Chapter 480

"Please, could you please find out the situation? When is it now? What brave and timid team? It's just a temporary game for children. I don't take it seriously. Well, Mengmeng, you go back with zidie. Don't make trouble here. Zidie is so calm and intelligent. She was brought crazy by you, a silly girl with changeable character..."

"No, Li Jian, you're wrong." Purple Butterfly suddenly interrupted me. "It's me who proposed to go to the mechanical imperial capital with you, ha ha."

My heart rippled and I couldn't believe looking at the purple butterfly with a smile on my face. Purple butterfly is the smartest of all women, but I didn't expect her to say such a thing.

"Purple butterfly, what medicine are you selling in your gourd? Even if Mengmeng says something stupid, why do you... Go crazy with her?"

The purple butterfly fiddled with her purple hair and said with a smile:

"Isn't life just crazy?" unexpectedly, purple butterfly's eyes twinkled with crazy and confident colors, "If you think of going to the mechanical emperor as a game, I'm confident to win it. After all, I haven't lost in playing games. What Meng Meng said is not unreasonable. In some ways, we all have some abilities and strengths. If you go to the mechanical Emperor... Maybe we can complement each other and have our own advantages Long. "

"Well, well, you've played more online games, purple butterfly." I squinted at Purple Butterfly and said, "purple butterfly, take everyone back."

"Li Jian, I'm very serious." zidie smiled. Then she came to me, bypassed me, looked directly at the blue moon beside me and said, "Ms. blue moon, I came to you with my friends to ask you about the possibility of our application to become Li Jian's guard and go to the mechanical imperial capital together."

Hearing purple butterfly's question, blue moon's eyes narrowed slightly, and her sapphire eyes twinkled with unprecedented light. It seemed that... She was very interested in purple butterfly's proposal.

"Miss Menglong, I've heard of your deeds. I've also heard of your deeds at the Zhengzhou military alliance conference. As for Miss Menglong, I've heard of your wisdom and talents many times. I know that you are all people with unique skills behind you." Lan Yue smiled, "In fact, if you want to go to the mechanical capital... It's not impossible to accompany Mr. Li. It's just that you need to prove yourself."

Speaking of this, the thin blue eyebrow of the blue moon was slightly restrained, and the expression on her face was a little more serious and dignified.

How clever the purple butterfly was, she immediately asked:

"Then, how can I prove it?"

Blue moon looked up at Purple Butterfly and said calmly:

"It's hard to say, it's simple, but it's also simple. As long as you can defeat the five special forces selected from the seal team, you are qualified to enter the mechanical imperial capital as Li Jian's protection member."

Challenge special forces?

Hearing this, I looked at lanyue strangely, but lanyue's expression was extremely serious. My eyes focused on purple butterfly and little princess, as well as the faces of obscene girl, female wolf head and Qiu Yanran, but I found that their faces... Were full of perseverance.

Seeing their faces as if they had made up their minds, I knew that the big thing was bad and hurried to say:

"Purple butterfly, don't mess around. Just leave this matter to the spy. What status are you? Why make fun of your own lives?"

"Li Jian, I said Oh, I'm not kidding," Purple Butterfly looked at me seriously. "All the time, you let us do and don't let us do with your feelings. You think it's for our good and for our sake. But have you considered the feelings of the rest of us?"

"This is a choice we made voluntarily. Li Jian. We are willing to accompany you to the end. Even if there are mountains and rivers, dragons and tigers, we have to break through."

With that, purple butterfly, little princess, obscene girl, female wolf head and Qiu Yanran stood in a row, with unparalleled beautiful eyes containing firmness and determination, all falling on me.

Like ten night pearls in the night.


I dare not look directly at it.

"It's time, Li Jian. Please board the plane with us. We're going to Las Vegas, the thirteen states of the beneficiary country."

There was a clear female voice behind me. I slowly turned my head and saw Minister Chen standing behind me. Beside Minister Chen, there were two rows of female soldiers who were as straight as a pen.

My mood fluctuated violently.

Is it time to start?

"Let's go too." zidie came up and said, "my family's private supersonic jet is in the square opposite Huangchenggen Park in Beijing. It can carry eight to nine people."

