Chapter 478

"Junxia, zidie, Shifu, Mengmeng, aowu... And Qiu Yanran," I looked at the many girls in front of me, sighed and said, "Although I don't want to mention it... But I really want to tell you, I'm afraid this evening is really our last meeting. I... I have negotiated terms with the Ministry of national security, and I... Must go to the mechanical capital."

"I don't know what kind of place the mechanical empire is, but I know it's very dangerous. There are many mechanisms. There are all kinds of unknown high-tech weapons, an army of robots that can scare people to death just by thinking, Zeus computers that want to destroy all mankind, Moran, the leader of the terrorist organization, and Ma Bailong, a man like me. I don't know myself when I go this time I wonder if I can come back. "

I swallowed my mouth and my voice choked, but I still clenched my fists and said:

"I... I really... Don't want to go. But now, I am not the one who has the final say."

Then I looked up, looked at Qiu Yanran in front of me, bit my lips and said:

"Qiu Yanran, you brought me here. Although you revealed my identity, I'm not very angry with you. Think about it carefully. In fact, you're right. You're a smart woman with a great view of the overall situation. If the world is destroyed, we can't escape. Even if you don't disclose my identity, I'll die. It's better to take a risk."

"Qiu Yanran, I'm really just a very ordinary man. In the 21st century, I'm a very ordinary man without anything special. I live a light life and live a light life. Most of the time, I stay in my bedroom with a few jingling coins in my pocket. I'm low-key. I'm very shy even talking to girls and have few friends to deal with It's some single losers like me. They have no money and no power. They don't know what their future will be like. When they see other rich and handsome sitting in BMW Maybach Rolls Royce, they can only sigh... "

"Don't, don't say..." hearing me say so at one breath, Qiu Yanran couldn't stand. She raised her head and blushed and said, "don't say it, you're already excellent..."

"No, I want to say!" I clenched my teeth and said with difficulty, and my nose was a little sour. "I want to say enough! Say it happily! Otherwise, if I die in the ghost mechanical capital, I will die in peace!"

"Qiu Yanran, thank you for accompanying me all the way. Even if it's not you but Xiaobai most of the time, I still thank you for accompanying me... Accompanying me to Yunnan, Vietnam, Henan and Jiangnan... It's really good to have you around me. I'm very relaxed and happy. You're the cutest girl I've ever seen. Although I can't help bullying you sometimes ... but I still want to say that among the girls I know, you are the simplest and kindest. "

Listening to my story, I saw the glittering water in the corners of Qiu Yanran's eyes, and her ears were red.

I took a deep breath, then turned to Junxia and said:

"Junxia, you are the woman who has been with me for the longest time. You are also the first woman to occupy my body... Although you were interested in me at first, you did that. But I don't regret it. Junxia, I love you. I love you very much. You are smart. Sometimes you are cute and evil, which makes me very obsessed."

I looked at the purple butterfly again and said:

"Zidie, you are the girl I admire most in my life. You are smart, confident and beautiful... You have witnessed the beautiful scenery along the way from Henan to Hubei and seen the prosperity and warmth of the world... Although those days were short, they were really beautiful and beautiful. I will never forget them in my life."

Purple Butterfly looked at me quietly. Her face was slightly white, but she didn't say anything. A pair of moist and brilliant eyes looked at me.

I turned my head, looked at the little princess with red eyes, reluctantly smiled and said:

"Mengmeng, you are the most unruly girl I have ever seen. You can always poke my weakness, which makes me headache... But you are also the most energetic girl I have ever seen. You jump off, are pure, see you, your unruly, your charming, all make me feel very attractive, just like a lovely pet, I... Like you very much. I haven't treated you before Having said this, now, there is no time. I must say this to you. "

"Smelly thief, what are you talking about... It's not... It's not dead..." when I heard this, the little princess covered her mouth and her eyes became more and more red.

I didn't look at the little princess more, because time was getting more and more urgent. I looked at the obscene girl. This time, I smiled more relaxed:


"Apprentice, you don't have to say anything. I know everything." the obscene girl interrupted me, wiped her nose, grinned and said.

Seeing the obscene girl's smile, I also smiled, then nodded heavily and turned to the female wolf head.

The female wolf head stood there and looked at me foolishly. Her eyebrows were mixed with sadness and pain. Although she may not know what I was going to do, the sad atmosphere at the moment has deeply infected her.

I didn't say anything, but stepped forward, hugged the female wolf head, and then hugged her back.

