Chapter 446

"What about the language area?"

"Well... According to the results obtained, the basic function of her brain language region is normal.% it is consistent with the structure of normal people. Only... Her vocal cords are slightly wider and longer than ordinary people, the intermembrane is not very developed, the laryngeal mucosa trembles inconveniently, and the overall structure is similar to the genetic system of dogs and wolves. If some surgery is used to repair her muscle glottis and ligament glottis, Through pronunciation training, there is still hope to speak. "The director told me and purple butterfly her conclusion without expression.

"That is to say... Proud dance still has the hope of speaking?" I was pleasantly surprised.

"Yes. But it must be on the premise of the operation, and even if the operation is over, it still needs a period of vocal training. Moreover, according to the results, her language system has some degradation compared with normal people. It is difficult for her to speak like normal people."

"But her brain is more developed and active than normal people, and her memory and thinking ability should be very strong. That is to say, her IQ is much higher than normal people, and the detected IQ value is about 200 or even higher. I have only done this IQ value when I tested Miss Xu er's brain. I believe that as long as I teach patiently, her brain can Mechanics can make some simple sounds, but it's still no problem. "

"Er... What's Xu Menglong's IQ?" I asked curiously.

"IQ is a relatively comprehensive thing. If it is judged only by the ability of abstract memory and data analysis, Miss Xu er's IQ is more than 200."

I was surprised at the director's explanation. I didn't expect that the IQ of purple butterfly and female wolf head were so high that they were not normal women... Of course, I didn't think too much about IQ, but thought that female wolf head could really have the opportunity to speak, so I was secretly happy.

Moreover, the director also said that the IQ of female wolf head is much higher than that of normal people, which makes me even happier.

Indeed, from a series of contacts in the past, although the female wolf head's writing is strange, her acceptance ability has always been very strong. Otherwise, how could she become the leader of hundreds of Orc tribes, and how could she adapt to urban life so quickly?

If the female beastly with low intelligence quotient came to the big city, I would be scared to run away like a woodlouse, and how could it be like a female wolf head?

"When can the operation be carried out?" since it has been determined that the female wolf head still has the hope to speak again, I certainly have to ask when she can speak!

"This is not a major operation, and the personnel and equipment in our base are very complete. If you want to do it now, you can do it. The whole process of cutting the excess part of the vocal cord with a laser takes only half an hour, and the wound can be burned with a laser quickly. However, it will take about a week for her vocal cord to recover gradually. After that, you can hire some speakers for her The pronunciation teacher taught her some special basic pronunciation training. In less than a month, she should be able to master the simplest words and even phrases. "

"Really? That's great. I ask for the operation now," I said without hesitation.

The director looked at me and then at the purple butterfly. Zidie put her hands in her coat bag and nodded to the director:

"Do as he says. In the future, he will have the right to speak in my group. He is the one who wants to live with me. In the future, his right to speak in my base is second only to me."

When she heard zidie say that she wanted to live with me, the director's expression froze and her eyes widened slightly. She seemed to want to say something, but when she saw zidie's serious look, she didn't say anything at last. She just nodded and said:

"I see, second lady."

Then the director asked some members of the experimental team in the experimental base to come up and transport the female wolf head with colorful hands, feet and limbs tied to the bed all the way to the nearest operating room like transporting the wounded.

I followed the obscene girl all the way in.

Lying on the operating table, the female wolf head was full of panic, kept shouting and moving hands and feet. She didn't understand what we were going to do for her. Especially when she saw me, the female wolf head showed a helpless and pitiful look in her eyes. She didn't understand why I suddenly let a group of people bind her to the bed and send her to such a narrow and dark room.

"Proud dance, don't be afraid, just sleep." looking at the nervous and flustered look of the female wolf head with wide eyes, I quickly bent down, approached the female wolf head and stroked her face to comfort her, but what surprised me was that because of fear, the female wolf head actually opened her mouth and wanted to bite me. It really scared me. Fortunately, I flash fast, or I'm afraid she'll bite off the meat on my palm.

"She is in a very unstable mood now. Ask the operator to give her a tranquilizer later. Don't worry, everything will stabilize after the operation." zidie comforted me, which made my mood a little better. Looking at the confused and bewildered female wolf head, I really feel sorry for her.

Because Purple Butterfly personally checked, the operation of female wolf head was paid great attention. A total of five internationally famous and experienced surgeons operated on female wolf head in person.

The surgeon first injected an anesthetic into the female wolf head, and then began to operate.

I thought the way to use the knife was to cut the throat of a female wolf head with a scalpel like in the 21st century. But to my dismay, my thoughts are too outdated.

After all, it's 400 years later. It's too out to use a scalpel in this era. The surgeon uses a nano robot, a capsule machine the size of a fly, which passes through the mouth of the female wolf head, and then performs surgery inside.