"Er... Purple butterfly, are you really going? Are you crazy?" I was frightened by purple butterfly's words.

"Of course I'm going." Purple Butterfly frowned slightly. Purple Butterfly stretched out her hand and gently rubbed my face, which was not firm and clear, "If you fail, whether in China or in the benefactor country, we can't escape this catastrophe. So instead of waiting for Li Jian's news from thousands of miles away, we don't go to the front line to witness this historic moment... As for whether we can win the opportunity to go to the mechanical Imperial capital with you, it's our business."

"It's too messy..." I stared at Purple Butterfly and scolded angrily.

"Yes, it's a mess. But... Li Jian, you can't stop us. We've all figured it out." zidie grinned. "You're my husband. Don't forget. I'm still waiting for you to wear the ring I gave you."

My heart was shocked. I thought that the ring given me by purple butterfly was still on me, and my heart rippled with inexplicable emotions.

Do you want purple butterfly to go to the charity country together? I know I should let them stay in China and wait for the news quietly, rather than let them go to such a dangerous place with me. Even if they don't follow me into the mechanical imperial capital, the beneficiary country is always much closer to the mechanical imperial capital than China, which is more dangerous. I... can you let them take risks with me?

"Li Jian, life is a game. I won't lose. Goodbye in Las Vegas, Li Jian."

Purple Butterfly smiled. Then she sorted out the corners of her white shirt with a wide collar, turned her head and said to the little princess, obscene girl and Qiu:

"Let's go together."

"Hmm! Come on, sister Menglong, let's go to Shi Huiguo!" the little princess took zidie's hand, then turned and walked outside the Ministry of national security. Qiu Yanran looked at me with a gloomy face. The female wolf head touched her head, while the obscene girl grinned at me and gave me a thumbs up. Then she left with purple butterfly and took the Xu family's private plane. Zidie's grandmother is the chairman of the Central Military Commission. With the Xu family's status in the Chinese military, it's not difficult to go to the Las Vegas military base.

Looking at the back of purple butterfly, I sighed gently. Junxia is not among the purple butterfly group, because she is nearly three months pregnant and can't go all the way abroad. What's more, I have explained so much to Junxia. She has to do more to stay in China than zidie and others who went to shihuiguo.

"Your friends are really great, and I envy them. But time is pressing after all. Let's go, Mr. Li. Next, it's our time." Lan Yue pulled my right hand and pulled back my thoughts.

I turned my head, looked at the blue moon's warm, gem like blue eyes, and nodded hard.

Before leaving, the ninth Bureau of the Ministry of national security took some blood and cell samples from me for the final physical examination. Because the equipment was more advanced, the whole process of the examination was much faster than that in Santan city.

"Mr. Li, please board the plane with me." blue moon followed me all the way, and Laura, an important female robot, naturally followed me all the way.

Instead of the supersonic plane on the blue moon, I got on the supersonic plane provided by the Ministry of national security, enough to take 40 people. Along the way, 20 female spies were responsible for protecting my safety, while the remaining more than a dozen accompanied me, all of whom were important people who were the object of negotiation. For example, the deputy foreign minister, the Deputy Minister of national security, the deputy director of the ninth Bureau, the Minister of the second Department of the General Staff Department, and so on. They are all famous figures in China's military field. I can't meet them on weekdays.

But tonight it was like a group trip. They all gathered together.

Naturally, I was nervous. Sitting in the supersonic airliner and looking at the dark sky outside the window, I couldn't help but pinch my fist.

Several vice ministers and deputy directors came to greet me. They all seem to attach great importance to me. I feel great pressure to talk to them.

The cabin was filled with a heavy, repressive and solemn atmosphere. The night outside was so low that the imitation would collapse at any time.

"Mr. Li, it's a little boring. You might as well have a look at the current news." Lan Yue, sitting next to me, saw me staring out of the plane in a daze and immediately gave me a projection watch to see the latest news reports in China.

I took over the watch projector and watched it. The watch TV projected a virtual screen in the air with all the radio stations in the world. I could search the channel I wanted to watch just by inputting instructions.

The moment I turned on the TV, I was stupid.