"Ow......" the female wolf head also called out low and hugged my body. I patted the female wolf head on the back, comforted her and said softly,

"Oh, I'm leaving. You should take good care of yourself. Don't overeat. Don't eat indiscriminately. If you eat badly, no doctor dares to hang salt water for you. The weather is cold, and you should have more quilts at night. In the future... Maybe no one will cover you with quilts."

Speaking of this, I swallowed my voice, my eyes were sour, and finally I couldn't help crying.

I held the female wolf head and sobbed, and the female wolf head also held me and sobbed.

I am a big man, but at this moment, I still cry.

Crying heartbroken.

Holding the female wolf head, my body trembled violently, and my mood was out of control. It was so uncomfortable.

Suddenly I felt several hands gently touching on my shoulders, back and arms, and my shaking stopped. I raised my head from the shoulder of the female wolf head and turned my head. I saw Junxia, purple butterfly, Qiu Yanran, little princess and obscene girl all looking at me with tears on their faces. The six girls all shed tears to varying degrees.

"Junxia, after I leave, you can take good care of aowu, teach her to read and speak. If... I don't come back, you can take her where she wants to go. If she wants to go back to Riyue village in Yunnan... Take her."

"Stop talking." Junxia's eyes filled with tears and blocked my mouth. I found Junxia's hand trembling slightly.

"Li Jian..." Purple Butterfly came forward. She wiped tears on her eyes, then looked at me with a smile and asked, "who are you going to the mechanical imperial capital with you?"

Or purple butterfly is more able to keep her mind. Even at this time, she can temporarily suppress the love between men and women and love to ask me the most critical questions.

"At present, there are three reserved seats, Miss Menglong." Lan Yue loosened her hand holding my trouser leg, walked to zidie and said, "Because of the weight limitation of the lift cabin, normally, there are only seven normal women with a weight of about 50kg who can go with Mr. Li. At present, Laura, who is the robot information navigator, Zhu, who owns the virus that makes Zeus's computer fall back into sleep, is also the head of Pico corpse and Moran's boss Nebula, of course... And my ancestors who used to be the builders of the mechanical imperial capital. "

Purple butterfly's eyes narrowed slightly:

"I see... Ms. blue moon, your role is to lead the way. Zhu Xingyun's role is to implant viruses into Zeus's computer... Lola's role is to contain and understand the robots inside the mechanical imperial capital. Then, the remaining four..."

"Not four, but five." Lan Yue said with a smile. Then she shook her long sleeves and said, "because I am short and weigh only 15kg, so... As long as I choose a lighter spy, I can piece together a spy with me. So, in fact... Eight people can sneak into the mechanical imperial capital with Mr. Li."

Hearing blue moon's analysis, purple butterfly's eyes lit up slightly, and then nodded clearly:

"I see. I didn't calculate your weight, Ms. blue moon."

Purple Butterfly narrowed her eyes and said, "the guide, programmer and intelligence agent are all here. Then, if my reasoning is good, the remaining five members should be... Combatants?"

Blue moon looked at purple butterfly with appreciation, smiled and said, "Miss Menglong said well. The remaining five members must have good skills and quick thinking, and be able to fight and deal with Moran team. Of course... They should also have good teamwork ability to protect Mr. Li."

"Have those members been selected?" Purple Butterfly asked with a squint.

LAN Yue shook her head and said with a smile:

"Not yet. The specific personnel are still being selected, but it is conceivable that the final selection will be excellent members who surpass ordinary people. They not only have certain professional knowledge of weapons, but also have good fighting skills. In your Chinese old saying, they are... Both literate and martial arts."

"Hehe, it's really not a task that ordinary people can be competent for..."

Speaking of both literature and martial arts, purple butterfly narrowed her eyes slightly.

I looked at Junxia's daughters. The saddest expression was Junxia, and the most guilty was Qiu Yanran. She stood behind many women and didn't dare to look directly at me.

I looked at Junxia, hesitated slightly and said:

"Junxia, take good care of our children and keep healthy... Also, if I can't come back, my companies will be handed over to you. Let avaha Yi run well. Swallow, Xiaoqing and Liuli... Please tell them I'm sorry for them. Take out part of my funds to the charity fund engaged by Qin Yueyin. That's all I can do More. "

"Li Jian, stop talking..."

"Junxia, I want you to promise me!" I said in an aggravated tone.

Junxiajiao's body was shocked, and the tears in her eyes were dry. She looked at me blankly, and her voice choked.

Staring at me, she sipped her thin lips. Finally, a trace of color belonging to a mature woman flashed in Junxia's eyes:

"I promise you, Li Jian. I'll do what you say."

I smiled happily, stretched out my hand and stroked Junxia's sideburns behind my ears.