As for the so-called surgeons, they are not around the female wolf head at all, but in front of a large screen computer. Several surgeons jointly operate the nano robot, supervise all links, and then cut the female wolf head according to the internal environment of the female wolf head vocal cord displayed on the screen and the model drawn up by the computer.

This is a little too advanced.

I looked at the female wolf head lying on the operating table with her eyes closed. I felt a little heartache. However, I was very excited to think that the female wolf head might be able to communicate with me normally.

I waited outside the operating room with obscene girl and purple butterfly, during which purple butterfly and obscene girl had a lot of communication. In other words, probably because they are all old families, obscene girl and purple butterfly are very speculative. The two women, one bold and optimistic, the other confident and easy-going, are a perfect match.

Before today, lewd girls rarely find women who talk and speculate. The little princess is barely one. Xiaobai and Junxia have always had a generation gap with lewd girls, and the female wolf head has a little physical communication with lewd girls. Now purple butterfly is finally a woman who can compete with obscene girls in all aspects of the language field. Purple butterfly has a wide range of knowledge, astronomy, geography, social history, humanities, sports, entertainment and politics. Therefore, it is also very happy to talk with obscene girls.

Obscene girl and purple butterfly are women who love to laugh. Of course, one is an obscene smile, the other is an easy-going smile. But maybe the smiles have something in common. In the end, the feelings of the two women were rising rapidly, and even... Even I, the "intermediary", was ignored.

And I can only stand aside with shame and look at the two women talking and laughing, depressed alone.

Almost thirty minutes later, the light on the operating room door suddenly came on, and then the door opened.

"It seems to be over." glancing at the lit door of the operating room, purple butterfly breathed out, smiled, then pushed the door open and went in. And I followed in.

After entering the door, I saw that the female wolf head was still lying in bed, but there was a layer of white tape on her throat, which seemed to play a fixed role.

"How's it going?" I rushed forward and asked the director.

Director Gu Jingjing tunnel:

"Don't worry, the operation is very smooth. Our surgeons are world-class experts and the equipment is also the world's leading. There is no possibility of accidents. We have corrected the mucous membranes and muscles of her vocal cords that are different from those of normal people. As long as her vocal cords heal naturally, we can try to speak."

Then director Gu bowed to me and smiled.

Seeing director Gu's smiling expression, I was also very happy.

Great, the operation was successful... Which means that the female wolf head can speak human words in the future!

I was very excited when I thought of the way the female wolf head said human words.

The female wolf head was sent to the base lounge for a temporary rest. One afternoon, I and the obscene girl were in the lounge watching TV while waiting for the female wolf head to wake up.

The TV stations in women's world broadcast some very boring life dramas. I'm not interested in watching them. I asked zidie what kind of TV series she likes to watch.

Zidie smiled and said:

"Me? I seldom watch TV dramas. I prefer to watch current political news and popular science programs. TV dramas may be more interested in reasoning dramas and historical dramas with high degree of reduction. However, I always feel uncomfortable watching real-life historical dramas performed by women disguised as men. Ha ha." Purple Butterfly smiled and sat in bed with us to rest, watching the plot of mother-in-law soap opera on TV.

Just halfway through the TV broadcast, the picture of the TV play suddenly disappeared, and then a hostess jumped out to broadcast the emergency news:

"Hello, there is an interim news. At 3:17 p.m. yesterday (October 17, 2469), the scientific research team sent by shihuiguo eleven states to the Antarctic found a man buried by ice and snow in the depths of the Maude mountains in Antarctica. According to reliable news, the man also had signs of life."

"The scientific research team immediately sent the man's body back to the central scientific research hospital in the twelve states of Shihui country for overnight rescue. After 12 hours of emergency treatment, the man has regained consciousness. According to the man who regained consciousness, he accidentally fell off the cliff when he was exploring Antarctica in 2037 and was buried in ice and snow. In other words, the man did not receive the erosion of Dy virus and was able to give birth normally. "

"This is really news that shocked the whole world."

"According to the dictation of a man found under Antarctica, he was originally a Chinese American named Ma Bailong, 28 years old. He used to live in Washington state. He was a graduate student in the Department of electronics at the University of California. He was very shocked at the world 400 years later. Now he is receiving rehabilitation training and gradually adapting to the new life 400 years later."

"The news of the discovery of men in Antarctica has caused great shock in many countries in the world. Many countries have sent reporters to cover it. Western presidents, the emperor of Japan and Chinese president Tang Yuzhe have expressed concern about it for the first time. They hope to hold a G20 summit in the near future and ask the rescued men to share some of their cells It is supplied to other countries for artificial cultivation. At present, President Bashar Sala of the beneficiary country has not responded to this. "