal cry, I can know all the dirty and obscene thoughts in their minds at the moment.

But what can I do?

I can only sit quietly in the corner and look at the star like shadow on the stage like a poor beggar.

The people I love and those who love me have been lost, and my parents have a new baby... What am I now?

Looking at the pair of men and women dancing in the center of the stage, my heart is burning more and more, a strong force is burning in my body, and an unspeakable blood is surging.

If I had a partner, I would be able to dance better than any combination on the stage.

If I had a partner, I would be more dazzling than anyone present.

If I have a dance partner, I will be able to let others know who is the man who really stands at the top of the world!

Suddenly, I stood up, took a long breath, and then held my breath. I clenched my fist, like a monster burning black flames all over, and walked heavily to the center of the dance hall step by step.

No one found me. They were all addicted to their partners and didn't find me close.

"Who would like to dance with me!" suddenly, I clenched my fist, deeply engraved my thumb nail into the side of my finger, and then roared.

Maybe I've been depressed for too long.

Or over the past year, I have accumulated too much resentment and grievances. At this moment, looking at the presence of faces that look like the figures of women in my past, I finally broke out.

I don't believe it. I really don't care.

I don't believe I'll be so unknown.

I don't believe it. No one will look up to me!

The past years accumulated in my heart, the past beauty revolved in my mind, everything lost was clenched in my hands, and I issued a loud cry.

Hearing my cry, the dance hall, which was originally very noisy, was quiet in an instant.

All the people threw surprised eyes at me and looked at me up and down, like an idiot whose head was clamped by a crack in the door.

Gorgeous LED lights hit my face and lit up my vision. For a time, the figures between people blurred, and beautiful figures whirled around me, as if I had returned to the era of women only.

"Is there any girl who would like to dance with me! Who is there?" I shouted in a hoarse voice, sad and begging, "If there is, no matter who it is, beautiful or ugly, I will regard her as my favorite girlfriend. I will pursue her all my life, take care of her and love her all my life! I will be good to her until I die! Will anyone? Will someone... Want to dance with me?!"

I said this in an almost pleading voice.

Spent the last courage of my life.

It is not that chrysanthemum is preferred in flowers, but there are no flowers after this flower opens.

I just want a girl to place my thoughts on the girl I lost... That's all.

If any girl is willing to dance with me, I will try my best to treat her well, treat her as my lost person, treat her as my favorite person, love her, protect her, take care of her, and give her happiness... And happiness.

I... just want to dance.

I just want to have a girl who can accompany me and give me a little comfort.

"Is anyone willing?" I shouted Zhang Youhe again and again.

"Does anyone... Want to?"

I looked at the crowd around me in despair, looked at the stunned and strange faces, and my mood gradually fell down.

In fact, I also know I'm stupid, stupid to the extreme.

Just... I really want to find some sustenance of fantasy in this realistic and cruel world.

"This man is so strange..."

"Who is he?"

"I don't know."

"Is there something wrong with him?" "Hey, did you say he was stimulated? He suddenly ran out and said to find someone to dance, and he didn't have a partner?" "maybe he was lovelorn or something?"

"It's funny. There will be such people. The forest is really big. There are all kinds of birds." "look at his dress and appearance. Who dances with him. He still wears such casual clothes at the dance. He should come for an outing..."

A small sentence of words floated into my ears. Most of them were doubts, a few were suspicions and sarcasm, and some didn't look at me at all.

I was like a clown who suddenly jumped onto the stage. A madman became the laughing stock of everyone. All people looked at me with calm, frowned and confused strange eyes. Some people even deliberately stepped back for two steps. It seemed that even my sight would infect their bodies.

Let alone those who are willing to dance with me, not even those who are willing to get close to me.

My heart is cold.

I was disappointed and even looked at the strange and beautiful faces around me, from 7 to 9. Look at me.

I'm still too naive after all.

How can a girl with such high scores be willing to dance with me, a neurotic person?

What's more, people still have Gao Daquan's boyfriend around. Who will abandon the perfect existence that firmly occupies his heart and turn to beg for mercy on me, a loser who has nothing?

Who can read my heart full of holes?

I laughed at myself, and then suddenly laughed bitterly, bitterly and wildly. Like crazy.

A steady stream of tears fell down my cheeks. My eyes swept the "Xianji", "female", "Purple Butterfly", "short haired girl", "hot girl", "colored glass", "Zhu Xingyun" and "obscene girls" in the dance hall

Stunned because of their beautiful and proud faces, they swept the faces of the handsome boys hugging them. Their faces were full of indifference and arrogance. They firmly protected the girls in their arms and didn't let them have a little chance to come to me.

Seeing this scene, the pain in my heart sublimated to the extreme.

"Who would like to dance with me?"

This time, I clenched my fist, tried my best, opened my voice and shouted. Because it was too loud, I felt my throat torn open and painful.

I swear, in this life, I will never make such a cry of despair and pain.

There is still silence around.

Indifferent eyes, theatrical expressions, and lonely eyes.

The crowd surrounded me and looked at me, but no one stood up.

I'm desperate.

I smiled, loosened my fist, then lowered my head, turned around like a loser, and walked slowly to the exit of the dance hall.


Just then, a graceful and sweet female voice like the sound of nature suddenly came in from outside the crowd.

Hearing the sound, my body shook violently!

I was shocked, not because I was familiar with the sound, but because the sound was too clear and sweet, too clear and lasting. Of all the women's voices I had heard, the sound was the sweetest, crisp and mellow.

It is more perfect and beautiful than any dubber and any excellent voice.

Just a word "I" made me tremble like a steel needle pierced into my ear.

Just this intoxicating sound, I can't imagine how beautiful the owner of this sound will be!

I turned my head blankly, but I saw the crowd surrounding me like a besieged city. It was like meeting Jun and Li. I took the initiative to retreat to both sides, leaving a gap enough for one person to pass through.

Then, all people, both men and women, regardless of status, regardless of status, were fixed there like time, and there was no more action.

Everyone has become a stone statue, a sculpture.

No one breathed any more.

The music of the whole ballroom was quiet. No more orchestra played and no one spoke.

In the dark ballroom, the psychedelic and gorgeous LED lights like aurora are moving towards the figure that comes out of the crowd and is enough to subvert the whole world.

The colorful lights flickered, bright and dark. The breathtaking beautiful figure also flickered and floated out slowly.

The brilliance of the light is just to set off her brilliance.

The crowd's eyes were just to set off her unique posture.

The endless darkness is just her condensed pupils.

The floor tiles, which are as bright and smooth as mirrors, are just to reflect her flowing beautiful shadow.

The stars are dim, just to highlight her dazzling.

The moonlight is gorgeous, but I'm ashamed to see her.

The sky was shadowless, but it dissipated invisibly because of her.

The stillness of time is because of her clear and rhythmic tone.

Her eyes are the calm and clear water of Santan city. Her shoulders are the continuous snow and ice of the Great Snow Mountain in Shangri La. Her skin is the bright moon floating at night in the Taklimakan Desert, Xinjiang. Her waist is a long curve overlooking the Yangtze River Bridge. Her chest is the slightly uplifted Huanglian mountains on the border of Vietnam, and her lips are half a red sun floating in the morning of the spring river. Her smile is the blue sea water that is enough to swallow half of Shanghai. Her legs are graceful and graceful swans in Jinghu Lake, and her feet are light egrets flying across the sky of Zhengzhou.

Pure, pure, natural, mature, ice clean, smart, noble, elegant, dignified, holy, naughty, charming, flirtatious, seductive, seductive, small, beautiful, elegant, dusty, beautiful, gentle, quiet, leisurely, simple, extravagant, charming, indifferent... All the qualities that can be used to describe a woman's beauty, but are completely opposite, All in one. Any kind of temperament is enough for a woman to spend her whole life and it is difficult to get it. However, it is she who has all kinds of femininity and brought each temperament to the extreme.

A frown, a cluster, every move, step by step... Are so meticulous and perfect, impeccable.

From her, I saw Yulong coming down the mountain, Yingge and Yanyu, smoke stained willows, the fishing fire in the spring river, the red Han, snow sprinkled bamboo forests, Banqiao on the stream, Cuike on the bank, or clouds rolling thousands of miles, stirring Kyushu. There are no suitable words to describe her beauty, such as mature proverbs and allegorical sayings.

Her beauty has surpassed everything in the world.

Her beauty should not exist in this era, this time and space.

She is the beauty world.

She is a legend.

10 points female.

I stared blankly at the beautiful shadow slowly walking out of the crowd. The passage of time was no longer important.

When I saw her, it took me half an hour to recover.

But I feel only for a moment.

Even the people around didn't feel the passage of time. Because they are all still. Mentally, completely still.

She stood in front of me and looked at me like that until she smiled gently and brushed her hair inadvertently, I felt like my soul had returned to my body and came back to my mind.

"You, you, you... You are..." looking at the peerless woman in front of me, I can't say a word anymore!

She looked at me and said with a smile:

"I'm here for you."